Closed Bug 64237 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

There should be more votes than 5


( :: Miscellaneous, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mlei2, Assigned: asa)



As of now, voting is pretty useless because almost no one tracks only ten or fifteen bugs, of which they can vote for five. Most people track at least 30 to 40 bugs. Also, with five votes, it is impossible to use multiple votes to indicate importance because there aren't enough to go around. If the number of votes was increased to say, twenty, this problem might be solved. (or not. Let's discuss!) I think this also depends on the 1-vote limit for unconfirmed-status-enabled components being removed. (although one could argue that, so I won't add the dependency yet.) Changing this to 3 voters (instead of votes) confirming might do it.
*** Bug 64253 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is specific to as it is simply a config issue.
Assignee: tara → asa
Component: Bugzilla → Bugzilla: Keyword/Component Changes
Product: Webtools →
QA Contact: matty → lchiang
Actually this should go to endico I think, since this is not a keyword or component change but a change to the bugzilla installation.
Assignee: asa → endico
Component: Bugzilla: Keyword/Component Changes → Bugzilla
Product: → Webtools
Raising the number of votes sounds like a reasonable idea. Not sure what the optimal number of votes is tho. Reassigning to Asa to decide whether to do it or not and if so, how many. Lisa, dmose, what do you think?
Assignee: endico → asa
I don't have an opinion on this :-), Dawn.
I like the idea of raising the total number of votes for the browser product, but I like the current 1 vote per bug limit.
Component: Bugzilla → Miscellaneous
Product: Webtools →
I have no particular opinion on this.
I would also be happy to have more than five votes. I almost don't use the voting system because of that limit.
How about 10 votes and see if anyone notices/cares?
10 Votes: Are you kidding? I thought we should be able to vote for how many bugs Blake is CCed on. Ooops maybe a bad idea. :) I think something on the line of 35 would be good. Hey, we have to vote for our own bug multiple times don't we? (Ignore the last statement)
Seriously, though - like I said, 35 would be good - as long as we could only vote 1 time for a bug just like Jesse said. I don't see the need for as many bugs in components other than browser. Maybe 10 in each of the other ones. (If that's possible - I'm too tired to log into PHPMyAdmin right now).
> I don't see the need for as many > bugs in components other than browser. Maybe 10 in each of the other ones. I assume you mean votes? 35 sounds good to me. If no one wants to remove the 1-bug limit, then let's not. Although I'm still of the opinion that the 1-bug limit was a bad hack to prevent people from confirming with votes.
Any decision on this yet? Sorry for the spam.
I vote for 10 or 15 votes with a one vote per bug limit. 35 seems like overdoing it (some bugzilla users would just vote for every bug they're cc'ed on, diluting the voting system).
OK. we now have 10 votes for Browser and 10 votes for Mail-News. That's double what we had. resolving this bug. Have fun!
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Continuation: bug 114767, "We need more than 10 votes in browser product".
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