Closed Bug 846165 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Intermittent tests/test-panel.test Document Reload | First document had a content script - true == false


(Add-on SDK Graveyard :: General, defect, P1)

Windows XP


(firefox24 wontfix, firefox25 fixed, firefox26 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox24 --- wontfix
firefox25 --- fixed
firefox26 --- fixed


(Reporter: philor, Assigned: evold)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)


(2 files) Rev3 WINNT 5.1 mozilla-inbound debug test jetpack on 2013-02-27 16:14:54 PST for push 7cdeee48963c slave: talos-r3-xp-086 TEST-START | tests/test-panel.test Document Reload ++DOCSHELL 12785EE0 == 53 [id = 311] ++DOMWINDOW == 169 (23FCF7D0) [serial = 831] [outer = 00000000] ++DOMWINDOW == 170 (12660C00) [serial = 832] [outer = 23FCF7D0] ++DOMWINDOW == 171 (0C29ED38) [serial = 833] [outer = 23FCF7D0] ++DOMWINDOW == 172 (133214D0) [serial = 834] [outer = 23FCF7D0] TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | tests/test-panel.test Document Reload | First document had a content script - true == false TEST-INFO | Traceback (most recent call last): File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js", line 31, in notify callback.apply(null, args); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/content/worker.js", line 111, in null self._emit.apply(self, JSON.parse(args)); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/deprecated/events.js", line 123, in _emit return this._emitOnObject.apply(this, args); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/deprecated/events.js", line 153, in _emitOnObject listener.apply(targetObj, params); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/content/worker.js", line 223, in postMessage self._addonWorker._emit('message', data); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/deprecated/events.js", line 123, in _emit return this._emitOnObject.apply(this, args); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/deprecated/events.js", line 153, in _emitOnObject listener.apply(targetObj, params); File "resource://extensions.modules.10ac4c13-6b51-462c-9ffa-c3e0d46581e3-at-jetpack.commonjs.path.tests/test-panel.js", line 111, in exports["test Document Reload"]/panel<.onMessage assert.ok(/data:text\/html/.test(message), "First document had a content script"); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/test/assert.js", line 94, in ok operator: "==" File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/test/assert.js", line 80, in fail; File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/deprecated/unit-test.js", line 84, in fail this.console.testMessage(false, false,, message); File "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/test/harness.js", line 380, in testMessage this.trace(); --DOMWINDOW == 171 (271F98B8) [serial = 734] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:] --DOMWINDOW == 170 (112688B0) [serial = 710] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:] --DOMWINDOW == 169 (131BE358) [serial = 713] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:] --DOMWINDOW == 168 (2367F1A0) [serial = 731] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:] --DOCSHELL 23DC76A8 == 52 [id = 301] --DOCSHELL 221D5040 == 51 [id = 299] --DOCSHELL 2367F890 == 50 [id = 297] --DOCSHELL 10F23230 == 49 [id = 295] --DOCSHELL 3A944028 == 48 [id = 293] --DOCSHELL 231A5070 == 47 [id = 302] --DOCSHELL 24341FF0 == 46 [id = 300] --DOCSHELL 215543E8 == 45 [id = 298] --DOCSHELL 22A50288 == 44 [id = 296] --DOCSHELL 3AA1CAC0 == 43 [id = 294] --DOCSHELL 212E2320 == 42 [id = 292] --DOMWINDOW == 167 (0D1AD2A8) [serial = 736] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 166 (137BCC08) [serial = 751] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 165 (134CFF18) [serial = 737] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Test%20unique%20document] --DOMWINDOW == 164 (2121B370) [serial = 752] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 163 (2392ACB8) [serial = 793] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20br</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 162 (226EDD90) [serial = 790] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20bl</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 161 (2260CA10) [serial = 787] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20tr</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 160 (22B62728) [serial = 796] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20identity-box</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 159 (12DEF5C8) [serial = 784] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20tl</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 158 (0C53B198) [serial = 788] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:;charset=utf-8,] --DOMWINDOW == 157 (3A3D38C8) [serial = 785] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:;charset=utf-8,] --DOMWINDOW == 156 (112177C8) [serial = 791] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:;charset=utf-8,] --DOMWINDOW == 155 (227E0090) [serial = 797] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:;charset=utf-8,] --DOMWINDOW == 154 (22943338) [serial = 794] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:;charset=utf-8,] --DOCSHELL 12840E20 == 41 [id = 274] --DOMWINDOW == 153 (250E1040) [serial = 753] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 152 (20F1F990) [serial = 754] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 151 (1183E428) [serial = 804] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20tl</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 150 (2406E6C8) [serial = 805] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20tr</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 149 (0CD839E0) [serial = 806] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20bl</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 148 (22F5B898) [serial = 807] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20br</body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 147 (39DDA388) [serial = 808] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body%20style='padding:%200;%20margin:%200;%20background:%20gray;%20text-align:%20center;'>Anchor:%20identity-box</body></html>] --DOCSHELL 11359740 == 40 [id = 285] --DOCSHELL 120ABF08 == 39 [id = 281] --DOCSHELL 220A3F48 == 38 [id = 280] --DOCSHELL 2139EE08 == 37 [id = 304] --DOMWINDOW == 146 (3E38EEF0) [serial = 738] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 145 (211C4288) [serial = 740] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 144 (11EE4068) [serial = 743] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 143 (21CC5D90) [serial = 756] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 142 (21C2DD80) [serial = 757] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<script>window.localStorage.allowScript=3;</script>] --DOMWINDOW == 141 (113F8820) [serial = 758] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<script>window.localStorage.allowScript='f'</script>] --DOMWINDOW == 140 (236C0808) [serial = 759] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<script>window.localStorage.allowScript='g'</script>] --DOMWINDOW == 139 (21C3E218) [serial = 760] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<script>window.localStorage.allowScript=3</script>] --DOMWINDOW == 138 (13D4DA88) [serial = 765] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 137 (2080F260) [serial = 775] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 136 (0CAC5270) [serial = 780] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 135 (20DD2F88) [serial = 783] [outer = 3AB66D98] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 134 (3AB66D98) [serial = 782] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body><style>div%20{background:%20gray;%20position:%20absolute;%20width:%20300px;%20border:%202px%20solid%20black;}</style><div%20id="tl"%20style="top:%200px;%20left:%200px;">Top%20Left</div><div%20id="tr"%20style="top:%200px;%20right:%200px;">Top%20Right</div><div%20id="bl"%20style="bottom:%200px;%20left:%200px;">Bottom%20Left</div><div%20id="br"%20style="bottom:%200px;%20right:%200px;">Bottom%20right</div></body></html>] --DOMWINDOW == 133 (39EE2A08) [serial = 786] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 132 (0CC0C3A0) [serial = 789] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 131 (22851050) [serial = 792] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 130 (13987488) [serial = 795] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 129 (22F722A0) [serial = 798] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 128 (2161CC10) [serial = 799] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 127 (23C3A8D0) [serial = 800] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 126 (07CAC140) [serial = 801] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 125 (26AB91A8) [serial = 802] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 124 (3E64A958) [serial = 803] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 123 (11547070) [serial = 811] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:buildconfig] --DOMWINDOW == 122 (0B391550) [serial = 816] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:buildconfig] --DOMWINDOW == 121 (122BE910) [serial = 813] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 120 (1216C218) [serial = 814] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 119 (22BD3C28) [serial = 820] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 118 (23053718) [serial = 821] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 117 (24444A00) [serial = 822] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 116 (20B27518) [serial = 829] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 115 (12660C00) [serial = 832] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank] --DOMWINDOW == 114 (0C29ED38) [serial = 833] [outer = 00000000] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Cscript%3EsetTimeout(function%20()%20%7B%20%20window.location%20%3D%20'about%3Ablank'%3B%7D%2C%20250)%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E] Error Cleaning up: [Error 13] Access is denied: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\extensions\\10ac4c13-6b51-462c-9ffa-c3e0d46581e3@jetpack.xpi' Error Cleaning up: [Error 41] The directory is not empty: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\extensions' Error Cleaning up: [Error 13] Access is denied: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\places.sqlite-shm' Error Cleaning up: [Error 13] Access is denied: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\startupCache\\startupCache.4.little' Error Cleaning up: [Error 41] The directory is not empty: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\startupCache' Error Cleaning up: [Error 13] Access is denied: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner\\webappsstore.sqlite-shm' Error Cleaning up: [Error 41] The directory is not empty: 'c:\\docume~1\\cltbld\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpprds7w.mozrunner' Traceback (most recent call last): File "jetpack/bin/cfx", line 33, in <module> File "C:\talos-slave\test\build\jetpack\python-lib\cuddlefish\", line 602, in run test_all_packages(env_root, defaults=options.__dict__) File "C:\talos-slave\test\build\jetpack\python-lib\cuddlefish\", line 484, in test_all_packages env_root=env_root) File "C:\talos-slave\test\build\jetpack\python-lib\cuddlefish\", line 927, in run bundle_sdk=options.bundle_sdk) File "C:\talos-slave\test\build\jetpack\python-lib\cuddlefish\", line 696, in run_app OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) Exception: Test output exceeded timeout (60s). program finished with exit code 1 elapsedTime=768.406000 TinderboxPrint:jetpack<br/>0/0
Assignee: nobody → evold
Attachment #741502 - Flags: review?(dtownsend+bugmail)
Attachment #741502 - Flags: review?(dtownsend+bugmail) → review+
Commits pushed to master at Bug 846165: eliminate race condition in panel reload test Merge pull request #967 from erikvold/846165 Fix Bug 846165: eliminate race condition in panel reload test r=@Mossop
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reopening because it's happened twice in the last week or so.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Blocks: 904063
Attachment #789341 - Flags: review?(rFobic)
Comment on attachment 789341 [details] Pointer to Github pull request: Erik feel free to add a=@gozala for patches like this, I imagine there will be a few while we're dealing with intermediate failures.
Attachment #789341 - Flags: review?(rFobic)
Commits pushed to master at Bug 846165 - Intermittent tests/test-panel.test Document Reload Merge pull request #1163 from erikvold/846165p2 Bug 846165 - Intermittent tests/test-panel.test Document Reload a=@gozala
Attachment #789341 - Flags: review?(dtownsend+bugmail)
Comment on attachment 789341 [details] Pointer to Github pull request: Oops Irakli a+ this already, I forgot.
Attachment #789341 - Flags: review?(dtownsend+bugmail)
Looks like we can tentatively call this fixed (or at least changed to bug 905338). Good job Erik.
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [leave open]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla26
This is by far the top Jetpack failure we're seeing on Aurora.
(In reply to Ryan VanderMeulen [:RyanVM UTC-4] from comment #273) > This is by far the top Jetpack failure we're seeing on Aurora. My patches haven't been applied here yet.
Calling this fixed on Aurora by bug 907522.
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