Closed Bug 893850 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[B2G][l10n][WiFi]German: Connect with WLAN is truncated


(Mozilla Localizations :: de / German, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:-, b2g18 affected, b2g-v1.2 affected)

blocking-b2g -
Tracking Status
b2g18 --- affected
b2g-v1.2 --- affected


(Reporter: sparsons, Assigned: aryx)



(Keywords: l12y, Whiteboard: [leo-triage], LocRun1.2)


(2 files)

Attached image screenshot
Description: Connect with WLAN is truncated Repro Steps: 1) Updated to Leo Build ID: 20130711070209 2) Go to Settings 3) Select Wi-Fi 4) Select Connect with WPS Actual: Connect with WLAN truncated Expected: Connect with WLAN truncated Environmental Variables Gecko: Gaia: 55ed5e08a2250ea2d3571fff860c39e66fabed14 Platform Version: 18.1 Notes: Repro frequency: 100%
Blocks: 892075
No longer blocks: 892075
Talked with localizer. As per the truncation bug blocker guidelines, this should be considered as a blocker because the cropped label will not be understood. No workaround was found for this case
blocking-b2g: --- → leo?
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Flagging Neo to advise on possible UI adjustment. Neo, please feel free to work with VxD or reassign this as appropriate.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla) → needinfo?(nhsieh)
leo triaging partners do not have this as a target launch market, leaving leo-triage to decide.
Whiteboard: [leo-triage]
At this point we're not taking more blockers unless they're partner-championed or critical security/regression.
blocking-b2g: leo? → -
Reassigning to Eric to see if we can make a visual design recommendation here, even if it's not blocking.
Flags: needinfo?(nhsieh)
How much of the string is being cut off? Will reducing the font size by 1pt allow it to fit?
(In reply to Eric Pang [:epang] from comment #6) > Will reducing the font size by 1pt allow it to fit? No. The header "WLAN-Einrichtung per WPS" is shown as "WLAN-Einrichtung...". Ugly solution: Shortening to "WLAN per WPS" ("Wi-Fi by WPS"). Most reasonable? "WLAN-Einrichtung" The small line below contains "WPS". The menu item "Verbindung mit Zugriffspunkt per PIN" is shown as "Verbindung mit Zugriffs..." Most reasonable? Changing the small line to "WPS-Verbindungsmethode" ("WPS connection method") so the "Verbindung" ("connection") can be dropped from the menu items, allowing to shorten this menu item to "Zugriffspunkt per PIN"
Still repros in Buri 1.2 commercial RIL. The title bar text reads: WLAN-Einrichtun... Build ID: 20131025004000 Gecko: Gaia: 606517ceafe0950c2b89822d5f13353743334f2c Platform Version: 26.0a2 RIL Version:
Whiteboard: [leo-triage] → [leo-triage], LocRun1.2
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Sorry for the back and forth, everyone. Please let me know if bug #927785 helps to address the header issue specifically, and/or if bug #908300 helps with the rest. Re-flag us if either/both of these do not work and ad-hoc solutions are required.
Flags: needinfo?(firefoxos-ux-bugzilla)
Attached patch patch, v1Splinter Review
Changed it to "PIN from/for Access Point" ("PIN für/vom Zugriffspunkt"). Hochgeladen als:
Attachment #8334922 - Flags: review?(kairo)
Attachment #8334922 - Flags: review?(andre.fiedler)
Assignee: nobody → archaeopteryx
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #8334922 - Flags: review?(kairo) → review+
Blocks: 928174
Comment on attachment 8334922 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1 >+# DE: ALTERED >+wpsMyPinLabel=PIN für Zugriffspunkt >+# DE: ALTERED >+wpsApPinLabel=PIN vom Zugriffspunkt Sollte man das in der Sprachdatei zweimal stehen lassen?
Attachment #8334922 - Flags: review?(andre.fiedler) → review+
(In reply to André Fiedler from comment #12) > >+# DE: ALTERED > >+wpsMyPinLabel=PIN für Zugriffspunkt > >+# DE: ALTERED > >+wpsApPinLabel=PIN vom Zugriffspunkt > > Sollte man das in der Sprachdatei zweimal stehen lassen? Da es zwei verschiedene englische Text sind meiner Meinung nach ja. Wenn man das für mehrere Zeilen (in der Regel gleicher Art wie z.B. in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl einer Variablen) einträgt, sollte man es auch entsprechend kennzeichen.
Ach, ok ich hatte das "..My.." und das "..Ap.." überlesen. Mein Fehler, alles ok! :o)
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