Closed Bug 639688 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

production deploy 1.2 release aka Phase II


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: WebOps: Other, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ozten, Assigned: cshields)




(Whiteboard: [3/10 4:00pm])

Hi Jeremy, we have a web code + db migration push.

We need to do this Wed night or Thursday. What time works for you?

We need it to also be a time when Paul is available.
1) webowonder - Update from the prod branch
git pull origin prod 
2) webowonder-demos
git pull origin master
3) run db migrations
Use the update process we used for the initial release to get new CSS, JS, and db migrations. This was probably:
./bin/ -e prod

This is a small release to show the next round of demos off.
Just so you know, Jeremy is on PTO this week. So this will either be pushed by Corey or me. We'll aim for thursday.
(In reply to comment #2)
Can we plan out a window of time, so we're sure Paul and others are available to debug issues? He is in France (timezone wise)
(In reply to comment #3)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> Can we plan out a window of time, so we're sure Paul and others are available
> to debug issues? He is in France (timezone wise)

Also, Paul is only available after 1pm PST. Can we try and ship around that time?  We just need him available in case something breaks.
CCing Infrasec and WebQA.

We'll update the bug once we're code complete, but this is an incremental change to the WoW project, release 1.2.
We are dev complete. Ready for QA / Infrasec review.
Production git branch updated and tagged 1.2.0.

Ready for release tomorrow @4pmish. 

Note: tainting stage with 1.3 work today.
Assignee: server-ops → cshields
Whiteboard: [3/10 4:00pm]
Comment #1 is still accurate, we pull from the prod branch on the Django app.

One missing step - update locales:

cd locale
svn update 
./ .
[root@pp-app-generic03 webowonder]# python2.6 vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations
Running migration 21:
UPDATE demos_submission SET hidden = b'0' WHERE slug IN ('globetweeter', 'shadows', 'motivational', 'immersivevideo');
That took 0.02 seconds

Running migration 22:
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=1 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'shadows');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=2 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'immersivevideo');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=3 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'globetweeter');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=4 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'motivational');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=5 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'remixingreality');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=6 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'londonproject');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=7 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'dashboard');

UPDATE auth_user SET first_name = 'Simurai', last_name = '' WHERE username = 'simurai';
That took 0.02 seconds

Running migration 23:

UPDATE demos_submission SET source_code_url = '' WHERE slug = 'shadows';

UPDATE demos_submission SET source_code_url = '' WHERE slug = 'motivational';

UPDATE demos_submission SET source_code_url = '' WHERE slug = 'globetweeter';

UPDATE demos_submission SET source_code_url = '' WHERE slug = 'immersivevideo';
That took 0.02 seconds

Running migration 24:

UPDATE demos_submission SET hidden = b'1' WHERE slug IN ('globetweeter');
That took 0.02 seconds

Running migration 25:

-- Phase III demos
UPDATE demos_submission SET hidden = b'0' WHERE slug IN ('runfield', 'planetarium');

-- Sort demos
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=1 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'planetarium');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=2 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'runfield');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=3 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'shadows');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=4 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'immersivevideo');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=5 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'globetweeter');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=6 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'motivational');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=7 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug ='remixingreality');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=8 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'londonproject');
UPDATE wow_demodetails SET rank=9 WHERE demo_id = (SELECT id FROM demos_submission WHERE slug = 'dashboard');
That took 0.02 seconds
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I've confused myself.

We should have released the code tagged 1.2.0. per Comment #7.

This is easy to fix, but will sound scary.

This is done regularly in development. There is no user generated content in the db, only migrations.

As a precaution, you may backup the prod database.

Assuming webowonder's database is named wow
1) log into mysql 
2) drop database wow; create database wow;
3) git update to the tag 1.2.0
4) re-run db migration

python2.6 vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations/
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Spoke with Corey, the will cycle back to us around 9pm.

!!!My comments in 11 above... should be ignored!!!

I don't see this issue if I check out a fresh copy of the prod branch.

Production should not show planetarium and runfeild, however those are only in the master branch (migrations/25-phase-III.sql).

So let's troubleshoot at 9pm, before doing anything.
UPDATE demos_submission SET hidden = b'0' WHERE slug IN ('runfield', 'planetarium');

This will hide the two demos.
Production is in a happy state.
Closed: 13 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified fixed
Component: Server Operations: Web Operations → WebOps: Other
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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