Closed Bug 1271779 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[QX cluster] Consider improvements to in-content preferences


(Firefox :: Settings UI, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox49 --- affected


(Reporter: Dolske, Assigned: Fischer)


(Depends on 2 open bugs)


(Whiteboard: [qx:p-])

* Finish in-content conversion (mostly subdialogs, bug 752197)
* Leftover bugs from sf-hackweek: 1044586, 1037859, 1113581, 993361

No bug filed yet, but a significant project would be to convert the current implementation from XUL to HTML. The biggest part of that work will be to replace the XUL <prefwindow> stuff with something else (since that's what handles synchronizing the UI with the actual preferences).
No longer depends on: 1194528
Will be working with Taipei UX to make sure bugs under this cluster are reflected in their new spec.
Assignee: nobody → timdream
Fischer agreed to take a look at this. Thanks!
Assignee: timdream → fliu
Depends on: 1166259
No longer depends on: 216931
Depends on: 718011
Remove Bug 752197 because it is already under Bug 718011.
No longer depends on: 752197
Just to clarify the scope here:

QX cluster bugs are intended to be a modestly-scoped set of bugs, generally fixing a particular aspect of some feature. Bugs like 718011, which is meta bug for a large hodge-podge collection of in-content prefs bugs, are far too big to be in scope here. The goal of a QX bug isn't for fix or even track everything, just to make a concrete improvement to the product. And, roughly, be scoped to a set of work 1-2 people can complete in around 6 weeks.

Beyond that, work should really be tracked as an independent project.
No longer depends on: 718011
No longer depends on: 1166259
Add bug 752197 back into QX. We could consider other left over items under bug 718011 as QX bugs per scope defined in comment 4, but not all of them.
Depends on: 752197
Work here has slowed down and we now have a new visual spec as well as a list of telemetry probes and inconsistencies that we should fix. This work will be tracked in bug 1324168.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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