Closed Bug 946620 Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Building Blocks] Dialogs Prompts Have Inconsistent Rendering Behaviour


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::System, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: padamczyk, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: ux-tracking, visual design, visual-tracking, bokken )

Dialogs are inconsistent:
1. Rendering placement: Sometimes they render on top of the status bar, sometimes not.
2. Layout: Content layouts are inconsistent, they should follow a system / spec (to be attached).
Blocks: 946615
No longer depends on: 946615
Blocks: 950751
No longer blocks: 950751
Blocks: SysFE
No longer blocks: 2.0-visual-refresh
No longer blocks: Settings-1.4-VSD
Blocks: 965885
Blocks: 965887
Blocks: 965889
Need specs from Harly first.
Flags: needinfo?(hhsu)
Can we cite some examples Patryk?   I think that there are some cases where we have a in-app dialogues the status bar cannot be covered since it exists in context of the application.
No longer blocks: SysFE, 965885, 965887
Currently there is a problem between what application and system can do. Some dialog are displayed by the application, while some are displayed by the system. System can cover the status bar, but applications on the other hand cannot. Therefore, for the sake of consistency, I am proposing having all the dialog not covering the status bar, and to do that, system dialog should be modified to not cover the status bar.
Flags: needinfo?(hhsu)
After offline discussion with Vivien, Jonas & Casey, it is agree to modify the system displayed dialog not cover the status bar.
(In reply to Harly Hsu from comment #4)
> After offline discussion with Vivien, Jonas & Casey, it is agree to modify
> the system displayed dialog not cover the status bar.

Hey Harly, has this been fixed?  Can we close this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(hhsu)
Hi Eric,
This issue still hasn't been fixed, hopefully we can get it in in 2.3 with the new common components. Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(hhsu)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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