Closed Bug 973535 Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Setup Puppet for Mozmill CI Ubuntu machines in


(Mozilla QA Graveyard :: Infrastructure, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Assigned: whimboo)




Given that the Puppet infrastructure has been setup for us already a while ago, we want to get started in getting it used. Therefore the first step will be to integrate the Ubuntu machines. As of now we have Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.10 as 32bit and 64bit. Dustin, would all dependencies be fixed for those two releases? Especially the clones of the Ubuntu 13.10 distribution and packages?
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
We have Ubuntu 12.04 repositories in place already. We do not have the 13.10 repositories mirrored, though it shouldn't be terribly difficult to add that mirror on your puppetmaster. I'd recommend starting with 12.04. Once that's working, 13.10 should fall into place relatively easily.
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #1) > We have Ubuntu 12.04 repositories in place already. We do not have the > 13.10 repositories mirrored, though it shouldn't be terribly difficult to > add that mirror on your puppetmaster. Most likely we will no longer need 13.10, but 14.04 instead. Given that this is the next LTS release of Ubuntu we will get rid of all of our current 12.04 and 13.10 machines, and only have 14.04. Given that we would need those builds soon, could you plan on mirroring it once it has been released? How long does this process usually take until we have a working mirror for a new version? Could there be some pitfalls for new releases with PuppetAgain? > I'd recommend starting with 12.04. Once that's working, 13.10 should fall > into place relatively easily. Sounds good. It's one of our goals this quarter to get Ubuntu and OS X puppetized, so we will get started soon.
Blocks: 996629
Mirroring takes as long as an rsync does - so a matter of hours. For 12.04, we mirrored everything, including the restricted and universe sections. It's not totally clear that was necessary, and the result is 107G, well over half of the space required for the puppetmaster. I believe that "universe" is the bulk of that. Could we start by just mirroring main and restricted, and then perhaps cherry-picking files from universe as necessary?
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
Sure the only additional software we really need for now is Adobe Flash and Java. Otherwise our system is mainly blank. For details please see:
Great! Can you ping me when 14 is released, then?
Assignee: nobody → dustin
Sure, will do. Probably we will work with Adrian or someone else first to get it running in the usual way. Once we are fine and don't see any problems, we could go ahead with Puppet for that version. I think this bug can become a tracking bug for all the work necessary. So dependent bugs will be filed then.
Depends on: 997385
As a note, for testing puppet on Ubuntu we already have ( setup.
Dustin, when I run 'puppet agent --test --noop' on that machine, I get the following failure: Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: web_proxy does not support Ubuntu at /etc/puppet/production/modules/web_proxy/manifests/init.pp:18 on node Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Flags: needinfo?(dustin)
That file has case $operatingsystem { CentOS: { file { "/etc/environment": content => template("${module_name}/environment.erb"); } } default: { fail("${module_name} does not support ${operatingsystem}") } } so, no case for Ubuntu. Adding support on Ubuntu is now bug 997721. As I mentioned in irc, Releng doesn't use the Mozilla proxies (we get a special legacy exception, lucky us), so we haven't had to deal with this particular issue.
Depends on: 997721
Blocks: 997738
(In reply to Dustin J. Mitchell [:dustin] from comment #5) > Great! Can you ping me when 14 is released, then? Ubuntu 14.04 is out:
See Also: → 999435
I'm mirroring trusty to relabs now. If that works OK and isn't too huge. I'll copy that over to the moco puppetmasters and we'll go from there. I'll need to add a patch so that precise continues to look at the precise repo, with trusty looking at trusty.
Good news! Without the universe section, it's only 30GB. I'll put that on releng-puppet2 now, and it will mirror to the QA master from there.
Blocks: 1000449
No longer blocks: 1000449
Dustin, is all the base work to support Ubuntu 14.04 done now? If yes we might want to re-assign this bug to myself.
No longer blocks: 996629
It's not, since I'm on PTO. Jake (copied) is waiting on it too.
Depends on: 1014784
Depends on: 1014789
Bug 1014789 suggests that we regressed some 70% on svg opacity. I'm not quite sure what this bug does, but I hope this is a technical issue rather than a real regression. Could someone please explain in a sentence or two what this bug fixes/changes, and if you think it could cause a real regression?
Avi, this bug is about setting up some new hosts -- not a code change. I suspect you've got the wrong bug.
sorry, typo'd the bug originally
No longer depends on: 1014784
No longer depends on: 1014789
Dustin, we have to add your nodes as a new slave type. Given that we have slaves for mozmill-ci and tps-ci, I wonder who we should subclass them. I assume 'build' is currently used by RelEng for the buildbot builders. Shall we use 'qa-mozmill' and 'qa-tps', or without the QA prefix?
Assignee: dustin → hskupin
Depends on: 1006891, 1024938
Blocks: 987540
Depends on: 1107993
Depends on: 1108588
We are no longer interested on Puppet given that we make use of taskcluster now.
Closed: 8 years ago
QA Contact: hskupin
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Mozilla QA → Mozilla QA Graveyard
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