Open Bug 625312 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Full screen mode on Windows should show the normal window controls


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Windows 7




(Reporter: faaborg, Unassigned)



(Keywords: papercut, polish, ux-consistency)

Currently when you go into full screen mode on windows, you lose the Firefox button, and the window controls become considerably smaller.

Ideally, we should display the Firefox button and the normal window controls.  The user's tab position should still maintain whatever their preference was. (so the tabs and the Firefox button will only share the same horizontal line if tabs happen to be on top).

Also, this mode should use large icons.  Since the UI collapses out of view, there isn't as much of a need to minimize the footprint beyond what we've already done for the main window (no bookmarks toolbar by default, etc.)  With all of these changes together, the full screen interface will both look and feel familiar to the user, and it will avoid all of the strange sizes, padding, and functionality loss found in the current full screen view.
Should the UI slide down and slide up instead of popping into existence?
I'm not seeing where the Firefox button is being hidden in fullscreen mode. Is it just because it's not inside a toolbar with the fullscreentoolbar attribute set to true?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Should the UI slide down and slide up instead of popping into existence?

This bug is not about changing how fullscreen retracts and comes back into view.
Oh god the buttons are horrid, and wheres the menu?
Summary: Full screen mode on Windows should use the Firefox button and the normal window controls → Full screen mode on Windows should show the normal window controls
Keywords: papercut, polish
See Also: → 605957
Severity: normal → S3
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