Closed Bug 90946 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Yahoo! Radio crashes and does not work


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skeeter, Assigned: joe.chou)




(Keywords: crash)


(4 files)

Crashes 100% of the time after clicking on a listen to at Yahoo Radio. To produce. 1. Go to 2. Find a type of music in the menu 3. Click to music type and click on listen to from a station 4. Go through the preference check, it is automatic and if cancelled
Sorry about that but hit the tab button and it was registered by the browser as a entry button (possible bug?) Anyway: 4. Go through the preference check, it is automatic and if cancelled it will stop the check, completly. 5. Then a webpage radio will start to load and it is in this process is when the browser with crash with an error in the GKPLUGIN.DLL Other System info: 96 meg edo ram Build ID 20011070414
Over to plugins for investigation.
Assignee: jst → av
Component: DOM Other → Plug-ins
QA Contact: gerardok → shrir
Reporter: Can you download a build with talkback ? After you crashed and talkback submitted the crash , run "Install-Dir\components\talkback.exe" and poste the talkback ID# in this bug. Thanks.
Hi Okay, I'm downloading a windows talkback zip at the moment.
Hi No luck in crashing to verify, no talkback ID# can be given. Using Mozilla build ID 2001-07-31-02 windows talkback zip What happened there was that the embedded RealPlayer just blended in and out. One moment it was there then it was not as if it was stuck in a refreshing or reloading circle. That it is a java applet type of player I saw in the java console that it was repeating the same cycle over and over. Here is what it kept on repeating. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: RMObserver at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at Source) at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) But as stated before, it was not possible to repeat a crash with a warning or mention of GKPLUGIN.DLL hence no crash data or ID.
This Media Helper window keeps refreshing for me in an endless loop. I am on NT. There should be a dup somewhere.
we had bug 83499 was marked dup of 80105 (ver/fixd). This is newer. I see the behaviour Andrei mentioned..the plugin keeps reloading every 2 secs... I don't crash..
oops...talked too early... I see the 'puzzle icon' inside the flashing movie window, seems like asking for 'mplayer2' plugin. On NT , media player 6.4 is the last version that doe snot work..we have a bug on that. However, the real thing I wanted to mention is tha tI crashed ultimately after clicking inside the puzlle icon to get the plugin ( took a while to crash..but it did finally
Ever confirmed: true
Hi You know what the really sad is. It just updated my NS 4.76 to 4.78 went to the problem page clicked on classic rock and after going through the Player check am now rocking to the FOX 101 out of KCMO (I'm in Vienna Austria) This is the way it should also happen in Mozilla, my daily browser. I did notice something different thou, after the Player check in Mozilla my RealPlayer was rated as a number 6 and an udate was offered. Of course I didn't do this because I'm using RealPlayer 8 Plus. After the check in NS 4.78 the #8 was correctly found and of course the WinMedia Player (OP: Win ME), needless to say in Mozilla the check didn't find the WMP. IMHO, if Mozilla ever hopes to be a real player on the net with Joe and Susy Normal using it, then it needs to get it's act together. For myself, I guess I'm a real geek on this in that I'll always use Mozilla because of its more advanced rendering i.e. SVG, MathML and XHTML. Sorry for the rant, guess I want my cake and the iing too. Steve SVG examples for Mozilla unplugged
Nominating topembed. Strange, I could not reproduce the crash in my debug trunk build, but none the less, it did not work as expected. Looks like Radio is doing some funky stuff. However, here's the stack from Talkback on the latest NS 6.1 build that crashed trying to use Real Player (install correctly): 0x00000000 PresShell::~PresShell [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\base\src\nsPresShell.cpp, line 1481] PresShell::`scalar deleting destructor' nsTextInputListener::Release [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\forms\src\nsGfxTextControlFrame2.cpp, line 235] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\base\nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 50] StyleSetImpl::CantRenderReplacedElement [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\content\base\src\nsStyleSet.cpp, line 1192] FrameManager::HandlePLEvent [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\base\src\nsFrameManager.cpp, line 1063] PL_HandleEvent [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 591] PL_ProcessPendingEvents [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 524] _md_EventReceiverProc [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 1072] nsAppShellService::Run [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpfe\appshell\src\nsAppShellService.cpp, line 426] netscp6.exe + 0x16f0 (0x004016f0) netscp6.exe + 0x11b8 (0x004011b8) netscp6.exe + 0x3397 (0x00403397) KERNEL32.DLL + 0x17d08 (0x77e97d08)
Keywords: crash, topembed
OS: Windows ME → All
Summary: GKPLUGIN.DLL crash after chosing player → Yahoo! Radio crashes and does not work
I see the crash. I went through the detection process, it opened some sort of 'welcome' clip using RP as a helper app, and then after I chose radio station crashed firing an assertion first. It asserted nsMathMLmtableCreator::CreateTableCellInnerFrame() (nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp): NS_ASSERTION(doc.get() == aDocument, "content doc != frame ctor doc"); Stack trace follows.
Attached file stack trace
Wow, so looking at the source, there is a lot going on here. In addition to Real, there is Java too that's being done with document.writes(). It looks like the culprit may be navigator.plugins.refresh(true). Commenting that out seems to make it work. In fact, disabling the page refresh ALSO makes this work. So what is the real problem here? Taking out the Java markup, I discovered that this page just keeps reloading until it eventually crashes. This makes sense though, based on the Javascript markup and how I understand navigator.plugins.refresh(true) should work. Perhaps there is something that prevents this infinite loop that we missed.
This virtually one-liner keeps reloading!
Peter, would you try just this? <html><body> <script language="JavaScript"> navigator.plugins.refresh(true); </script> </body></html>
i tried it on win nt 0801 trunk. page keeps refreshing all the time. not on 4.x tho..
Adding 4xp because Nav 4.x and IE 5.5 are smart enough NOT to get caught in this recursion. We really aren't doing anything wrong here, but we should get this right to be up to par with Nav and IE plus Yahoo! and maybe other sites use this method. How to fix? I don't see any easy way without using a timer or holding the last timestamp of a webNav in plugins.refresh() and checking for a threshold. But what should the threshold be? cc:ing Brian Nesse for an idea of how 4.x did this.
Keywords: 4xp
An option is to say that the code is doing what it is supposed to do. Nobody would send say WM_PAINT message to itself from inside onPaint() method. Thus WONTFIX. 4.x and IE obviously have some fool-proof mechanism as they don't keep reloading. If we want to be en par, should we go further and do the same for say window.location.reload()?
I think it would make sense to separate the issues which we saw working on this bug. I see at least two of them: 1. Crash on CantRenderReplaceElement event, has most sensible stack trace I think 2. Endless loop reloading the page if we somehow didn't crash in #1 which may result in crash too. I have just filed bug 93351 on issue #2, marking dependency.
Depends on: 93351
Hello I know that is thread is not for Netscape per-sai however you might be interested in knowing that in NS 6.1 (I managed to grab a copy while they were testing the ftp site) the same problem still exists. The frame containing the javascript for the RealPlayer just gets caught in a endless cycle of reloading. Which means after they release NS 6.1 officially and Joe or Susy Normal go to Yahoo and want to listen to music can't.
Nominating nsenterprise. If there are two bugs in this one report, then log the other one and farm it out as 'topembed' and 'nsenterprise' too. should i try to evangelize the site not to use navigator.plugins.refresh() without isolating it to a method (say a 'button event' etc.)?
Keywords: nsenterprise
copying comments for bug 66015 : I am not a windows media preferrer but I found another page. Go to (Yahoo one), it will test the plugins, dispay versions greatly and correct. When test finishes, broadcast popup window (they made kind of a browser via javascript) opens. I was also happy to see wmedia player there (I saw the plugin, it allocated its space perfectly) than NS 6.1 Final told me "This plugin generated errors" than crashed Since Yahoo Broadcast is a major site I wanted to note this quick. Win2k pro here with wmedia 7.1 (netscape plugin installed) PS: Reported to Yahoo too
Severity: normal → critical
The refresh loop problem has been fixed. Direct link (see attch. 44414) to the frame with player now works. And I don't see the crash any longer. However the original url does not work as expected. Can anybody confirm?
on today's trunk, I confirm that the crash is gone. however the plugin does not load and I am stuck in a loop where the media helper detects realplayer on my system, I click on 'Accept Settings' and then I get a 'No matching stream' message. Clicking on 'Run Media Helper' goes thru the sme cycle. video never laods..hmm
Andrei, actually yahoo radio works ..i can see/hear realplayer(don't see player control panel, new bug?). My earlier comment was about
Build ID ' 2001 08 15 04 winzip with talkback. No crashes, however no sign of the Real Player Showing and no sound. Over at, plug in works fine, even QT works fine. Will you all are looking at this plugin thing, got two other problem sites, and At the general site pages work fine. If you are a 'member' and have a '' None of your private play lists work. You get sent to a help page on how to enable plugins in browsers. This occurs only in Mozilla and NS6X Funny that on the public pages, playlists work fine. Launch, also a member site if you want to listen to more than 2 songs. Big problem there, if you are a member and go to the edit your personal profile and tastes, there is a page that starts a monster of an applet that has slide bars (div) to set things like mood music on a scale of 1 to 10 ect. Anyway, this is a dangerous site for Mozilla visitors total resource crash, no keyboard or mouse response-- hard reboot is the only way out, and no I not going to retest this page, 3 times is enough of hard reboot. NS 4x and IE no problems on this page. Back to this in my nightly listed above 2001081504 fixed is not true.
removing the "nsenterprise-" so it won't show up as a conflict of top embed
Keywords: nsenterprise-
It works now on my Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.3+) Gecko/20010816 build! Shrirang, would you please check? And the branch build too.
This could be important: I have no Java installed. With Java in place I see no player controls, but its status bar (the thing which says 'buffering') is visible although badly misplaced. But the clip starts playing! Something tells me that there is Java involved. I think the plugin part of this bug was fixed (93351 and the crash), reassigning to OJI for investigation. Please bounce it back if disagree.
Assignee: av → edburns
Component: Plug-ins → OJI
this does not work on the branch/trunk builds for me on winNT. Used 0822 trunk and branch. Without java, I cannot even proceed on my NT. with java, I see what I mentioned here: ------- Additional Comments From shrirang khanzode 2001-08-10 15:36 -------
This bug is marked topembed. Ed, is there any way you can take a look? Thanks!
I already have Real Player installed on my machine. How do I make mozilla aware of it? I can't listen to the radio with only Windows Media installed into my mozilla. Peter, can you please help me install realplayer into my trunk build?
Ensure that nppl3260.dll & nppl3260.xpt are located in your "components" folder. You may have to do a FULL install of NS 6.1, and then copy these files to Mozilla.
on my NT, I had only realplayer installed with today's brnach build 0917 and this works fine. I can listen to the radi ostations without crashing.
Ressign to Joe Chou, as I am no longer working officially on OJI.
Assignee: edburns → joe.chou
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6, could you re-test it with the most recent Netscape 0.9.4 based build and the most recent version of the client embedding Gecko? thanks.
using 1004 branch on winNT, it worked fine, I do not see a crash, music plays with realplayer. Pls note ,I do not have java installed on my system, and maybe that is why this works? cc: bmartin to test on latest version of client embedding gecko.
never mind the above comment about java( I DO have it installed). wfm
filed bug 103383 for an issue I noticed while testing this.
Blocks: 64833
Build 2001 10 11 17 Windows zip talkback Using the new beta of RealONEPlayer Everything looks okay at Yahoo Radio except one problem, no music plays. Can't test the RealPlayer because the new RealONEPlayer uninstalls RP and RealJukeBox before installing.
removing topembed
Keywords: topembed
Hi All Perhaps a lot of this is on Yahoo's side. Just tried lycos new webplayer (not their app, but the webpage embeded) Couldn't check it for RealPlayer or RealOnePlayer,they don't offer it yet, but they seem to know how to call the Windows Media Player #7.1 and it works fine. Not only that the menus all work and the selection of music is a hammer to say the least. Using Mozilla 0.9.5 Build ID # 2001 10 11 17 OPS: Windows ME
Depended bug 93351 fixed, and the last comment said it worked now. Mark WORKSFORME.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Well, it doesn't work for me, but perhaps it is just the new RealOnePlayer. It runs out in 8 days and will be putting back in ReaPlayer 8. I'll check it then. It looks alright but no buffering or music.
Nope, and once more nope. It don't work. Put back RealPlayer Plus back in and no difference Looks great, full size but no music, no buffering ect. At CNN RealPlayer works fine in this build # 2001 11 14 03. At zilch: nothing. Browser or Yahoo ?
reopening based on skeeter's comment.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Hi Same as before nope, doesn't work. Build ID 2001 11 16 03 win zip OS ME
Is anyone still getting a crash with current builds, or can that keyword be removed?
This works just fine on both Netscape 6.2 and today's Mozilla build 2001112003 using Real Player 8 and JRE 1.3.1 on Windows XP. Reporter: Be sure you have everything installed correctly. Here are steps to reproduce: 1. Download and do a FULL install of Netscape 6.2: 2. Download today's Mozilla 3. From the Netscape 6.2 COMPONENTS folder, copy nppl3260.dll and nppl3260.xpt to the Mozilla COMPONENTS folder 4. From the Netscape 6.2 PLUGINS folder, copy NPOJI600.DLL, NPJava11.dll, NPJava12.dll, NPJava131.dll, and NPJava32.dll to the Mozilla PLUGINS folder. 5. Start Mozilla and visit about:plugins and verify RealPlayer and Java are installed. You should then be able to listen to Yahoo! Radio. If you have problems with Real One, please file a SEPERATE bug on THAT issue. Thanks!
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi NS 6.2 plays both formates RealAudio (never checked it before in NS 6.2) and Windows Media. The WMA also looks correct in shape and postion. The RealAudio Player doesn't. Position and size were wrong until window was put out of focus and then refocused a couple of times. I could post screen shots if anyone is interested. At the moment I'm downloading a new trunk nightly and will test it I was real suprised that the WMA worked. I will check all the components as suggested before test. That this is being written in NS 6.2 will close and install the new trunk, after the song from CCR is over ;-) The two files from the components folder were new to me.
Build ID 2001 11 20 03 is now installed and is playing The Fox from KCMO from Yahoo! On the start of the page, the RealPlayer was the wrong size and place after refreshing (this time) the window it opened in the correct place and size. Interesting that the Windows Media Player can't be found in Mozilla, but can in NS 6.2 Anyone want to open a new bug, I don't. I agree, Yahoo Radio now works with the RealPlayer. Thanks
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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