Bug 781467
Opened 13 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
cancelling a send causes the send to terminate, but it is followed by a message to check settings.
(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter:, Assigned: aceman)
(1 file)
23.33 KB,
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Actual Behaviour:Pressing cancel in a send terminates the send process and displays a dialog advising the send failed and to check settings.
Expected Behaviours: Pressing cancel should simply terminate the send process. The follow-up dialog of erroneous and misleading information should not appear. The send did not fail, it was cancelled.
Comment 1•13 years ago
> Bug summary: (snip) but it is followed by a message to check settings.
What do you call by "a message to check settings" and what phenomenon by "it is followed by ..."?
"Save sent mail copy setting in Account/Settings/Copies&Folder" and "mail was saved in Sent folder"?
If so, it sounds same problem as bug 780124 by different send error, although "don't show error dialog with erroneous and misleading information" is involved in your case.
(i) bug 780124
Send -> server returns reply code, then mail is rejected -> error dialog is shown -> mail is saved in Sent -> composition window is closed.
(ii) your case
Send -> user cancels Send, then mail is not passed to server -> error dialog is shown -> mail is saved in Sent -> composition window is closed.
Comment 2•13 years ago
"a message to check settings" was "erroneous and misleading information". Sorry for my misunderstanding.
Was composed mail saved in Sent folder in your case? Or composed mail data was lost?
Comment 3•13 years ago
When "cancel of send by user", cancel is usually requested while sending mail data to SMTP server after DATA command before last "[CRLF]." as end of data indicator. In this case, I think "cancelling mail send" is possible by "force Tb's connection close" only if SMTP.
This may cause "internal send error" and following termination process which usually issues QUIT fails because connection is already closed by Tb.
This is similar situation to bug 780124.
Can you get SMTP log? (see bug 402793 comment #28 for getting log)
Following parameter is perhaps useful.
> SET NSPR_LOG_MODULES=timestamp,smtp:5,MsgCopyService:5,DOMLeak:5,DocumentLeak:5,nsDocShellLeak:5
> MsgCopyService = hook "save to Sent folder" process
> DOM... = hook dialog panel open/close
If hook of connection kill is needed, add following.
> NSPR_LOG_MODULES=timestamp,...,nsHostResolver:5,nsSocketTransport:5
In any case, remove private data from log, and remove irrelevant data from log file to reduce log size, please.
attached is the exact dialog that I consider erroneous. At the time I press cancel, Thunderbirds send dialog is still telling me is is preparing the mail (this does take 30 seconds or more.
The person who opened the bug was correct and clear.
If we press cancel just after pressing the send button, Thunderbird should NOT show any error dialog, even if an error occurs in the backgrond for any reason, just because for the user, cancel means just to stop sending process, not provoking an error, so it is not expected to see any ERROR window after canceling.
This is a wrong behavior, talking logically, as error dialogs should appear to the user only if the person didn't cancel the sending process and a critical error happened due to other reasons, not for canceling the send.
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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