Closed Bug 103712 Opened 23 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Performance goals for Mozilla 1.0


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nobody, Unassigned)



* Please do not change the dependencies for this bug. * Please do not begin a discussion in this bug, but in a newsgroup or by mail. * If you add yourself to the CC list, please do not add a comment. This is part of a set of bugs being used to track and consider's goals for Mozilla 1.0. However, if a bug is part of this dependency tree, that does not necessarily mean it will be fixed by the release of Mozilla 1.0. If you think a bug fits with these goals, and you would like to nominate it for Mozilla 1.0, please add the mozilla1.0 keyword to that bug. Please do not change the dependencies for this bug.
Blocks: 103705
No longer blocks: 103705
Depends on: 7251, 49141, 71668, 91351
QA Contact: chofmann → nobody
Blocks: 103705
"Performance" includes: Startup time Page load time New window time UI response
Depends on: 71066
DHTML performance should also be seen as one of the crucial parts.
Depends on: 21762
Just wondering if mlk keyword should be added here as that is the big performance hit other than startup times.
Is a meta bug tracking other meta bugs for a product which shipped many years ago really useful anymore?
3 years ago it was asked if this meta bug tracker was still needed. It would seem even more redundant today.
yeah - loonnng gone
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Summary: Performance → Performance goals for Mozilla 1.0
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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