Closed Bug 1174373 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Unhide b2g desktop Gip(a) when its failure rate meets visibility requirements


(Tree Management Graveyard :: Visibility Requests, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: philor, Unassigned)



Because, unlike the tests on every other platform, the TaskCluster-run tests on b2g do not report a failure when a test fails in the first run on a push, they retry, and they do not report a failure when a test fails on the second run on a push, they retry, and they only report a failure when a test (the same test or a different one, the same failure or a different one, doesn't matter) fails on the third run on a push, it's more difficult to determine the failure percentage for b2g tests. The most generous measure would be to only say that there was a failure when there was a failure on the third run. The most reasonable measure would be to say that there was a failure when there was a failure on the first run. The most likely measure would be to say that there was a failure when there was a failure, that failing three runs on a push means failing three times. By the most generous measure, Gip(a) is failing 50% of the time. By the most reasonable measure, it is failing 90% of the time. By the most likely measure, it is failing 80% of the time. None of those are within miles of the 1% to 5% that are actually acceptable according to Hidden on all trunk trees.
Depends on: 1180903
WONTFIX in favor of bug 1180903.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Tree Management → Tree Management Graveyard
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