Closed Bug 595242 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Please turn off the 3.5.12 and 3.6.9 updates while investigating bug 594699


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: christian, Assigned: bhearsum)




(1 file)

Please turn off the 3.5.12 and 3.6.9 updates while we investigate bug 595239.
Depends on: 595239
Assignee: nobody → bhearsum
Turned off with: cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox chmod 0 3.1* 3.5* 3.6* Original permissions on the directories were 775.
No longer depends on: 595239
Depends on: 594699
Summary: Please turn off the 3.5.12 and 3.6.9 updates while investigating bug 595239 → Please turn off the 3.5.12 and 3.6.9 updates while investigating bug 594699
Errr, I meant bug 594699 above. Thanks for the quick response!
Depends on: 588252
Blocks: 588252
No longer depends on: 588252
In order to have test snippets enabled for 3.6.10/3.5.13 we need to throttle the updates rather than chmod the entire directory. This patch enables that throttling. Note that 3.6.7 and earlier and 3.5.10 and earlier users *will* still receive updates to 3.6.9/3.5.12. Most of our users are on 3.6.8/3.5.11 so I figured this is good enough. The 'noextvertest' channel will have a few manually created snippets on it that will help us decide what we want to do with the real 3.6.10 snippets, so it should be unthrottled as well.
Attachment #475072 - Flags: review?(clegnitto)
Attachment #475072 - Flags: review?(catlee)
Attachment #475072 - Flags: review?(catlee) → review+
Comment on attachment 475072 [details] [diff] [review] throttle 3.5.11 and 3.6.8 updates Looks good. I'm not too concerned that people on older releases may get the updates, as the percentage of this crash overall was pretty's just high-impact.
Attachment #475072 - Flags: review?(clegnitto) → review+
Comment on attachment 475072 [details] [diff] [review] throttle 3.5.11 and 3.6.8 updates Landed & tagged: foo-ix-blah:inc bhearsum$ cvs commit -m "bug 595242: Please turn off the 3.5.12 and 3.6.9 updates while investigating bug 594699 - fully throttle 3.5.11 and 3.6.8 updates. r=catlee/legneato" cvs commit: Examining . Checking in config-dist.php; /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/aus/xml/inc/config-dist.php,v <-- config-dist.php new revision: 1.97; previous revision: 1.96 done foo-ix-blah:inc bhearsum$ cvs tag AUS2_RTM_201009141032 config-dist.php T config-dist.php foo-ix-blah:inc bhearsum$ cvs tag AUS2_PRODUCTION config-dist.php W config-dist.php : AUS2_PRODUCTION already exists on version 1.96 : NOT MOVING tag to version 1.97 foo-ix-blah:inc bhearsum$ cvs tag -F AUS2_PRODUCTION config-dist.php T config-dist.php
Attachment #475072 - Flags: checked-in+
Depends on: 596278
IT has updated AUS with the new config. I've switched the permissions on all of the 3.1, 3.5, and 3.6 dirs to 755.
These were turned back in in bug 596686.
Closed: 14 years ago
No longer depends on: 594699
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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