Closed Bug 903600 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[fig] Bookmarks list folder interaction UX is unintuitive


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Theme and Visual Design, defect, P1)



(firefox26 fixed, firefox27 fixed, fennec26+)

Firefox 27
Tracking Status
firefox26 --- fixed
firefox27 --- fixed
fennec 26+ ---


(Reporter: mcomella, Assigned: ibarlow)



1) When you go down into a folder and have an additional bookmark in the list below this folder, the page scrolls (probably because the boomkmarks below are removed), which is a bit startling

2) In addition to (1), everything outside of the folder is removed and only entries inside the folder are shown, which is unexpected to me - the old bookmarks should remain - (the scrolling of (1) makes this more difficult to intuit)

3) There is not much indication that you are inside of a particular folder - the folder you clicked remains on screen and the "back" button is very small and hard to see. Perhaps highlighting the folder entry in a particular color and/or indenting its contained bookmarks would help?

4) The button to go up a level is small and hard to hit

Disclaimer: This interaction is hard to test due to bug 903592 so this has not been heavily tested
ibarlow, any input?
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
I'd like to try it before commenting, but I can't reproduce this until we resolve bug 904081 -- Figgy Fennec crashing on startup with Sync... :/
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
(In reply to Ian Barlow (:ibarlow) from comment #2)
> I'd like to try it before commenting, but I can't reproduce this until we
> resolve bug 904081 -- Figgy Fennec crashing on startup with Sync... :/

ibarlow, bug 904081 has been fixed. Any input here?
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Ok, I see a couple of things we can do here to improve this flow. I agree it's a little off.

1. We should be making it clearer that you are inside a folder, first by hiding the bookmarks thumbnails when you enter. The fact that they remain on screen makes for a very confusing mental model. 

2. We should visually treat the "up a level" row differently than the other items. At one point we had discussed making it a slightly darker blue, not sure what happened there. 

3. We should add a subtle crossfade when transitioning between folder levels, to visually reinforce that you are going to a 'new page'. 

Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
I'm going to nominate this one as it looks like an important UI change to do before the release.
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Priority: -- → P1
Assignee: nobody → ibarlow
tracking-fennec: ? → 26+
Crossfade? So we replace the list shown with the child level. Which means, there are no two different pages that can be cross-faded. Or in fact two lists that can be cross-faded. Would like to have a shrink-fade-out and grow-fade-in animation on thumbnails to show the levels? (I was thinking of translating the list to scroll away the thumbnails. But that will have re-layout issues).
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Sorry, not sure what you're actually asking me right now Sriram :)
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Oh. We cannot cross fade from parent list to child list. Instead can we shink + fade-out the thumbnails when navigating to the child folder (only from the top most level).. and grow + fade-in when returning back to parent folder?
That sounds... visually complex. I'm open to trying it, but if there is a more subtle way to communicate going from one folder level to another, that would be preferable.
I believe this bug will be fixed by removing the grid from the bookmarks panel (see bug 917394) i.e. we'll be restoring the original UI for bookmarks navigation. Ian, agree?
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Yeah, that sounds right -- not a problem with the new layout.
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
This will be fixed once we land bug 917394.
Depends on: new-new-about-home
Bug 917394 is fixed now. Closing.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 27
Bug 917394 is now fixed in Aurora (Firefox 26).
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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