Closed Bug 980239 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Failure syncing 3rd-party engines: POST to non-existent collection returns 404


(Cloud Services Graveyard :: Server: Sync, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: markh, Assigned: rfkelly)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])


(2 files)

Via irc, a log which includes: 1394094421371 Sync.Tracker.Addons DEBUG Saving changed IDs to addons 1394094421373 Sync.Tracker.AdblockPlus.private DEBUG Saving changed IDs to adblockplus.private 1394094421506 Sync.Tracker.AdblockPlus DEBUG Saving changed IDs to adblockplus 1394094510505 Sync.Service DEBUG User-Agent: Firefox/30.0a1 FxSync/ 1 ... 1394094510905 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus DEBUG First sync, uploading all items 1394094510905 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus INFO 1 outgoing items pre-reconciliation 1394094510906 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus INFO Records: 0 applied, 0 successfully, 0 failed to apply, 0 newly failed to apply, 0 reconciled. 1394094510908 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus INFO Uploading all of 1 records 1394094510912 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST Length: 475 1394094511054 Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: POST fail 404 1394094511054 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST fail 404 1394094511055 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus DEBUG Uploading records failed: 0 1394094511055 Sync.Status DEBUG Status for engine adblockplus: error.engine.reason.record_upload_fail 1394094511055 Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => error.sync.failed_partial 1394094511055 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG adblockplus failed: 0 No traceback available 1394094511056 Sync.Synchronizer INFO Sync completed at 2014-03-06 09:28:31 after 0.55 secs. 1394094511057 Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 600000 ms. 1394094511057 Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG Some engines did not sync correctly. Disabling that engine via prefs was a work-around. Probably worth trying to fix in 29 if there are a few such broken engines.
Component: Sync → Server: Sync
Product: Firefox → Mozilla Services
Summary: Failure syncing 3rd-party engines → Failure syncing 3rd-party engines: POST to non-existent collection returns 404
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: [qa+]
That...that should not be possible. I suspect this will be a fun one...
Assignee: nobody → rfkelly
I don't fully understand this bug but I'm going to assume this dependency change is correct!
Blocks: 969626
No longer blocks: 969593
Yes, it appears to be a server-side issue of some sort, a 404 on POST to a collection is wildly out of spec.
Well at least I managed to reproduce it on my own account; attaching sync log for my reference
STR: instal Stylish and StylishSync addons, attempt to sync, see errors due to "stylishsync" collection giving a 404.
Reproduced on stage, and I can see we're getting an IntegrityError when trying to create the new collection: IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) (1048, u"Column 'collectionid' cannot be null") '/* [queryName=INSERT_COLLECTION] */ INSERT INTO collections (collectionid, name) VALUES (%s, %s)' (None, u'stylishsync') (This results in a 404 because the code assumes "oh, I couldn't insert the collection, someone must have created it at the same time as me" and then it goes to re-read the collectionid).
Depends on: 980776
Looks like the stage (and I assume prod) dbs appear to be using an old schema, which makes insertion of custom collection names fail: Bug 980776.
Database schema updated, stylishsync now works for me with custom collection names.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Well, after the db schema update it seems StylishSync and RequestPolicySync are now working as they should but the latest AdBlock Pus development build now gives another error instead of the 404: Sync.Collection DEBUG mesg: POST fail 500 Sync.Collection DEBUG POST fail 500 Sync.Engine.AdblockPlus DEBUG Uploading records failed: <html> <head> <title>Internal Server Error</title> </head> <body> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> </body> </html> Sync.Status DEBUG Status for engine adblockplus: error.engine.reason.record_upload_fail Sync.Status DEBUG Status.service: success.status_ok => error.sync.failed_partial Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG adblockplus failed: <html> <head> <title>Internal Server Error</title> </head> <body> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> </body> </html> No traceback available Sync.Synchronizer INFO Aborting sync for failure in adblockplus Sync.Synchronizer INFO Sync completed at 2014-03-07 14:34:09 after 1.04 secs. Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Starting client-initiated backoff. Next sync in 14834050 ms. Sync.SyncScheduler DEBUG Next sync in 14834050 ms. Sync.ErrorHandler DEBUG Some engines did not sync correctly. Could someone please look into it? Seems something else is wrong here...
Attached file AdBlock Plus error
Complete log attached. The warnings at the beginning don't occur in other logs. Most likely happened because I updated some add-ons in between. Don't know if this is intended to throw an Exception.
Moved the internal server error bug into bug 981294.
Product: Cloud Services → Cloud Services Graveyard
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