Closed Bug 645571 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Allow opening many messages (more than the default 20 for "Open as list"), without using "more" which is slow and painful.


(Thunderbird :: Search, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wsmwk, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: ux-efficiency, ux-natural-mapping)

Provide easier means to open many messages in "Open as list". "more" messages selection can force slow workflow. If there are many hits ... and if I know I want to open all the hits, or the facetting choices on the left don't lend themselves to filtering the hits, then I am forced into an annoying workflow. For example, if a search yields 31 hits, to display them all one must: - page to the bottom of message list - click more - page to the bottom of message list - click more - page to the bottom of message list - click more - page to the bottom of message list - click more - click Open as list. There should be a faster alternative. (this might be a duplicate, but I couldn't find a big filed on it)
(wow, that is an ugly bug summary! And may still be) I keep bumping against this. And the longer that global search in general fails to evolve** beyond it's v3.0 capabilities and making me want to use quick filter bar on global search results, the more I want this restriction lifted of having to use "more" to access more than the default ~20 messages. I have a fast machine, I want to use it to full advantage - more (pun) clicks don't help. ** eg the bugs listed in Bug 596212 - [meta] make it easier to improve results set of facet search / Search all messages / Gloda Global Search - and others.
Severity: minor → normal
Summary: Provide easier means to open many messages in "Open as list". "more" messages selection can force slow workflow. → Allow opening many messages (by default 20 for "Open as list"), without using "more" which is slow and painful.
Doesn't this already work? I just searched for "bug", which gave me a lot of results (go bugmail!) and clicked on "Open in List" and it showed all of the messages that gloda found (or most of them anyway; I didn't check the exact contents :)). This is on trunk, if it matters.
Sorry, this is on Miramar, not trunk.
Hmm. so it is. I always assumed because it said 20 of N, that it would only show the 20 conversations, not the N conversations. I am happy. (and embarrassed)
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Summary: Allow opening many messages (by default 20 for "Open as list"), without using "more" which is slow and painful. → Allow opening many messages (more than the default 20 for "Open as list"), without using "more" which is slow and painful.
(In reply to comment #4) > Hmm. so it is. I always assumed because it said 20 of N, that it would only > show the 20 conversations, not the N conversations. Which is a reasonable assumption, as that forlorn button is right next to label that says 10 out of N. Iow, the ui is misleading. We have a bug that wants to move that button to the left, which would lessen such confusion, and also make that magic button easier to find: Bug 518336 - [faceted search]: Move "Open as list" button to the top-left of search results to toggle showing listview + oldstyle msg preview on the right of same tab Furthermore, I've always wondered why they changed "Show all as list" into "Open as list" which imo is much less descriptive of what it does. My question is, why doesn't TB have a [show all] button (next to [more]) on the *first* result page, or to adjust the number of wanted results myself. My search for "bug" returned only 10 items of N... (Instead of morphing this one, we should create a new one for that if it makes sense). > I am happy. (and embarrassed) No reason to be embarassed. The non-evolution of faceted search is embarassing. To begin with, there should be at least Ctrl+F simple text search of that first facted search results page (bug exists), and copy and paste... (existing bug?)
Hardware: x86 → All
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