Bug 818899
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
Create Flicks 2013 Promotional Videos
(Websites :: Firefox Flicks, defect)
Firefox Flicks
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: tleingruber, Unassigned)
Hi all!
Underneath is the creative brief for Flicks 2013 promotional videos by the standard format.
I will send invites to meet on this as well. Hope the brief sounds good.
***Project Goal
Create a minimum of 1 video to be used as high-level promotion material on the Firefox Flicks site and in our consumer-facing channels such as snippets, Twitter, and Facebook. If budget and time allow create an additional 2-3 videos.
***Project Background
Firefox Flicks 2013 is a campaign targeted at engaging the Firefox contributor community and Mozilla reps to drive a film-creation process that builds awareness of and excitement for Firefox OS. We want out promotional videos to generate attention around the Firefox Flicks 2013 short-film contest
(ideally would include the go-live date and the creative due date)
End of February: Videos filmed and edited by Chris Crawford (if available)
Go-live date: Ideally when Flicks submissions open, end of February as well.
***Target Audience
Mainstream, Filmmakers, Creatives, Open web enthusiasts, Students, Mozilla Community
***Primary Message
Firefox Flicks a global short-film competition is back with amazing prizes.
***Secondary Messages
Submit your short-film letting the world know how to "Get mobilized"
Firefox OS
Get noticed by celebrity judges
Enter early for a chance to win an early prize
***Call to Action
Create and submit a short-film.
***Thoughts and Feelings
We want a video that will engage and inspire consumers so that they want to go out and create their own video.
We want to communicate that we’re passionate and respectful of their talent and the future of the mobile web simultaneously.
Establish Flicks as a thoughtful film competition that values the energy and talent needed to produce inspiring stories. And we intend to reward the filmmakers that inspire us.
· We want contestants and voters to be impressed with the quality of past entries, respectful of the contests objectives and giddy with potential prizes
· We want contestants to feel inspired by the website design, contest opportunity and prizes to develop quality film in support of a tight Firefox OS story
· Motivated and equipped with the all information needed to create great, unique Firefox OS films
· We want to pique the curiosity of all visitors to any of the Flicks properties that support the Firefox OS and motivate them to try it
***Mandatory Elements
Firefox Flicks logo, Call to action, URL
Firefox OS logo
Branding in video needs to align with the Firefox Flicks site
***Additional Guidelines
Comment 1•12 years ago
Thanks Tobi. I've reached out to Chris Cranford on this and he's on board if we need him.
Matej, if you have any time to start thinking of initial concepts please do so...not that we expect final details or anything, but it would help drive the conversation on Monday if we had some early stage ideas of what we might do (if only to help set the scope).
Looking fwd to working on this.
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Comment 2•12 years ago
I handed-over the video files to Ben via email. We have 3 different videos and 4 subtitled localisations (DE, FR, PT, ES) of each in addition.
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Comment 3•12 years ago
Just so it's documented here. All video links:
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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