Closed Bug 91996 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Downloading the file second time crashes.


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: skasinathan, Assigned: asa)



(1 file)

steps: 1. Download a file. (I downloaded today's trunk build to c:\temp.) 2. Download the same file again to the same location. "Do you wanna replace..." dialog comes up and click ok. Boom..crahes. Build: Todays commercial BRANCH build on Win 2K. consistently able to reproduce. PS: Please change this bug to app. component. Thanks!! Stack trace: Incident ID 33249709 Stack Signature ntdll.dll + 0x4b9b1 (0x77fcb9b1) 7ae93fef Bug ID Trigger Time 2001-07-23 15:45:36 User Comments Saving a file second time crashes....... Build ID 2001072306 Product ID Netscape6.10 Platform ID Win32 Stack Trace ntdll.dll + 0x4b9b1 (0x77fcb9b1) ntdll.dll + 0x4b733 (0x77fcb733) MSVCRT.DLL + 0x1d92 (0x78001d92) MSVCRT.DLL + 0xb2de (0x7800b2de) DOMGCCallback [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsJSEnvironment.cpp, line 1481] js_GC [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsgc.c, line 1305] js_ForceGC [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsgc.c, line 944] js_DestroyContext [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jscntxt.c, line 228] JS_DestroyContext [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsapi.c, line 884] nsJSContext::~nsJSContext [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsJSEnvironment.cpp, line 390] nsJSContext::`scalar deleting destructor' nsJSContext::Release [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsJSEnvironment.cpp, line 397] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\base\nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 50] GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 648] DocumentViewerImpl::LoadComplete [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\content\base\src\nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 1126] nsDocShell::EndPageLoad [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\docshell\base\nsDocShell.cpp, line 3731] nsWebShell::EndPageLoad [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\docshell\base\nsWebShell.cpp, line 912] nsDocShell::OnStateChange [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\docshell\base\nsDocShell.cpp, line 3652] nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStateChange [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\uriloader\base\nsDocLoader.cpp, line 1095] nsDocLoaderImpl::doStopDocumentLoad [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\uriloader\base\nsDocLoader.cpp, line 734] nsDocLoaderImpl::DocLoaderIsEmpty [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\uriloader\base\nsDocLoader.cpp, line 632] nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStopRequest [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\uriloader\base\nsDocLoader.cpp, line 563] nsLoadGroup::RemoveRequest [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\netwerk\base\src\nsLoadGroup.cpp, line 517] nsCachedChromeChannel::HandleStopLoadEvent [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\rdf\chrome\src\nsChromeProtocolHandler.cpp, line 446] PL_HandleEvent [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 591] PL_ProcessPendingEvents [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 524] _md_EventReceiverProc [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\threads\plevent.c, line 1072] nsAppShellService::Run [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpfe\appshell\src\nsAppShellService.cpp, line 426] netscp6.exe + 0x16f0 (0x004016f0) netscp6.exe + 0x11b8 (0x004011b8) netscp6.exe + 0x3366 (0x00403366) KERNEL32.DLL + 0x17d08 (0x77e97d08)
Keywords: nsbeta1
Adding Vishy to the cc list, so that he can reassign this bug to the right owner and component. Thanks!!
Blake - can you try this out? Suresh - did you see this with a debug or release build? also adding jst due to DOM on the stack and Lisa.
Vishy - I saw this using release build. (Today's BRANCH Commercial build). I'm updating my debug build...will update soon. But definetely it is 100% reproducible.
I can't reproduce in today's branch comm nightly on win2k. I clicked on the Mozilla 0.9.2 Windows link on and saved it in D:\. When it finished downloading, I clicked it again, chose to save it in D:\, pressed Yes in the confirmation, and it downloaded fine. are the various senarios I have tried so far. *ALL RESULTED IN A CRASH*. I see 2-4 different stack traces. 1. I tried to download M0.9.2 from I did it twice and didn't see a crash. Then I went to ftp://sweetlou....and clicked on today's branch link (2001-07-23-06-0.9.2). Crashes. 2. Went to my publich directory where I have which.exe file (jazz/users/suresh/publish). I downloaded couple of times and went to mail, switched to another folder...Crashes. If you don't see a crash try switching to another folder and read some msgs.
stephend - can you try this bug out to see if you can reproduce it?
QA Contact: doronr → stephend
Hmmm..interesting. I'll try to reproduce this again, but wanted to get this stack and info to this report before Moz took a dive again! :-( I couldn't reproduce using Suresh's scenario (the 1st one). What I did, and crashed with, was downloaded a 34 meg file (Paint Shop Pro 7) from, then while that file was downloading, I attempted to download the same file again. The XUL window (saving file) appeared, but was blank, until the 1st file was finished downloading, and moving from the salted temp directory onto my Desktop, where I had specified it to save to. When the 2nd window tried to populate itself with the file's info, I crashed. I'll post a stack.
Rats. Doing my same exact steps, I couldn't reproduce this crash again. I'll keep poking at it though. (this was with a restart)
more info yet: This time, I wasn't downloading anything, but clicked on my inbox, and just read a bugzilla mail. Crashed, same stack as suresh and my other.
vishy or nisheeth - any ideas of a possible owner? The crash seems to be in js area.
Could it be jband/dbradley's fix to mozilla/ dom/ src/ base/ nsJSEnvironment.cpp (1.146)?
fyi: I'm able to duplicate this crash using BRANCH Debug build on Win 2K.
I backed out changes to bug 87389 and still able to duplicate this problem. Here is the stack trace I got using debug build. nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext>::get() line 631 + 3 bytes nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext>::operator nsDerivedSafe<nsIScriptContext> *() line 644 GlobalWindowImpl::DropTimeout(nsTimeoutImpl * 0x05ae3c50, nsIScriptContext * 0x00000000) line 3568 + 11 bytes nsGlobalWindow_RunTimeout(nsITimer * 0x05ae3b30, void * 0x05ae3c50) line 3717 nsTimer::Fire() line 194 + 17 bytes nsTimerManager::FireNextReadyTimer(nsTimerManager * const 0x012cb430, unsigned int 0) line 117 nsAppShell::Run(nsAppShell * const 0x00573c90) line 118 nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x0055da00) line 426 main1(int 1, char * * 0x00484260, nsISupports * 0x00000000) line 1234 + 32 bytes main(int 1, char * * 0x00484260) line 1538 + 37 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! 77e97d08()
I couldn't duplicate this bug using 7-20 and 7-18 BRANCH commercial bits in Win 2K.
Not sure if this bug is a dupe of bug 91950. I was not able to reproduce this bug (91996) using the 2001-07-24 commercial branch on Win98. (I am also unable to reproduce bug 91950 using 2001-07-24 commercial branch, but I did experience the bug using 2001-07-23.)
Are we verified this is fixed on today's build? Need to know ASAP!
Whatever the fix/backout was, this seems to be working for me now with 2001-07-24-06-0.9.2 on Windows 2000. Suresh, same for you? If so, mark this and then I'll verify it.
This one seems to be fixed for me too using today's branch comm bits on win 2K. Marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified. I will re-file if I see this again (crossing my fingers).
I bet this was fixed by my fix for bug 91919.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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