Closed Bug 83929 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

can't undelete a message


(MailNews Core :: Movemail, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Bill.Burns, Assigned: adam)


I have my IMAP mail preferences set so that "when I delete a message: mark it as
deleted".  When I am going through my INBOX and delete a message (pressing the
delete key) I am unable to go back to that message and un-mark it as deleted.  I
used to be able to do this in Comm 4.x.

This is a problem when you accidentally delete a message and wish to undo that
operation before you "clean up folders" or quit the program.

Please allow me to press "delete" on a message already marked as "deleted" so
that it is marked as "read" but not as "deleted".
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
QA Contact: sheelar → huang
I can confirm that this is happening to me with 0.9.1 on Win 98, 2nd edition.

I'm just now trying to see if Mozilla's mail facility is good enough for me to
live with, so I don't know if this is a design decision or a recent regression.

In my case, this is convenient because I use filters to move messages to other
folders.  However, sometimes a subject line will tempt me to read a message that
has been moved to another folder.  If the message is something I really should
handle, then I undelete it to leave it in my INBOX, so I can remember to handle it.

I've looked for duplicates of this bug.  There were a couple that offhand
mentioned this, but I didn't find an exact duplicate.  Bug 82056 may be close
enough, however.  It concerns the context menu changing between "Delete" and
"Undelete" depending on the current messages status.

Also, is "movemail" the right component?  I think this is the name of the piece
on Unix that moves mail from the system mailbox to where Mozilla can handle it. 
I'd guess "Mail Window Front End", unless perhaps the Back End doesn't have the
concept of an undelete.
Marking dup of 59694 based on comments and the other bugs that have been duped
to that one (bug 62521, bug 55037).  

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 59694 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified as dup.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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