Bug 99621
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
Freeze nsIFontPackageService and nsIFontPackageHandler
(Core Graveyard :: Embedding: APIs, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: chak, Unassigned)
(1 file)
1.62 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Freeze nsIFontPackageService and nsIFontPackageHandler
Please refer to for the
issues to be addressed, if any, for this interface.
Please follow the guidelines outlined in "How to mark an interface as frozen?"
section of the document above.
Updated•23 years ago
QA Contact: mdunn → depstein
Comment 2•23 years ago
Ahhhhh, sorry frank. I meant to do this while you are away.
Here is what I get from Chak few days back:
It's not late at all to add your interfaces to the freeze list.
Here's the process we're following:
1. Take a look at and make a
list of interfaces you own that are ready to be frozen. If you see intertfaces
which you'd like to see frozen but are not there please let me know i'll update
the doc.
2. File a bug saying that an interface(s) need to be frozen as per the
"interface freeze guidelines" as described in the doc above
3. Please add the bug filed in step 2 above as a dependency to the meta bug at
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Comment 3•23 years ago
Hi Frank/Roy:
The process outlined above (steps 1 - 3 are already done):
For freezing of nsIFontPackageService and nsIFontPackageHandler are already
covered by this bug. I've also updated the meta bug #98417.
As far as the timeframe is concerned if these interfaces are ready to be frozen
then we'd like to get them frozen asap.
Thank You
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Comment 4•23 years ago
Hi Frank/Roy :
Can we get these into 0.9.6....
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.6
Comment 5•23 years ago
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Comment 6•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 54104 [details] [diff] [review]
Attachment #54104 -
Flags: review+
Comment 8•23 years ago
Why does this interface need to be frozen and supported in its current form?
How do embedders need to use it in order to do the things we want to support?
Why is this interface, in this form, the correct thing?
I'd like to see these questions answered, in this bug, before we freeze anything.
Comment 9•23 years ago
>Why does this interface need to be frozen and supported in its current form?
Why not? not sure how to answer this qustion.
>How do embedders need to use it in order to do the things we want to support?
Embedder may use this interface to
1. supply a dummy font package handler which do NOT download any font, or
2. supply a font package handler which download a font from a different places
the reason we need to let embedder to do so is because different embedder may
have different legal contact with font. Sometime they may want to supply a font
package handler which connect to their website and download font .
>Why is this interface, in this form, the correct thing?
Why not?
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Comment 10•23 years ago
I agree with ftang - not sure why these can't be frozen.
Other embedding clients are already using these interfaces to download and
install their own font packages.
Comment 11•23 years ago
Everytime we freeze an interface, we're saying that be value permanent support
for that interface, and its current semantics, over the opportunities for
improvement (performance, extensibility, compatibility, whatever) we're losing
by giving up the ability to change it. Being conservative about what
interfaces we freeze, and exposing only minimal, necessary functionality to
embedders, makes our future work easier, which is why I ask "why does this need
to be frozen?". We don't want to freeze all of our interfaces just because
they're there.
We have an API review process, and it's working well for us. It helps us answer
these questions, and decide which interfaces we need to be supporting for the
life of Mozilla 1.x. Have you submitted this interface for that review process?
I haven't seen it on any of the agendas, to my knowledge.
Comment 12•23 years ago
note the font handling section in the API review notes
( ).
I haven't synched the current state of these iface w/ the notes (that needs to
Re: a minimal set of ifaces for freezing. as shaver states, we want this set to
nver be greater than what we can support going forward. Because this concept is
new to us, we want to make sure this set is as small as possible (as shaver
points out, it's less work for us).
Fond handling on freezing radar because embeddors need the ability to download
fonts that aren't generally distributed.
Comment 13•23 years ago
shaver, what we need from here to get a sr=? We are not quite sure about your
Updated•23 years ago
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
Comment 15•23 years ago
mass move unimportant m9.8 bug to m9.9 for now.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
Comment 16•23 years ago
I see this going nowhere now. Move to future.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → Future
Comment 17•23 years ago
can you ellaborate on "nowhere"? Embedding customers are still using this.
nominating 0.9.9
Keywords: mozilla0.9.9
Updated•22 years ago
QA Contact: depstein → dsirnapalli
Comment 18•20 years ago
what a hack. I have not touch mozilla code for 2 years. I didn't read these bugs
for 2 years. And they are still there. Just close them as won't fix to clean up.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Comment 19•20 years ago
Mass Bug Re-Open of bugs Frank Tang Closed with no good reason. Spam is his
fault not my own
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Comment 20•20 years ago
Mass Re-assinging Frank Tangs old bugs that he closed won't fix and had to be
re-open. Spam is his fault not my own
Assignee: ftang → nobody
We don't freeze interfaces anymore.
Closed: 20 years ago → 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Updated•6 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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