Open Bug 1488149 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

List all tabs / tab overflow button doesn't stay next to 'new tab' button when enabled through hidden tabs (instead of overflowing tabs)


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect, P5)

63 Branch



Tracking Status
firefox63 --- affected


(Reporter: lolipopplus, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0
Build ID: 20180807170231

Steps to reproduce:

1. in UI customization mode, place flexible space around tabs at both sides but include new tab button and tab overflow button (see my screenshot)
2. exit

Actual results:

tab overflow button is separated with new tab button

Expected results:

tab overflow button shall be squeezed together with new tab button and tabs at the center
Component: Untriaged → Toolbars and Customization
OS: Unspecified → Windows
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Attached image actual result
plus, this is my actual result if you guys wonder
I can't reproduce.

How are you forcing the tab overflow button to be visible when the tabstrip isn't overflowing? I bet that's also what's causing this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(lolipopplus)
> How are you forcing the tab overflow button to be visible when the tabstrip
> isn't overflowing?

Sorry I miss part of STRs:

These info may help:
my screen resolution is 1366*768 and I'm using 63.0b2(64-bit) on Windows 10.
I place a flexible space at the very left side of tab strip and the other at the very right.
As you see in screenshot, I have five tabs which are enough for having tab overflowing menu at my resolution.

After placing the two space, close or hide one or two of those tabs.
That is exactly what you see at my second screenshot.
Flags: needinfo?(lolipopplus)
(In reply to lolipopplus from comment #3)
> > How are you forcing the tab overflow button to be visible when the tabstrip
> > isn't overflowing?
> Sorry I miss part of STRs:
> These info may help:
> my screen resolution is 1366*768 and I'm using 63.0b2(64-bit) on Windows 10.
> I place a flexible space at the very left side of tab strip and the other at
> the very right.
> As you see in screenshot, I have five tabs which are enough for having tab
> overflowing menu at my resolution.

5 tabs at a screen width of 1366 aren't enough for overflow unless you set the minimum width of tabs to be really high via an about:config pref, or use userChrome.css or similar to alter the defaults...

> After placing the two space, close or hide one or two of those tabs.

Still confused about the STR. If I close tabs to make the tab list not overflow, the list all tabs button goes away again, so not what you show in your screenshot... In the screenshot, the tabs aren't overflowing because the tabstrip arrows aren't present. And your description suggests that if there's fewer than 5 tabs there's no tab overflow and so no tab overflowing menu. So I'm confused...

Can you post a copy of your about:support data? And using the browser console (not web console, browser console, shortcut ctrl-shift-j), what is the output of:


Flags: needinfo?(lolipopplus)
Attached file about support.txt
sorry for my delay.
Outout of CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("TabsToolbar") is

Array(7) [ "customizableui-special-spring33", "tabbrowser-tabs", "new-tab-button", "downloads-button", "alltabs-button", "simple-tab-groups_drive4ik-browser-action", "customizableui-special-spring34" ] 

the attachment is about:support data.

Plus I dont know if Panorama plays a party but could you try to hide tabs instead of close them? Just like tab hide screenshot.
Flags: needinfo?(lolipopplus)
Attached image tab hide.png
The list all tabs / overflow button doesn't behave like the 'new tab' button and so doesn't become adjacent to the tabs when the tabs don't overflow. This never used to be necessary because the button would only appear if the tabstrip overflowed. That's no longer the case.

This is a more specific case of bug 1402400, that is now more likely to be hit by users because of the 'hide tab' implementation. I guess whether we want to add this functionality to the 'list all tabs' button has more to do with the tabbrowser implementation than with toolbars / customizableui, so I'm going to punt this over there and ask Dão to make a decision.
Blocks: 1410548
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)
Priority: -- → P3
See Also: → 1402400
Summary: tab overflowed menu does not respect flexible space → List all tabs / tab overflow button doesn't stay next to 'new tab' button when enabled through hidden tabs (instead of overflowing tabs)
Component: Toolbars and Customization → Tabbed Browser
Priority: P3 → --
(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #8)
> The list all tabs / overflow button doesn't behave like the 'new tab' button
> and so doesn't become adjacent to the tabs when the tabs don't overflow.
> This never used to be necessary because the button would only appear if the
> tabstrip overflowed. That's no longer the case.

That's not quite true. We used to always show the button prior to bug 714281.

The new tab button is adjacent to the tabs because it marks the place where the new tab would appear, providing a nice mental cue. The downside is that the button becomes a moving target, so I don't think we want to do this for other buttons in the tab strip.
Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)
Priority: -- → P5
See Also: → 1480542
Severity: normal → S3
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