Closed Bug 9657 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[feature] Tree D&D - Tweak Drops on containers


(Core :: XUL, enhancement, P1)






(Reporter: trudelle, Assigned: mikepinkerton)



(Whiteboard: [PDT-] 1 day)

Drag Feedback	1 day	hyatt	0%
Mass changing all XPToolkit M10 feature 'bugs' to target as p2 enhancement for
Blocks: 9673
taking shit from hyatt.
Assignee: hyatt → pinkerton
moving on to m11 because with all the infrastructure work i have on my plate,
there's no way i'm getting to these in M10.
Blocks: 9685
No longer blocks: 9673
Whiteboard: 1 day
added estimated remaining duration in status whiteboard field
Whiteboard: 1 day → 2 days
Blocks: 12666
Blocks: 12716
Priority: P2 → P1
Depends on: 13406
Whiteboard: 2 days → 3 days
moving all d&d post beta. Lame.
No longer blocks: 9685
Blocks: 15774
Summary: sched: Tree D&D - Drag Feedback → Dogfood sched: Tree D&D - Drag Feedback
adding Dogfood to get on radar. PDT: you have made some D&D bugs 'real' dogfood,
but not commented on others. Do we have a decision on when all this work needs
to be done?
Whiteboard: 3 days → [PDT-]3 days
Putting on [PDT-] radar.  We expect D&D to be porkjockey based an architecture
landing ASAP.  Subtle details of D&D will not be considered PDT+.
my brain cannot parse that sentence. what landing asap? huh?
Target Milestone: M15 → M12
moving dogfood-related d&d stuff back to M12. woohoo!
mass-moving all m12 bugs to m13
Blocks: 18471
Whiteboard: [PDT-]3 days → [PDT-] only minor tweaking remains
Just need to tweak a little once people start using it. I want to change the drop
on a container feedback. using this as a placeholder.
dividing up phillips qa contact bugs, he no longer works here
drag&drop is once again post-beta according to marketing. moving all d&d bugs to
Putting dogfood in the keyword field.
Keywords: dogfood
*** Bug 31719 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Whiteboard: [PDT-] only minor tweaking remains → [PDT-] only tweaking drops on containers remains
Summary: Dogfood sched: Tree D&D - Drag Feedback → [feature] Tree D&D - Tweak Drops on containers
Whiteboard: [PDT-] only tweaking drops on containers remains → [PDT-]
Whiteboard: [PDT-] → [PDT-] 1 day
Blocks: 31814
better now, still not as nice as it should be though.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I'm not sure what "tweak drops on containers" means, and am reassigning this
feature bug to trudelle to verify. (Laurel has independently verified 31719.)

Mike & Peter, please feel free to re-QA assign this bug back to me with an
explanation of what this means if you'd like me to verify it for y'all.
QA Contact: elig → trudelle
I don't see how to drop on a container at all (at least in Bookmarks window).  I
get feedback before or after, but not on. In mail, I get a highlight for
dropping on a folder, but it also shows the underline indicating after.  reopening.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
could be a 256 color thang, but since this works on mac and linux and you can't 
show me, i'm closing this. the color used to hilight is skinnable, so perhaps we 
just need to make a 256 color skin.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 18471
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