Closed Bug 818916 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[Flicks] Downloadable Promotional Poster for Flicks 2013


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chelsea, Assigned: mternoway)



(Whiteboard: Due: 1/17)


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

Due date: Jan 15 Needs to include information on flicks, how to participate, prizing, how to enter, etc. Match Flicks 2013 look and feel. Format: 8 1/2x11 and A4 format for easy printing by reps. Ideally not too colour-heavy.
Whiteboard: Due: 1/15
Assignee: tshahian → mternoway
Tobi's ideas from the other bug: Idea: The sticker can be something more creative, more playful then the postcard. Also the format can be anything. Think of something that people will like to stick onto their laptop computers! Maybe something smart, relating to movies in general but with the Flicks looks. Creative direction: - Use Flicks logo - Flicks wordmark - URL See creative brief & due dates in main bug "[Flicks] Assets for Film-School Mailings: Brief"
Blocks: 822301
Bah! wrong bug/ here's the right info What: Posters forFilm-School-mailers. We want to use the same posters for general promotion, too. They will be localized as well. Two sizes: - Format: Standard US size - Additional size: One big (Din A2, 420 x 594mm) and one small (Din A4, 210 x 297mm) poster. The big one will be folded twice to fit the envelope, the small one is extra for other usage. Localisation: - Please keep in mind that the posters need to be localized after. If we want the community to do this again, we need to publish the Adobe file as well, maybe backwards compatible down to "Adobe CS". - I suggest to use a font that we are free to share along with the files, because otherwise it'll be a mess (In 2012 the localized posters were using different fonts) Creative direction: - Large image, engaging - Copy direction: Engaging Headline, subhead that draws more attention to the Firefox OS, CTA and URL See creative brief & due dates in main bug "[Flicks] Assets for Film-School Mailings: Brief"
One add based on info I added to the brief last night. Headline should focus on: amazing world of mobile and Firefox Flicks. The subhead focus more on amazing prizes, celebrity judges and the Firefox OS. There might be two sub-heads. Assume we will follow approved copy from the site on this.
Attached image Flicks_poster
Attached image Flicks_poster_v2 (obsolete) —
Looking nice Matt. My preference is towards #2, just because the "Firefox Flicks is back" won't work as well in places that haven't heard of the contest before. Is it possible to work in something about the prizing?
(In reply to Chelsea Novak [:chelsea] from comment #7) > > Is it possible to work in something about the prizing? It's a bit tricky because we don't have the prizing confirmed. It might be a little underwhelming to just say "prizes." I think adding in the judges as well gives it some more excitement: Enter Firefox Flicks, a global video contest about the power of mobile, for your chance to be seen by celebrity judges and win some amazing prizes.
I think that works wonderfully.
Attached image Flicks_poster_v2
Updated v2 poster with Matej's latest copy
Attachment #700583 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Nice! Thank you.
Whiteboard: Due: 1/15 → Due: 1/17
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi Matt, the versions posted here aren't the final posters I have (they say, "You're the Director. Mobile is the Star.") but could you change the headline in those previously final posters to "Get your film seen by millions"? Thank you!
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Link to print ready files for 'Get your film seen by millions' version:
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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