Closed Bug 832362 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Provide some way to get topcrash lists per single B2G_OS_Version


(Socorro :: General, task, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: adrian)



In the longer run, we'll need some way to display a topcrash list for a single B2G_OS_Version, possibly even a single release-* channel at the same time (see also bug 703018).

This probably can be provided via a search, i.e. it doesn't need a matview aggregation (as long we don't have huge amounts of data), this can be generated on a by-need basis. (As a side note, I think a number of topcrash-style reports could actually go that route.)
Adrian: can we do this via ES?
Assignee: nobody → adrian
Target Milestone: --- → 39
The problem is doing topcrashes (see bug 703018), if we can then doing it for each OS version of B2G is a less complicated problem.
Priority: -- → P1
Depends on: 678101
I'm not sure what a B2G_OS_Version is, KaiRo could you please explain? In what form is that data stored in our databases? 

It sounds like adding a way to filter by release channel in search would solve the other part of this job, if so that sounds reasonable to do. I'd rather focus on the new search UI, but I will need to do the middleware work on release channels anyway, and hacking the UI to support release channels doesn't sound complex. 

Definitely won't be in this week's release though.
Target Milestone: 39 → 40
(In reply to Adrian Gaudebert [:adrian] from comment #3)
> I'm not sure what a B2G_OS_Version is, KaiRo could you please explain? In
> what form is that data stored in our databases? 
> It sounds like adding a way to filter by release channel in search would
> solve the other part of this job, if so that sounds reasonable to do. I'd
> rather focus on the new search UI, but I will need to do the middleware work
> on release channels anyway, and hacking the UI to support release channels
> doesn't sound complex. 
> Definitely won't be in this week's release though.

B2G_OS_Versions is only in the raw JSON right now AFAIK (we recently started exposing it on the /report/index page)
As Rob says, it's a custom field in the raw JSON.
If it's not in Postgres, it's not possible to use it in search sadly. I can do the release_channel part now, and keep the OS version for when we switch to elasticsearch and the new search UI?

Btw we will need that data to be either in the reports table and/or in the processed JSON to be able to use it in search. Any plan to do that?
(In reply to Adrian Gaudebert [:adrian] from comment #6)
> If it's not in Postgres, it's not possible to use it in search sadly. I can
> do the release_channel part now, and keep the OS version for when we switch
> to elasticsearch and the new search UI?
> Btw we will need that data to be either in the reports table and/or in the
> processed JSON to be able to use it in search. Any plan to do that?

We'll need to do whatever you need for getting this into search, either in here or in a dependency. Having this bug solved is a requirement for us around the shipping time of FxOS, so we'll need to see that we do whatever it takes to get it done on some way.
Depends on: 852465
Depends on: 667028
Does bug 847939 make this doable now?
(In reply to Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] from comment #8)
> Does bug 847939 make this doable now?

Would be great if we could search in those, as with a more flexible future search implementation we'd hope we can query all kinds of additional annotations. :)
Target Milestone: 40 → 42
The part about release channels is done, moving this to future as it depends on the new search UI.
Target Milestone: 42 → Future
Depends on: 889040
Bug 928051 will probably solve the core issue of this bug in a different way (by elevating the B2G_OS_Version to the main version in B2G).
Depends on: 945894
No longer depends on: 889040
Depends on: 944432
No longer depends on: 945894
No longer depends on: 944432
This is now possible with Super Search:
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: Future → 69
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