Bug 85834
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Cannot add new mail server if outgoing server doesn't use default port
(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Account Configuration, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: neil+mozilla, Assigned: racham)
I use a non-default port for my outgoing smtp server (it is
tunneled through SSH) When I try and add a new mail host,
I get an alert from the "server information" pane.
No matter what I enter into the "server name" field I get
an alert "Please enter a valid hostname".
If I change my outgoing smtp server to just be a simple
hostname then I *can* enter new mail hosts.
This also is matched by the behavior when initiallly configuring
the mail system. If I enter an outgoing server as "name:port"
it fails; "name" works.
For all it is worth, netscape 4.x used to allow entering name:port.
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Comment 1•24 years ago
I forgot to mention a not-so-minor point (why isn't there a place
to put this?) This was in mozilla 0.9.1
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Comment 3•24 years ago
bug 84465 is about IMAP ports. Those are settable via the control panel. SMTP
ports are not, at the moment. Status -> NEW.
Ever confirmed: true
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Comment 4•24 years ago
Just to be clear: the issue isn't whether or not you can
add a port number when specifying the host (I wish you could,
but that's an enhancement request, not a bug).
The problem is that when you set a port for the outgoing
smtp connection (IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FORM), you can
no longer add new hosts. This is a UI / input validation
I suspect there is code that is shared between the "first time"
validation that takes both an incoming and outgoing smtp server
and the "add a new host" form that just takes a "read" server;
I suspect the form validation is checking both incoming and
outgoing. This validator seems to use different (more restrictive)
rules from the validation on the "set outgoing server" form.
I hope that is more clear.
Comment 5•24 years ago
Build 2001-06-15-04: WinMe
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Account Settings
2. Go to the Outgoing SMTP Server panel and add a non-standard port entry
"name:port". I was not sure what to enter but typed "test:112"
3. I set the new smtp entry to be the default account
4. In Account Settings, select the "New Account" button so that the Account
Wizard opens.
5. Configure for an "ISP or email provider" account
6. In the Server Information dialog enter a valid server name
Actual Results: A message appears stating to enter a valid host name. If I go
back to the Outgoing SMTP Server panel and no longer make "name:port" the
default then I can progress through the Account Wizard.
Expected Results: Shouldn't I be able to add another account even with the
non-default port entry in the Outgoing SMTP Server panel?
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Comment 6•23 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 96304 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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Comment 7•23 years ago
Sigh. I marked it as duplicate of the wrong bug. The duplicate is
96309, not 96304.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
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Comment 8•23 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 96309 ***
Closed: 23 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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