Closed Bug 984503 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Add "Remove Firefox Account" option to FxAccount status activity


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: Android Sync, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Firefox 34


(Reporter: nalexander, Assigned: vivek)



(Whiteboard: [lang=java][good second bug])


(2 files)

This is already possible from Android Settings > Accounts, but it's not very intuitive.  We might want to make this a menu, so it's not really visible; but it's available for SUMO, etc.
ibarlow: do you have strong thoughts about this?
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Blocks: 984509
(In reply to Nick Alexander :nalexander from comment #1)
> ibarlow: do you have strong thoughts about this?

To be honest I don't... I can see the argument for wanting to make it easier for users to access, but I also wonder how much people are looking for it and how much we actually want to expose it? 

It might be the kind of thing we would want to provide easier access if we reach a point where users can add more than one Firefox Account to Fennec, which *might* lead to users adding the wrong account to a profile or something. I can't really see value in prioritizing this work before then, though.
Flags: needinfo?(ibarlow)
Yes, been looking for a way to do this but missed this bug. I like Chrome's bottom row 'disconnect Google Account' and warning dialog ("If you stop syncing, the data stored on this device as well as the data stored in your Google Account will remain in both placed. However, new data or changes you make to your data will not be synchronized between them")
This is a good nth bug.  vivek, are you interested?

The code changes will be in

0. Add appropriate strings for button label and warning messages.

1. Add button to FxA preferences screen, or add menu to the status activity.

2. Connect button to "delete account alert dialog" in FxAccountStatusFragment.

3. Implement deleting the account entirely (using the AccountManager).
Mentor: nalexander
Flags: needinfo?(vivekb.balakrishnan)
Whiteboard: [lang=java][good second bug]
Yes, I'm interested in working on this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(vivekb.balakrishnan)
Assignee: nobody → vivekb.balakrishnan
Mentor: nalexander
Attached file link to github patch
Link to Github pull-request:
Attachment #8476256 - Flags: feedback?
Attachment #8476256 - Flags: feedback? → feedback?(nalexander)
Blocks: 1056707
Comment on attachment 8476256 [details] [review]
link to github patch

Sorry I took so long to get to this.  This is awesome, great patch!  My only concern is showing the menu on phones that don't have a hardware menu button.  We show the three dots menu by hand in various parts of Fennec: see around

One way we might do this is to optionally add an extra "status option" that says, for example, "More..." and pops up the menu.  We'll need to think about this and solicit feedback from a UX person.  You can see where we do something like this at

Can you see what optionally adding that menu looks like (as a second commit, on top of what you've done)?

Once again, sorry for the slow feedback loop.  This is basically ready to land!
Attachment #8476256 - Flags: feedback?(nalexander) → feedback+
I forgot to mention: review comments on the github pull request.
Take a quick look at the final 3 commits, rnewman.  (And vivek!)
Attachment #8480886 - Flags: review?(rnewman)
Comment on attachment 8480886 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request:

LGTM. Questions in the pull req.
Attachment #8480886 - Flags: review?(rnewman) → review+
This was a legitimate issue caused by a problem in the android-sync repository.  Relanding with the fix:
Flags: needinfo?(vivekb.balakrishnan)
Flags: needinfo?(nalexander)
Product: Android Background Services → Firefox for Android
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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