Closed Bug 84338 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

RFE: enhanced attachment, patch and request tracking


(Bugzilla :: Attachments & Requests, enhancement, P1)




Bugzilla 2.16


(Reporter: myk, Assigned: myk)





(14 files, 1 obsolete file)

6.80 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.55 KB, text/plain
18.73 KB, application/x-gzip
8.24 KB, patch
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19.99 KB, application/x-gzip
8.50 KB, patch
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11.44 KB, application/x-gzip
8.35 KB, patch
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8.35 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
9.45 KB, patch
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9.98 KB, patch
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11.02 KB, application/x-gzip
9.84 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
10.31 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
I recently developed an enhancement to Bugzilla to enable users to edit information about attachments and flag them with statuses. Attachment statuses show up in the attachment list when viewing a bug, and users can query for bugs with certain attachment statuses. Other features of the tool include the ability to mark attachments invalid, causing their descriptions to appear with strike-through style when viewing a bug, and the ability to view all attachments on one page in a series of iframes. I also created a second enhancement to Bugzilla to enable users to request changes to data in Bugzilla from other users (f.e. setting a status on an attachment). Requests generate email to the requestee and go into a queue stored in a database table. When the requestee makes the change specified in the request, the request is marked fulfilled in the database, and the requester is notified via email. Users can also view the queue of pending requests to track them. Both enhancements are implemented as a set of new files (module, script, templates) along with hooks into several existing Bugzilla scripts. While both enhancements were developed to meet specific needs to track the patch review process, they both store their definitions (attachment statuses and request types) in database tables so they can be completely customized for other uses. I set up a test Bugzilla installation and filed a bug with several patches to demonstrate the tools: Create an account for yourself if you want to experiment in a more significant way. I am writing technical documentation on the enhancements and will post it as it becomes available.
This may be able to solve bug 75176 "marking attachments as 'obsolete'". At least it's closely related.
If you try to view an attachment whose MIME type cannot be displayed by your web browser (f.e. application/x-tar), your browser asks you if you want to download it. This happens on the "View All Attachments" page as well as the "Edit Attachment" page. This is basically just a pain in the butt since the solution is to cancel the "Download" dialog. On the other hand, many pains in the butt add up to an unusable application. I'm not sure what the solution is here. One possibility is to only display attachments whose MIME type is on a list of "approved viewable types," and then periodically add types to the list as bugs get filed that "text/foo" is not recognized. I suppose we could also assume that "text/*" is fine while "application/*" is not (unless otherwise set).
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.16
Attached file Version 2 gzip archive
Additions in this version include: 1. Ability to convert an attachment into a mail-quoted comment field for reviewers who want to comment on specific portions of the patch without having to cut-and-paste. 2. Changes to attachments show up in the bugs activity list. 3. Searches for bugs with attachments having certain statuses is much faster. 4. When submitting a request, there is a comment field for adding comments specific to the request. 5. Bug requests have been implemented (but there isn't yet a link on the "show bug" page for making a request against that bug). 6. Obsolete attachments appear in strike-through style. 7. Attachments that cannot be displayed aren't, so your browser doesn't ask you if you want to download it (unless you click the link to "view" the attachment). 8. The table listing attachments on the "show bug" page resizes better in Netscape 4.x. 9. A bunch of bug fixes. The installation at landfill has been updated with the latest patches.
Comments on bzpacman demo: 1) when I "view all" on the attachment list, attachments that are not text show as "can't view this attachment" with a link to download it (good) but text attachments do not show at all. All I get is the headers for those attachments. 2) on the request screen, unless you're someone who is intimately familiar with "The Mozilla Process", you're going to have no clue what anything means on that screen. I think it's going to need some more on-screen instructions on that screen about what it does. 3) I'm not sure if it's in there or what kind of admin tools are provided for it, but it'd be nice to be able to disable some of those fields (for example, we don't have a "super-review" at any of my sites, so just review and checkin would be sufficient). Disabling requests altogether might be appropriate for sites that use Bugzilla for tech support rather than tracking an open-source product. (you can attach screen shots and the like, but who would ever need to request a checkin for screen shots? ;) Doing this by product may be desirable, too. On InTrec, for example, we have one open-source product, one closed-source commercial product, a tech support issue tracking product, and a server issues product. The open-source one we'd obviously want all this stuff. The closed source one the bugs are public, but patches don't get posted to the system, for obvious reasons, so there'd be no point in requests for that one. Likewise for tech support.
*** Bug 24646 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 44595, 71658, 75176
Since 2.16 has about 5 times the number of bugs targeted at it than 2.14 had, I would really like to see this be one of the first things checked in after 2.14 is released, and see update to use it before we go any further with 2.16 checkins. :-)
Priority: -- → P1
--- 1) when I "view all" on the attachment list, attachments that are not text show as "can't view this attachment" with a link to download it (good) but text attachments do not show at all. All I get is the headers for those attachments. --- The "view all" screen uses IFRAMES to display the attachments, so your browser must support IFRAMES to view them. --- 3) I'm not sure if it's in there or what kind of admin tools are provided for it, but it'd be nice to be able to disable some of those fields (for example, we don't have a "super-review" at any of my sites, so just review and checkin would be sufficient). --- Attachment status flags are *completely* configurable at yourinstallation/attachment.cgi?action=adminDefs. --- Disabling requests altogether might be appropriate for sites that use Bugzilla for tech support rather than tracking an open-source product. --- Disabling requests is just a matter of going to the "edit parameters" screen and turning "userequestmanager" off. --- Doing this by product may be desirable, too. --- Hmm... that is a very interesting idea. :-)
It should state on the page somewhere that it requires IFRAMEs then. There's a lot of people out there that still use Navigator 4.x :-)
Can we sniff?
Sure, just breath in through your nose :) Seriously, IIRC the "correct" way to do this would be: <iframe src="attachement_url">Your browser doesn't support IFRAME's, so you can't see this attachment</iframe> Which would display the error if the browser doesn't support IFRAME, but would look "normal" if it does.
Blocks: 70436
Keywords: patch, review
I'm going to make a valiant attempt to get this included in 2.14 before b.m.o updates. That way we have it available to us when triaging the patches for 2.16 (of which we have over 120 waiting for review).
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.16 → Bugzilla 2.14
There have been no new patches presented for this patch since the last time it was reviewed, and the issues that Jake and I brought up last time still haven't been dealt with (if they have been, the patches weren't posted) i.e. it needs more work.
Keywords: patch, review
To summarize the issues from above that need work still: 1) a suitable error should be shown to the user (Jake gave an example how) in browsers that don't support IFRAME when showing a text/plain attachment. 2) the page needs a little more information in layman's terms about what you're looking at, so that people who have no clue about the Mozilla Process can figure it out. 3) The status prefs need to be by-product and not global. Bugzilla's probably not going to have the same status requirements as Mozilla for example.
The first two issues on Dave's list have been addressed on the test installation on landfill (patches not yet posted to this bug). I'm going to look into the third one tomorrow.
points 1 and 2 r=justdave. Looks good so far :-)
Attached file Version 3 gzip archive
The latest version has been attached to this bug, and the landfill test installation has been updated to it. This version contains the following changes: 1. All three of Dave's issues are addressed. In particular, attachment statuses are now configurable on a per-product basis. 2. Templates have all been moved into the pre-existing "template" directory, and the directory structure has been reorganized for compatibility with my proposal in bug 86168. 3. Fixed a bug where creation timestamps were getting updated when an attachment was modified.
Keywords: patch, review
I have my local install cocked and ready to commit for this. However, there are people (myself included) who are nervous about checking in something this big so close to release. What I need to know is if is going to be willing to update to the tip again within a week AFTER 2.14 being released as well as the week before? If so, I'd like to push this off for 2.16 and it'll be the first thing we check in after the version is bumped to 2.15. On the other hand, Myk, if you're going to be around the week the initial update is done to catch all the issues that crop up as a result of having this live, I'll feel safer checking it in as part of 2.14. (what's here now has my r=, although I can think of a couple small issues, it's quite functional now, and we can make it pretty later :)
Dawn says updating twice will be no biggie since there'll be very few changes in between, so this is going back to 2.16. This will be the FIRST thing we check in as soon as the version number is rolled to 2.15.
dangit, I said 2.16 :-)
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.14 → Bugzilla 2.16
I'll be around after the upgrade(s) to catch any changes, so I think it's safe to get this in for 2.14 (especially since it touchs minimal existing code). However, I'm ok with pushing it off to 2.16 as long as we can coordinate the landing such that I can update b.m.o. to the tip right after it goes in but before the flood of 2.16 patches start getting checked in. (I'd like to get the flood on b.m.o. as well, but I want the patch tracker up and running first and also give the flood a chance to bake on the trunk before taking it into b.m.o.)
Attached file version 4 gzip archive
Changes in the latest version: 1. Removed the request tracker from the patch. The request tracker needs to be rearchitected, but that shouldn't prevent the patch tracker from going in. 2. Added a field to the bugs_activity table that stores the attachment id for changes to attachments. The UI for this is sub-optimal and may need to be refined. It may even be the case that attachments should have their own activity table. In the meantime, however, this field will ensure no data loss occurs. 3. Separated attachment tracking (attachment.cgi) from attachment status administration (attachstatus.cgi) for code clarity and performance. 4. Removed some obsolete code that was still hanging out (in particular the "console" and "editold" methods and their corresponding templates) and cleaned up code in general. 5. Added validation checks for all data submitted on the "edit attachment" and "add/edit attachment statuses" forms. 6. Removed the ability to move attachment status definitions to different products. Allowing this to happen would create data integrity problems with attachments whose statuses move to a different product, and it is not clear whether those flags should be cleared automatically during the move, the move should be blocked until no attachments have that status, or the move should never be allowed at all. The latter option is the safest until and unless a reason emerges for one of the former two options to be allowed.
The bugs you might have used to test this patch on landfill have been fried in order for me to ensure the patches install on a fresh installation, so check out bug #1 instead.
Component: Bugzilla → Creating/Changing Bugs
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: Bugzilla 2.13 → 2.10
correcting version field lost in product move
Version: 2.10 → 2.13
The latest patches modify processmail and the DumpBugActivity function in to include the attachment number when displaying changes made to the attachments of a bug. Before, processmail would not include the attachment number at all, and would include the attachment number in an ugly way, f.e.: Attachment is obsolete (12345) Now both routines display the attachment number in a pretty way, f.e.: Attachment #12345 [details] is obsolete The one significant change this entails is to use fielddefs.description rather than when displaying changes to fields in the bugs activity table. This means that we are displaying "Attachment is obsolete" rather than "attachments.isobsolete" as well as "URL" instead of "bug_file_loc". Doing this also enables me to insert the attachment number into the field name ("Attachment is obsolete" => "Attachment #12345 [details] is obsolete"), and it also looks a lot nicer. This change seems to be such a no-brainer, in fact, that I am suspicious there was some reason why it was not done before. Therefore, reviewers should pay close attention to the ramifications of this change.
I can't seem to find any way to edit the attachment statuses aside from knowing the URL to get to it. Can we get some sort of link either from the editproducts page (since they're product specific) or in the command footer if you have access to it?
The schema: The "attachstatusdefs" table stores the list of statuses that can be set on an attachment. Each record consists of a unique integer ID (id), the name of the status (name), an optional description of the status (description), and an integer indicating the order in which the status should appear in the UI relative to other statuses (sortkey). mysql> describe attachstatusdefs; +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | id | smallint(6) | | PRI | 0 | | | name | varchar(50) | | | | | | description | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | | | sortkey | smallint(6) | | | 0 | | +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) The "attachstatuses" table stores one record for each status that has been set on each attachment. Each record consists of a reference to the ID of the attachment (attach_id) and a reference to the ID of the status (statusid). mysql> describe attachstatuses; +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | attach_id | mediumint(9) | | PRI | 0 | | | statusid | smallint(6) | | PRI | 0 | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
And the REAL schema: mysql> describe attachstatusdefs; +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | id | smallint(6) | | PRI | 0 | | | name | varchar(50) | | | | | | description | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | | | sortkey | smallint(6) | | | 0 | | | product | varchar(64) | | | | | +-------------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 5 rows in set (0.03 sec) mysql> describe attachstatuses; +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | attach_id | mediumint(9) | | PRI | 0 | | | statusid | smallint(6) | | PRI | 0 | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Is there a particular reason for the attachmentstatuses table? Couldn't we just add a column to the attachments table for that?
>I can't seem to find any way to edit the attachment statuses aside from knowing >the URL to get to it. Can we get some sort of link either from the >editproducts page (since they're product specific) or in the command footer if >you have access to it? I'll look into this. >Is there a particular reason for the attachmentstatuses table? Couldn't we >just add a column to the attachments table for that? No, because there is a 1->N relationship between attachments and their statuses, and a column in the attachments table would only allow us to store a 1->1 relationship (i.e. one status for each attachment).
Well I guess we could have a statusset on attachments like we have a groupset on bugs. But then again, maybe not. =) Dave, this feature works basically the same as do keywords except it's product specific and has a sortkey.
>Well I guess we could have a statusset on attachments like we have a groupset >on bugs. But then again, maybe not. =) Ha ha ha.
Attached file version 5 gzip archive
Changes in the latest version include: 1. attachstatus.cgi -> editattachstatuses.cgi. 2. Added link to attachment status administration page into page footer. 3. Changed privileges required to administer attachment statuses from "tweakparams" to "editcomponents".
Patches checked in. Resolving fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #37389 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I never can find this bug [fixing]. I need a bug to track the dogfood status of this feature. This bug should not be verified unless a new bug is created for it or people agree that all the features required (eg searching for one [attachment that is not obsolete and needs review]) for dogfood are present.
Summary: RFE: enhanced attachment and request tracking → RFE: enhanced attachment, patch and request tracking
Just FYI, search capabilities for the new patch statuses are bug 97947.
Component: Creating/Changing Bugs → attachment and request management
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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