Closed Bug 735864 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Password fields with partial SKB does not show any input in portrait (partial VKB) mode


(Core :: General, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
blocking-fennec1.0 --- +


(Reporter: nhirata, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression)

1. go to
2. click in the Password field in portrait mode
3. type "something"

Expected: "*********"
Actual: nothing seems to happen

1. placing the device in landscape will show asterisk symbols
2. using tinderbox build :
Component: General → IME
QA Contact: general → ime
Is this a regression?
I suspect this is a maple regression. If you pinch-zoom a little, the page will re-render and display the password asterisks correctly.

When I tap focus to the Password field on my Samsung S2, the page switches to a blank grey color.

When I tap focus to the Password field on my Galaxy Nexus, the page appearance does not change and does not update when I type.
Keywords: regression
Nominating because this blocks a fennec1.0 blocker (bug 707353).
blocking-fennec1.0: --- → ?
Component: IME → General
Product: Fennec Native → Core
QA Contact: ime → general
Version: Firefox 14 → Trunk
blocking-fennec1.0: ? → +
Whiteboard: [gfx]
We should retest this once bug 728983 is fixed; we have invalidation issues already, and this seems like another.
Depends on: 728983
Whiteboard: [gfx]
Time to retest.  I can't replicate on Galaxy Nexus with the 728983 fix.
Keywords: qawanted
I can't seem to reproduce this on the Samsung S II with today's nightly.

Having said that, I tried testing out the next button and I ran into an issue where I could not see what I was typing after hitting next (in the two input elements section)

Should we close this one and open a new one?
To note: in comment 7, it seems to be a refresh issue.  After I hit the home button and go back into Fennec, I can see what I typed.
Now that bug 732016 is fixed, this has changed into bug 747845.
Clearing the qawanted; this bug is no longer happening.  Text input is showing different issues.  See bug 747680

Renoming to clear this from the blocking fennec list.
blocking-fennec1.0: + → ?
Keywords: qawanted
We have backed out 732016 on inbound.  Joe has builds, we need to retest if this is dependent on 732016 or not.
Keywords: qawanted
I don't see this  bug anymore, but I am seeing a but in regards to not seeing anything being typed after hitting the next button. bug 748048
Resolving as WFM.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Keywords: qawanted
blocking-fennec1.0: ? → +
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