Closed Bug 805071 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Chat window scrolled to beginning of chat history and can't be scrolled, when chat is open as minimized


(Firefox Graveyard :: SocialAPI: Providers, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Margaret, Unassigned)



This sounds like an issue that Facebook needs to fix, but I wanted to file it so it doesn't get lost.

I got a new facebook message, and a minimized chat window appeared with (1) in the title. When i opened it, it was scrolled to the very beginning of the chat history (years ago), and I couldn't scroll it at all.
Hi Margaret! Yeah it's on their end, I mentioned this problem to them last week and filed an issue on their tracker. But let's keep this bug open here to also keep track of it
Summary: Chat window scrolled to beginning of chat history and can't be scrolled → Chat window scrolled to beginning of chat history and can't be scrolled, when chat is open as minimized
Component: SocialAPI → SocialAPI: Providers
OS: Mac OS X → All
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: x86 → All
Severity: normal → blocker
We can't repro this issue
1. Start with sidebar closed, for me the sidebar has never been opened in the current browser session (though I have opened it before).

2. Click on "messages" in the Social API UI at the upper left, then click on a person. The person's chat window appears at the lower right, minimized.

3. Click on the person's chat window to unminimize it.

The chat window is now in the bad state (scrolled all the way up to the oldest message, no scroll bar, no window to type in) until you click on it.
For me, this happens whether or not there is a new message waiting.
Thanks for the detailed repro steps; I've been able to repro and have a fix ready.
Fix is public
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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