Closed Bug 978321 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[SMS] Multi-Recipient should return to thread list after clicking "send" (now on 1.4!)


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Not set


(b2g-v1.3 affected, b2g-v1.4 affected)

Tracking Status
b2g-v1.3 --- affected
b2g-v1.4 --- affected


(Reporter: jhammink, Assigned: julienw)


(Keywords: regression)

This is a repeat of as it seems to have regressed on 1.4. Gaia 9422aca1931ba6c68784f9e80bb1b6a7fcfd92e3 Gecko BuildID 20140228040203 Version 30.0a1 Dec 19 14:04:55 CST 2013 STR: 1. Compose and Send an SMS to multiple recipients, 'a' and 'b'. Expected: You will go to a thread list with both 'a', and 'b' Actual: You go to a threadlist containing only 'a'. Actual:
From Noemi in Bug 875314 comment 10 it also happens on 1.3.
blocking-b2g: --- → 1.3?
Keywords: regression
John Is this seen on 1.1 or 1.2? Did we regress within 1.3?
Flags: needinfo?(jhammink)
QA Wanted to check the behavior on 1.1.
Keywords: qawanted
QA Contact: lmauritson
On 1.1 when sending to two recipients the user is backed out after sending the message and shown two separate threads, one for each contact and both with the same message. v1.1 Build 20140218041202
Keywords: qawanted
Flags: needinfo?(jhammink)
What about 1.2? Wondering if we ever had this working.
Keywords: qawanted
Comment 4 says quite clearly that it works as expected on 1.1. Also, I had time to think about this over night, and I think my patch in Bug 974733 will fix it.
just adding that it also properly works with v1.2, environment details: Device: Hamachi BuildId: 20140304063407 Platform version: 26.0 Gecko: 0adc9d3 Gaia: 539a25e
blocking-b2g: 1.3? → 1.3+
Depends on: 974733
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #6) > Comment 4 says quite clearly that it works as expected on 1.1. > > Also, I had time to think about this over night, and I think my patch in Bug > 974733 will fix it. Given this passing this onto you for now Julien, please feel free to reassign if someone ends up investigating further. Thanks !
Assignee: nobody → felash
The issue began in 1.3 build 20131128040201. No tinderbox builds existed inside this window to be tested. LAST GOOD 1.3 Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ BuildID: 20131127040203 Gaia: d4b9a3d271f0451b4d903a03c2b931b8cc092041 Gecko: 6ecf0c4dfcbe Version: 28.0a1 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg FIRST BAD 1.3 Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ BuildID: 20131128040201 Gaia: 0d57ec2801ae125ec855a19cf956ab118660d694 Gecko: a5e7f611546f Version: 28.0a1 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg GAIA / GECKO New Gaia old Gecko: Reproduced New Gecko old Gaia: Did not reproduce Determined to be a Gaia issue: Short version:
bug 929919 is suspected for causing this regression.
Blocks: 929919
We wouldn't block the release for this bug n? for 1.4
blocking-b2g: 1.3+ → 1.4?
Will still be fixed by the patch in bug 974733 that is due for 1.3 ;-) Maybe it's better to just dupe?
(In reply to Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] from comment #12) > Will still be fixed by the patch in bug 974733 that is due for 1.3 ;-) > > Maybe it's better to just dupe? Yeah, let's just dupe it then.
No longer blocks: 929919
Closed: 11 years ago
No longer depends on: 974733
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
blocking-b2g: 1.4? → ---
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