Closed Bug 631961 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Platform options for add-ons which support mobile + other apps


( Graveyard :: Developer Pages, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: kumar)




(Whiteboard: [Step 2][qa+])


(2 files)

Attached file test file
steps to reproduce:
1. Create an add-on which is supported on Mobile+Firefox
2. Upload the add-on
3. Observe the available platform options

expected behavior:
Available platform options are: 
Firefox-a) All platforms b)MACOSX c) Windows d)Linux 
Mobile- a)All platforms b)Maemo c)Android 

observed behavior:
The only available platform option is "All Platforms"
Attached image screenshot
Kumar was working on these.  Kumar, if you have questions, let me know.
Assignee: nobody → kumar.mcmillan
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: 5.12.9 → 5.12.10
I forgot to mention it in the first bug but Jeff and I decided to postpone multi-platform options in the case of an Add-on that supports multiple apps because it introduces a lot of extra complexity and effort.

To complete this feature as requested, some logic around the Files data model will need to change.  For example, the concept of All Platforms currently results in single file whereas this feature would require All Platforms to result in a single file *per application*.  This would be a significant change that affects a lot of pages: upload / download / version management.  There might be another way to implement it, like creating an All Platforms file then excluding certain platforms per app on download screens.

How common is this use case?  I.E. when would an addon author provide a *single* file that is limited to supporting, say, Windows and Android?  I'd guess that in most cases an add-on with a single file supporting both desktop and Android would target All Platforms.
What kumar said too nicely is: this doesn't make sense.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
(In reply to comment #3)
> How common is this use case?  I.E. when would an addon author provide a
> *single* file that is limited to supporting, say, Windows and Android?

I think specific platforms for both desktop and mobile will be rare, but I think All Platforms on desktop and one platform on mobile will be quite common.

When I originally mocked up the UI that Krupa mentions ( I imagined a new mobileplatform column in files that would work the same way as as the main platform field.

These platforms aren't tied to a specific application, but to a device format. Just as Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, etc. all share desktop platforms, if there was a Mobile Thunderbird it would share the same platforms field with Mobile Firefox.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Target Milestone: 5.12.10 → Q1 2011
Is this something we want to support? Shouldn't the mobile version of an add-on be as small as possible?
In the mockup, what happened to the "I have another platform file" checkbox and the "upload another file" button on the initial submission page?  That would help address the issue, I think.
was overruled in the design phase
Is the course of action clear here or should we have a design meeting?
Target Milestone: Q1 2011 → 5.12.11
Target Milestone: 5.12.11 → Q1 2011
Target Milestone: Q1 2011 → 6.0.3
There is contradictory info here.  What the original feature request asks for (I think) is two groups of checkboxes: 1) Which desktop platform is this file for? ...; 2) Which mobile platform is this file for?  However, fligtar says that this was removed from the final mock up.  Should we go back to the original mock up and implement the two groups of checkboxes?
I'd like the checkboxes laid out as in the original mock, but I think the issue we'll run into is that the platform choices depend on which applications are supported and (I think) we show the platform options before parsing install.rdf.

Ideally we would show the platform choices after parsing install.rdf, based on the AJAX response from the validator.
ok, I'll lay it out like the original.  Actually, we do already use an ajax response after parsing the install.rdf -- this is how we know currently to show the mobile platforms.
Target Milestone: 6.0.3 → 6.0.4
Whiteboard: [Step 2] → [Step 2][qa+]
Priority: P2 → P1
Blocks: 646266
Blocks: 646268
Fixed in
Closed: 14 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Note that there are a couple side effects to this fix (but nothing worse than how it was before)

bug 646266
bug 646268
Filed bug 649497, bug 649486, bug 650038, bug 650040, and bug 650031. New bugs will be filed separately.

Marking this as verified.
Product: → Graveyard
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