Bug 1146686
Opened 10 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
[tracker] upgrade to django 1.8
(Input Graveyard :: Code Quality, defect)
Input Graveyard
Code Quality
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)
(Whiteboard: u=dev c=codequality p= s=input.2015q3)
Input is currently using Django 1.7 (bug #1118765). Django 1.8 should release sometime in April 2015.
Django 1.8 involves a major overhaul to the templating system. This is a big deal for us since Input uses Jinja2 for templating rather than the default Django templating engine.
Upgrading to django 1.8 will require us to redo our Jinja2 infrastructure and will likely allow us to ditch a bunch of libraries that are poorly maintained.
This tracker bug covers all the bugs involved in upgrading to Django 1.8.
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•10 years ago
I talked with Ricky about this a bit. We think we'll need to look into the following:
1. We should get rid of jingo-minify. That's covered in bug #1142093.
2. Fix django-browserid so that it works with Django 1.8 templates.
3. Fix/replace tower which I think requires Jingo.
4. Ditch Jingo and replace with a module/library that builds the Jinja2 environment (Django 1.8 has an empty Jinja2 environment) and also queries all the INSTALLED_APPS for files which add Jinja2 filters/functions. There are a bunch of existing libraries that support Jinja2, but I think it'd be a lot easier to write our own that doesn't need to be backwards-compatible with prior versions of Django.
It's likely there's other work, too. Plus Django 1.8 probably has a lot of other changes.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•10 years ago
According to an issue in django-browserid, fancy-tag hasn't been updated in years and doesn't work with Django 1.8:
Thus we're going to need to update to a django-browserid that doesn't use fancy-tag and also remove fancy-tag as a dependency.
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•10 years ago
Fixing the typo in the sprint field. :p
Django 1.8 added a --keepdb flag to the test system. I think that's the only feature of django-nose that we really like at this point. Figured I'd mention it:
Whiteboard: u=dev c=codequality p= s=inpu.2015q2 → u=dev c=codequality p= s=input.2015q2
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•10 years ago
I think we're at least 1/2 done here, but there's still some work to do. I'm moving this to 2015q3.
Whiteboard: u=dev c=codequality p= s=input.2015q2 → u=dev c=codequality p= s=input.2015q3
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•9 years ago
We might have to revisit our Fields:
Adding a note to look into this when the time comes.
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•9 years ago
Note that we need to update django-grappelli along with Django.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•9 years ago
All the rest of the changes in a PR:
Assignee: nobody → willkg
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•9 years ago
Landed in
Pushed this to prod just now. Marking as FIXED.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•8 years ago
Product: Input → Input Graveyard
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