Closed Bug 756762 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

No Bug report possible from Firefox beta 14.0 mobile possible


(Input :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: container_1, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0
Build ID: 20120420145725

Steps to reproduce:

Tried to report a bug about add-ons, Sync and Settings via Motorola Milestone 2 MILS2_U6_2.2.16, Firefox beta 14.0 mobile via "tell us what you think" and "file a bug"

Actual results:

on opening "tell us what you think" page http://m.input.mozillaorg/de/download opens
on opening "file a bug" opens

Expected results:

-Firefox beta 14.0 mobile should be detected correctly
-for both events an easy to fill form should be opened to enter
  the comments/bugs/suggestions
OS: Windows 7 → Android
Product: Fennec Native → Firefox
Hardware: x86 → Other
Version: Firefox 14 → 14 Branch
Firefox mobile 14 = Fennec native

If I understand you correctly you want a mobile version of bugzilla ?
That would be a bugzilla bug and not a Firefox Desktop or Firefox mobile (fennec) bug.
Product: Firefox → Fennec Native
Version: 14 Branch → Firefox 14
Sorry - No you do not understand correctly.
I would report some bugs of Firefox beta 14.0 mobile with themselves but it is not detected as is and no feedback function is implemented in Firefox beta 14.0 mobile.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Sorry thats not duplicate to bug 752396!

It is not the theme that there is no feedback button!

With Firefox beta 14.0 mobile is absolutely no possibility to give any feedback in any form!

- Firefox beta 14.0 mobile is not identified as Firefox beta 14.0 mobile!
- only "feedback possibility" is to download "latest version of Firefox beta mobile"
  after click on "tell us what you think" page http://m.input.mozillaorg/de/download
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Sorry thats not duplicate to bug 752396!

It is not the theme that there is no feedback button!

With Firefox beta 14.0 mobile is absolutely no possibility to give any feedback in any form!

- Firefox beta 14.0 mobile is not identified as Firefox beta 14.0 mobile!
- only "feedback possibility" is to download "latest version of Firefox beta mobile"
  after click on "tell us what you think" page http://m.input.mozillaorg/de/download
Product: Fennec Native → Input
QA Contact: general → general
Version: Firefox 14 → unspecified
I can't seem to be able to reproduce this on other phones.  Can you add your user-agent from your phone into the bug?
Ever confirmed: true shows me:
Your User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Nexus One Build/ERE27) AppleWebkit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17
Are you using a user-agent switching add-on here? Your UA doesn't seem to be of Fennec which is throwing input off.  I'm inclined to close this as Invalid since input is behaving as intended.
Ever confirmed: false
No I do not use an user-agent switching add-on or something else.

I am using original delivered Motorola Milestone 2
Systemversion     62.2.16.A953.Retail.en.DE
Modelnumber       A953
Android-Version   2.2
Baseband-Version  EPU93ST2_U_03.02.00
Kernel-Version w00168@ca25rhe82 #1
Build-Number      MILS2_U6_2.2.16

I have downloaded from Google Play yesterday 19th May 2012
Firefox Beta 14.0

As far as I understood, I am not able to use Firefox beta 14.0 mobile with my device!?

Ok - I uninstall it and never use it again - Sorry
You can indeed use Firefox mobile on your device, we're just trying to figure out exactly what's going on. Input thinks you're not using Firefox mobile and that's why you're not able to leave feedback.
Bulk change of some old input bugs. Either the functionality doesn't exist in the rewrite or the issue is likely particular to the old input. Reopen if this was wrong.
Closed: 12 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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