Closed Bug 943841 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Meta] Gaia onscroll listeners does not work with APZ


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vingtetun, Unassigned)



This is a pure Gaia bug that is due from the switch to sync scroll events versus async scroll events. We can not rely anymore on the onscroll handler or scroll events since those are fired times to times only.

This bug is a meta for all the bugs found in various app that use onscroll / scroll events.
Moving to followups issues since we fire the scroll events much more (every 40ms) to mitigate any potention issues. Real fixes will come in 1.4
Blocks: gaia-apzc-2
No longer blocks: gaia-apzc
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
Should this bug cover setting apz.pan_repaint_interval to something smaller too? It is currently set at 250ms which is too high, and this directly affects how often scroll events are received by gaia. Bug 943849 changed apz.asyncscroll.throttle which only affects the mozasyncscroll event.
I filed bug 968495 for this, to keep this one open as a metabug.
Depends on: 968495
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.4+
Clearing blocking flag - per a drivers' decision, QC needs to nominate individual actionable bugs to be FC & QC blockers, not block on meta bugs.
blocking-b2g: 1.4+ → ---
Vivien, since you lost the 1.4+ on this bug, please open individual bugs for all Gaia apps that need this in order to hit the performance targets for 1.4
Flags: needinfo?(21)
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #5)
> Vivien, since you lost the 1.4+ on this bug, please open individual bugs for
> all Gaia apps that need this in order to hit the performance targets for 1.4

I think this bug is fine now that we used sticky. The gallery bug seems to be irrelevant here and is mostly checkerboarding.
Closed: 11 years ago
No longer depends on: 943845
Flags: needinfo?(21)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Flags: needinfo?(nhirata.bugzilla)
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