Bug 907569
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
Link to Communication Dashboard from the menu
(Marketplace Graveyard :: Developer Pages, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: kngo)
(Keywords: uiwanted)
(3 files, 1 obsolete file)
steps to reproduce:
1. Submit a new app
2. As a reviewer, ask for more information
3. As the developer of the app, try to find a way to go to the communication dashboard
observed behavior:
Link to Communication Dashboard from the menu. See screenshot.
Comment 1•12 years ago
Bram: Could you update the devhub header mockups that you've made to include the communication dashboard link? Thanks!
Keywords: uiwanted
Comment 2•12 years ago
What do you think about putting the content of the communication dashboard page under the “manage status and version” page?
This is based on two assumptions:
1. The status and version page already contains review-related information. For example, if an app is approved or rejected, the review message is posted on this page.
2. “Request more information” already constitutes a kind of review. That is, it appears as a tab along with push to public, reject, disable, escalate and comment.
In the end, whether we decide to separate request info and app review or combine them, we should still follow the header and sidebar navigation pattern proposed on bug 860373 attachment 780835 [details].
Assignee | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Assignee: nobody → ngoke
Updated•12 years ago
Priority: -- → P3
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Comment 3•12 years ago
My only concern with putting that info in Manage Status & Dashboard is that it might get lost since that page is already information dense.
Does it make sense to highlight the review information as long as the app(or app version) is pending review. This is when developers are most interested in this information. Once the app is public, we can bury the information but still make it accessible with a link. This would clear valuable real estate.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•12 years ago
Comment 5•12 years ago
Attached is a mockup with better resolution that visualizes the link between the communication dashboard and the existing “status and versions” page.
The communication dashboard will change subtly based on the type of message that the reviewers last sent:
1. If message is approved, then show a link called “publish”. This link will take seller to the “status and versions” page, where he can publish the latest version of the page.
2. If message is rejected, then show a link called “re-submit”. This link will take seller to the “status and versions” page, where he can resubmit and upload a new version of the app.
In both cases, we will also show a link called “send a message to the reviewer”. Upon clicking, this link will expand a comment box. This is to anticipate a scenario where, for example, seller wants to ask clarification about the rejection.
3. If the message that the reviewer sent asks for more information, the comment box is automatically expanded, and no link is displayed. The assumption here is that the seller wants to say something back to the reviewer.
In all cases, conversation history is displayed on the bottom of the link and comment box, so the seller can track who says what at which point in time.
I decided to give each reviewer message a color and icon label for both “approved” and “rejected”. The visual style of the label doesn’t have to be followed to the letter. What’s important is to have a visual indication of what kind of message does the seller get from the reviewer, and for the interface to respond smartly to the kind of message with links to common actions.
On the “status and versions” page, notice a link called “send a message to the reviewer”. This is to anticipate situations where seller wants to send a message for whatever reason. Clicking on this link will take seller to the communication dashboard.
Since the dashboard and the status page rests at the same level of the hierarchy, this proposal calls for the “communication dashboard” to be app-specific. That is, every app should have its own dashboard.
Thus, “communication dashboard” should be a link on the sidebar along with “listing”, “team members”, “compatibility and payments”, and so on.
To have a communication dashboard that would house all apps under the same interface — which is an idea we might like to pursue — we will need to figure out an entry point that’s globally accessible.
Attachment #796949 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•12 years ago
One dashboard for all apps is very trivial, just need to decide on an entry point.
I am working on this now, a link on the sidebar takes the developer to a page, still within the Developer Hub, with an embedded Commbadge dashboard inline.
Comment 7•12 years ago
It’s good to know that making a dashboard that covers all apps is easy.
For now, I think that one dashboard per app will be less confusing to developers. After all, each app has its own listing page, team members, price and country, and is reviewed individually. So why shouldn’t communication be isolated individually, also?
Please have a look at attachment 780835 [details] page 17 to see how the sidebar navigation could potentially be structured.
Basically, if dashboard is made to apply on a per app basis, we’ll have a link called “communication dashboard” under each app’s sidebar heading. If the dashboard apples to all apps, we’ll need another entry point.
Let’s not forget to add a “communication dashboard” link to the “Manage My Submissions” page, also.
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•11 years ago
Here's what we have now:
- a "View Communication Dashboard" link that goes to the app's newest thread if it exists else link to the all-app dashboard.
We should change Commbadge to be able to view dashboards on a per-app basis (given an app_slug), and have the developer pages link to the per-app dashboard. As well as have links to older/newer threads when viewing just one thread of an app.
Resolved for now...further developments will be put in newer bugs.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 2013-10-21
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Comment 9•11 years ago
I filed
Verified fixed @
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Comment 10•11 years ago
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