Closed Bug 63236 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

cannot scroll down to see expanded category tree


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mike_jk, Assigned: hyatt)



(Keywords: access, helpwanted, regression)


(5 files)

If I goto preferences, and click on the arrow to show all sub menus, I could see every menu except Networking. The only way to see Networking is to click on the arrow by Debug and then reopen it. Build ID: 2000121804
Is this a dupe of buf 59108 ?
don't think this is bug 59108, since i now do get the scrollbar. what happens is that, after expanding all the categories, i cannot scroll down to view all of them --even after dragging the scroll-thumb all the way down. occurs on winNT and linux 2000.12.18.08 [comm verif] bits. doesn't occur on mac. workaround: hit the down arrow key to access the other categories. jrgm/peter, should this go over to toolkit?
Assignee: matt → hyatt
Severity: minor → normal
Keywords: access, regression, ui
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Can't open all preferences → cannot scroll down to see expanded category tree
drat, forgot to confirm...
Ever confirmed: true
can't repro using today's bits on win98. another workaround is to resize the prefs window. ->future
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Can repro on Linux build 2001010616: If necessary, shrink dialog until scrollbar appears. Then open some branches, so that the list gets longer => the scrollbar is not updated to the new list, scrolling all the way down will not work. Also, if there's no scrollbar at first, opening branches will never make one appear. Having to resize the pref panel is bad. But there's already bug 30659 for that. The really evil thing is, that in many cases, there's NO indication that there's more stuff down there.
I personally suspect this bug *is* the same as bug 59108, since it's just calculating the scrollbar size wrong in both cases. At least change the name of this bug to "scrollbar in expanded category tree is not long enough" if you want to differentiate.
still seeing this in 2001041804, recommend setting keyword polish, and milestone 1.0. This and other default pref settings need to be fixed for mozilla 1.0 as they are fairly visible polish items. Rough edges should start to be going away by this time as we are getting close to what we are deeming a 1.0 quality release. I'll attach a few screen shots of a few of the polish needs in prefs, but it is in no a way complete list.
Attached image bad scrollbar alignment
Attached image no scrollbar
would this perchance be a dup of bug 52298?
All the other alignment issues seem to be getting taken care of or have been already (some rearrangment of panels is/was going on), tho i still see the scrollbar issues as of 2001060820 first decribed in this bug report, this is a Mozilla1.0 stopper and certainly a visual UI glitch Netscape would want resolved before 0.9.2 I would think.
Win 98 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.1+) Gecko/20010613 Build: 2001061304 Reproduces as noted above, but note this (maybe a clue to fixing it?) Using the mouse for all: 1. Edit->Prefrences 2. Expand every category in reverse order (to get the scrollbar). Note that the scrollbars do not appear until you hit the first category! 3. Scroll to the end 4. Close Privacy, Advanced and Debug categories. 4. Expand Advanced category. You can scroll down and see everything fine. 5. Close Advanced category. 6. Open Debug category. Now, you CANNOT see what is in the debug category, or beneath it in the tree. 7. Close Debug category and open it. Now, you can see what is in this category and below this category. The tree length is not being passed correctly it may be an inheritence problem, given #2, and #6-7. HTH
Dupe of bug 52298? bug 59108?
Gee, maybe it's just a guess, but I don't think this one's high on hyatt's list. This one needs a new owner.
Keywords: helpwanted
This affects IM buddy lists as well. A confusing high visibility issue there.
Also got nu Scrollbar at all. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010801 Build 2001080104 SuSE Linux 7.2
*** Bug 112388 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This will be fixed when prefs starts using outliner, which is now possible thanks to jan's implementation of an outliner content model view. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 59108 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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