Closed Bug 585894 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[de] Translate Firefox Home instructional email into German


(Mozilla Localizations :: de / German, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sethb, Unassigned)





(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

If you follow this link: you will find the text for the instructional email that is sent to every user who downloads Firefox Home to his/her iPhone. Please copy this file and translate it using a text editor with UTF-8 encoding. Please note, the file contains many hrefs to external links. If your team has localized any of the support articles or other links, you will want to insert those links in place of the en-US.
Attached patch First diff of email (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'm attaching a diff for the translation of the email. Turns out we already translated most of the text in bug 585039.
Attachment #464909 - Flags: review?
Comment on attachment 464909 [details] [diff] [review] First diff of email Again trying to r? Kadir.
Attachment #464909 - Flags: review? → review?(a.topal)
There are a couple more strings which were forgotten The subject line, Set Up Firefox Home On Your iPhone and the From name, Firefox Home Account Setup Can you provide translations into the next comment of this bug?
Suggestions (Kadir may want to change them): ;Set Up Firefox Home On Your iPhone Einrichtung von Firefox Home auf Ihrem iPhone ;Firefox Home Account Setup Firefox Home Benutzerkonten-Einrichtung
Kadir spricht in der Sync-Erweiterung derzeit noch überall von "Setup" und "Account". Ich hoffe aber auf eine Änderung in "Einrichtung" und "Konto". Also für den 2. String entweder "Firefox Home-Konto-Einrichtung" (mit Bindestrich hinter "Firefox Home") oder "Firefox Home-Account-Setup".
Da müssen wir auf Kadir warten, ich hab' da nix zu sagen. ;-) Käme dann eigentlich auch noch ein Bindestrich zwischen „Firefox“ und „Home“? Also „Firefox-Home-Konto-Einrichtung“?
Attached patch Second diff of instruction email (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Grade gesehen, deine Korrektur von bug 587004 comment 3 muss dann auch hier rein, ist mit diesem Diff erledigt.
Attachment #464909 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #465775 - Flags: review?(a.topal)
Attachment #464909 - Flags: review?(a.topal)
r+ mit zwei kleinen Korrekturen +Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, besuchen Sie bitte die <a href="">Firefox-Home-Hilfe</a>. +Wenn Sie Vorschläe haben, wie man Firefox Home verbessern könnte, <a href="">lassen Sie es uns wissen</a>!
Attachment #465775 - Flags: review?(a.topal) → review+
Could you also please attach only the text of the email instead of the diff?
Attached file Instruction E-Mail
Yeah sure, here's the e-mail as plain text file. I tried to check it in to SVN, but I get „access denied“.
Attachment #465775 - Attachment is obsolete: true
No need to check this into SVN. We are simply capturing text files for the Mozilla web dev team to take. They will take it from here. Marking fixed.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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