Closed Bug 119205 Opened 23 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Messages read in MailNews aren't marked as read on IMAP server


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ghwood, Assigned: Bienvenu)




(Whiteboard: closeme 2008-04-30)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.7+)
BuildID:    20020109

With the Mozilla 0.9.7 release (and th 20020109 nightly build) and connecting to
a uw-imap 2000a with Maildir, SSL & Kerberos support (using IMAP4rev1). Messages
that I read in my client don't get marked as read on the server.

This problem is not present using other IMAP clients (eg Eudora)

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Get Mail
2.Read mail in mail client (and it gets marked as read)
3. Get Mail again (mail remains marked as unread on server and it gets remarked
as unread in mail client)

Actual Results:  See above

Expected Results:  Mail should remain marked as read in mail client (and on server)
I have what *appears* to be the same problem on Linux build 2001122108.  This
just started with 0.9.7 -- 0.9.6 was fine, and I believe 2001121408 was ok. 
Server is IMAP4rev1 also.  The problem seems to be a little bit intermittent,
and to me seems to do with moving mail.

1. Open up Mail
2. Click on a new message in INBOX and read it
3. Drag message to IMAP folder
4. Destination IMAP folder now is boldfaced and indicates I have new unread
message.  I then must go into the destiation folder and read the message *again*
before it's marked as read.

Deleting a message has the same effect -- I hit 'Delete' when reading the
message, and 'Trash' immediately becomes boldfaced and indicates new mail.

Happens about 50% of the time, on both moving and deleting.
I have a similar problem (Linux v0.9.9). I use IMAP/Maildir. Messages I read at
work get marked read at home, but not vice versa. The main difference is that I
leave my mail client running all the time at work. It seems like it is not
getting the status update from the server when a message is marked as read by
another client.

Also note that this problem seems to be Maildir-specific. We recently switched
to Maildir, and everything worked fine before the switch.
two confirmations in this bug.. confirming as new
Ever confirmed: true
I see exactly the same problem as was reported. But I can reproduce it only
sometimes. I use a free IMAP account at the server. Client - Mozilla
1.0 on Linux.
Keywords: mozilla1.1
OS: Windows NT → All
I see this behaviour on an everyday basis working with Mozilla as my mailclient
at work. I read messages in any folder that are marked as new, the message is
then correctly marked as read in MailNews. Thought if I leave the client for a
while and check back later, the message is _sometimes_ reset to unread. One
possible cause of this that fits well with the behaviour is that I have the
mailclient check for mail every 5 minutes. The client is checking a number of
mailboxes on the server (either forcing it to check all folders or a selection
of folders using Mozilla 1.1a) so this takes a few seconds to complete. One
guess is that the messages I read while the client is checking for new messages
never are marked as read on the server and the client updates the new messages
count based on what the server says, not writing back the status of the read
messages first. But that's just a guess based on the behavior I see. This
happens on Mozilla 1.0rc2 on Win2000, CVS trunk as of 062902 on Linux, Mozilla
1.0 on Solaris.
Bug 159267 might be a better description of this problem.  I suggest that this
bug be marked as a duplicate of that one.
If viewing the message twice does *not* solve this problem (as it does for me)
then this is not a duplicate of bug 159267.

However, if not a duplicate of 159267 then this bug is a duplicate of bug 159180
(or vise versa) and should be marked so.
There is a problem that I see this bug only sometimes - not exactly twice every
Really strange.
I'd like to reconfirm that this is happening several times a day for our users
of IMAP mail. We have been upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1a to 1.1b to 1.1, running on
Solaris and Linux. The easiest way to reproduce this problem is to have the IMAP
server side mail sorting turned on (we use sieve on our Cyrus 2.0.16 server) and
read new messages outside of the inbox. I frequently use the "Message -> Mark ->
Threas as read" " and "Message -> Mark -> All read" commands on while reading
these folders (typical mailing list stuff). Sometimes I have the mark all
messages read once, sometimes twice and sometimes up to 4 times before it stayes
read. Seems like the number of IMAP server connections (the default is 5) plays
a role, I have had users lower this to 2 or 3 and that seemed to make this
problem less frequent (but it still happens).

My concern here is that we have 5 server connections going in parallell and some
connections are used to send \seen messages to the server and some to check for
new messages (I have mozilla setup to check for new messages in all these
different IMAP folders every 5 minutes). My guess is that there is a
synchronization problem between server connections fetching new messages and
server connections sending \seen flags to the server but I can't confirm this. 

I'd like to help solve this bug, where to I start ?

Some more discussions on the Cyrus IMAP mailing lists seems to indicate that
this is a problems on the IMAP server side and not in Mozilla. The Cyrus server,
older versions at least, have problems synchronizing the when multiple
connections are used. Since Mozilla have 5 connections open, this causes
problems in the IMAP server.

What IMAP software is used by the other reporters on this bug ? 
(telnet <mailserver host name> 143 ) will tell you.

The service uses Cyrus IMAP server too.
Here's what my IMAP server says:

* OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2001 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING
for distribution information.
*** Bug 131575 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I am seeing this bug for a long time now. It is still present in 1.2beta.
Here are the info sent by my IMAP server:
r IMAP4rev1 2001.315/Proxad at Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:32:45 +0100 (CET)
Is there a way to get more precise info?

I feel that the priority of this bug should be boosted. It is really an 
obstacle to adopting Mozilla.
QA Contact: huang → gchan
Product: MailNews → Core
anyone still see this problem?
Assignee: mscott → bienvenu
QA Contact: grylchan → networking.imap
Whiteboard: closeme 2008-04-30
resolving incomplete since there is no new information since Nov 2002.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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