Closed Bug 1305970 Opened 8 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Upgrade Firefox 51 to NSS 3.28


(Core :: Security: PSM, defect, P1)




Tracking Status
firefox51 + fixed
firefox52 --- fixed


(Reporter: franziskus, Assigned: franziskus)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [psm-assigned])


(2 files)

tracking NSS 3.28 for Firefox 52
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla52
Should we just reopen bug 1304919 if there's more to do to update Firefox 52 to NSS 3.28 or am I misunderstanding something here?
Flags: needinfo?(franziskuskiefer)
bug 1304919 did more than landing NSS trunk in central. I didn't want to litter that bug. We're trying a new way of landing NSS (about every other day). So this bug is supposed to track those NSS imports all the way to the release.
Flags: needinfo?(franziskuskiefer)
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: [psm-assigned]
Depends on: 1311995
Depends on: 1316307
Depends on: 1317857
Depends on: 1317981
Depends on: 1318633
No longer depends on: 1311995
No longer depends on: 1317981
Blocks: 1317959
Franziskus, I suggest to get approval for uplifting the larger amount of changes on NSS_3_28_BRANCH to aurora, asap.
Attachment #8814751 - Flags: review?(ekr) → review?(ttaubert)
Comment on attachment 8814751 [details] Bug 1305970 - Update to latest NSS 3.28, Approval Request Comment [Feature/regressing bug #]: 1305970 [User impact if declined]: TLS 1.3 will be unusable; fixes for several memory leaks and a crash bug that might affect WebRTC [Describe test coverage new/current, TreeHerder]: extensive NSS testing, try build in progress [Risks and why]: Changes to TLS 1.3 are not trivial, mitigated by testing [String/UUID change made/needed]: n/a
Attachment #8814751 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #8814751 - Flags: review?(ttaubert) → review+
Comment on attachment 8814751 [details] Bug 1305970 - Update to latest NSS 3.28, nss update for tls1.3 goodness, take in aurora52
Attachment #8814751 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
(In reply to Martin Thomson [:mt:] from comment #32) > Apparently pulsebot is not working its magic for aurora: > > 071d92d893791d2f0cd39ddcec368f3e03d71e8f yep only integration + mc tree :) setting also the flag
Depends on: 1320509
No longer depends on: 1317857
Attached file changes to NSS 3.28 final —
Aurora uses NSS 3.28 beta. Could you please approve the following additional changes, to allow aurora to use a final NSS release versions? None of them should be any risk for Firefox. List of changes to NSS 3.28 final - version information fix - regression fix, add symbolic definitions for backwards compatibility - regression fix, affects some programs that open NSS databases multiple times (Firefox doesn't do that) - not part of the build, support fuzzing tests - not affecting firefox, correctness fix, NSS tools might get stuck prompting for a password unnecessarily - not affecting firefox, because firefox doesn't use that code: Distrust WoSign/StartCom roots in NSS' own verify code - change NSS version to 3.28 final
Attachment #8818871 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Comment on attachment 8818871 [details] changes to NSS 3.28 final nss 3.28 final for aurora52
Attachment #8818871 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
Are you sure that Aurora is on 3.28? This suggests that it is on 3.29
(In reply to Eric Rescorla (:ekr) from comment #36) > Are you sure that Aurora is on 3.28? > > This suggests that it is on 3.29 > > ssl.def That's being fixed in as far as I can tell
(In reply to Eric Rescorla (:ekr) from comment #36) > Are you sure that Aurora is on 3.28? Yes. Aurora uses NSS revision 6c26f0cd19ba which is on NSS_3_28_BRANCH, and Julien's comment is correct.
(In reply to Eric Rescorla (:ekr) from comment #36) > Are you sure that Aurora is on 3.28? > > This suggests that it is on 3.29 > > ssl.def Now I see the problem you're referring to: ;+NSS_3.29 { # NSS 3.29 release ;+ global: SSL_ExportEarlyKeyingMaterial; ;+ local: ;+*; ;+}; I guess this was added, when Franziskus had "merged over everything" to the 3.28 branch. If this API is ready to be released, then we must move the definition to the 3.28 section.
Sorry, please ignore the previous comment. I went through the same confusion again...
I had started an aurora-try build, to verify that our changes are good: That build had a lot of failures. I've asked on the Mozilla IRC channel, and I've been told that the only worrying ones are the "bc*" builds on Windows. To verify if this is really our (NSS) fault, or if that's somehow a property of the base revision I had used for testing, I've submitted another try build for that base revision, without our patch, only for Windows OPT.
That base revision try build showed the same failures. That means, those failures aren't caused by our NSS change. (From past experience, I'm not surprised that try builds for older branches (like aurora) show more failures than try builds for mozilla-central.)
I would like to more-or-less simultaneously uplift 3.28 to Beta so that we can take measurements of the performance of TLS 1.3 in the field. We'll need the new short headers patch And the patch to enable it which MT r+ed at:
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
Flags: needinfo?(gchang)
Ritu, Gerry, per our discussion in e-mail
Here is what I believe to be the complete patch set: e2c2116e0f60 E Enable short headers d7d947bd6cf2 PM Bug 1321783 - Make updater be networking conservative r=dkeeler r=rstrong r=dragana a=jcristau 50343eee0a40 MT Bug 1304919 - Update WebRTC to latest NSS, r=ekr a992a437e973 MT Bug 1304919 - Update TLS server tests to expect TLS 1.3 cipher suite, r=ekr 9daa472e39a0 E Bug 1304919 - PSM changes to support TLS 1.3 key exchange, r=mt 15b541961576 E Update NSS to 3.28 branch
Hi Eric, Per our discussion in email, I will give a GO for this experiment. Please create uplift requests for required patches by Wed (12/20) so that we can make it in 51 beta 10.
Flags: needinfo?(gchang) → needinfo?(ekr)
Ekr's plan to enable this, monitor as a Beta experiment, wait on the outcome to decide whether to do a staged rollout on release seems reasonable. Also the ability to turn off with a system add-on update and pref flip is a good risk mitigation.
Flags: needinfo?(rkothari)
Also, as I need to update the add-on anyway, I think I'll have it sanity check that TLS 1.3 works at all (that's part of the experiment anyway) and disable 1.3 on that machine if it doesn't work. That should give us another safety margin
Flags: needinfo?(ekr)
Any code for firefox beta needs to go into firefox aurora, too, and should be tested on aurora first. Given comment 48, and based on EKR's statements on IRC, I understand we're allowed to include the latest TLS 1.3 short-headers change into NSS 3.28 and into aurora. I've tagged a NSS 3.28 release candidate, that includes the above, and will land this into aurora immediately. If we don't get any problem reports within the next 24 hours, I'll tag the release as final tomorrow.
I'll keep this bug open until tomorrow. If everything will be fine, I'll update aurora again to record the correct RTM tag in the information file TAG-INFO (no code change).
Carsten, FYI, you set status-firefox52 to fixed in comment 33, but we weren't there yet. We usually land multiple intermediate snapshots of NSS, and these kinds of bugs aren't fixed until we land a final NSS RTM tag. (That's also why we have the leave-open keyword set.)
I haven't seen any problem reports, and have tagged NSS_3_28_RTM, and have recorded the final tag in aurora:
Closed: 8 years ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I've received an email from EKR, requesting me to uplift 3.28 RTM to the beta branch, and he claims that he has gotten approval. Because I don't see other approval flags in this bug, I'll use a=ekr.
Shouldnt the subject be changed to refer to firefox 51 then ?
(In reply to Landry Breuil (:gaston) from comment #57) > Shouldnt the subject be changed to refer to firefox 51 then ? Let's wait if the commit sticks, then we can do it.
(In reply to Kai Engert (:kaie) from comment #56) > > dd227854175f75d00c0e00797a91a82db9ab93ee backed out:
This will also need patches from bug 8794050, bug 8794051, and bug 8794052. Thanks Kai!
Oops. Sorry about that.
(In reply to Kai Engert (:kaie) from comment #56) > > dd227854175f75d00c0e00797a91a82db9ab93ee Please remember to include the bug number in the commit message as well the next time this lands.
I assume you don't need my help with landing.
Summary: Upgrade Firefox 52 to NSS 3.28 → Upgrade Firefox 51 to NSS 3.28
Target Milestone: mozilla52 → mozilla51
Shouldnt the min version be bumped to 3.28 in too ?
(In reply to Landry Breuil (:gaston) from comment #66) > Shouldnt the min version be bumped to 3.28 in > too ? Oh yes, we must do that, thanks for noticing. I guess we can just do that without separate approval?
Kai, does this also need a build peer to sign off?
(In reply to Eric Rescorla (:ekr) from comment #68) > Kai, does this also need a build peer to sign off? Do you mean on the code review level? We've always changed the build system to require the NSS mininum version that Firefox is actually using, and in the past, I usually landed that change together with the NSS uplifts. I was asking how to handle the landing with regards to the approval, because I couldn't see any approval flags in this bug for beta in this bug.
I've gotten approval from Sheriffs on IRC, given that this is standard practice.
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