Closed Bug 1491677 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Have Collin convert some subset of about:addons to Fluent


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, enhancement, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox65 --- fixed


(Reporter: mconley, Assigned: masterkrombi)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Collin will choose some items from extensions.dtd and, assuming that they're not in this list[1], will port them to Fluent.

Starting with these entities:

<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   - file, You can obtain one at -->
<!ENTITY addons.windowTitle                   "Add-ons Manager">

<!ENTITY search.placeholder2                  "Search on">
<!ENTITY search.buttonlabel                   "Search">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (search.commandkey):
     The search command key should match findOnCmd.commandkey from browser.dtd -->
<!ENTITY search.commandkey                    "f">

<!ENTITY loading.label                        "Loading…">
<!ENTITY listEmpty.installed.label            "You don’t have any add-ons of this type installed">
<!ENTITY listEmpty.availableUpdates.label     "No updates found">
<!ENTITY listEmpty.recentUpdates.label        "You haven’t recently updated any add-ons">
<!ENTITY listEmpty.findUpdates.label          "Check For Updates">
<!ENTITY listEmpty.button.label               "Learn more about add-ons">
<!ENTITY installAddonFromFile.label           "Install Add-on From File…">
<!ENTITY installAddonFromFile.accesskey       "I">
<!ENTITY toolsMenu.tooltip                    "Tools for all add-ons">

<!ENTITY getThemes.description                "Looking to personalize your browser?">
<!ENTITY getThemes.learnMore                  "Choose from thousands of themes.">

<!ENTITY showUnsignedExtensions.button.label  "Some extensions could not be verified">
<!ENTITY showAllExtensions.button.label       "Show all extensions">
<!ENTITY debugAddons.label                    "Debug Add-ons">
<!ENTITY debugAddons.accesskey                "B">
Continuing on to lines 74-125, some of the strings are in xbl bindings listed under bug 1426016 and will not be converted to Fluent

List of DTD entities:

<!-- addon actions -->
<!ENTITY cmd.showDetails.label                "Show More Information">
<!ENTITY cmd.showDetails.accesskey            "S">
<!ENTITY cmd.findUpdates.label                "Find Updates">
<!ENTITY cmd.findUpdates.accesskey            "F">
<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesWin.label             "Options">
<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesWin.accesskey         "O">
<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesUnix.label            "Preferences">
<!ENTITY cmd.preferencesUnix.accesskey        "P">

<!ENTITY cmd.enableAddon.label                "Enable">
<!ENTITY cmd.enableAddon.accesskey            "E">
<!ENTITY cmd.disableAddon.label               "Disable">
<!ENTITY cmd.disableAddon.accesskey           "D">
<!ENTITY cmd.enableTheme.label                "Wear Theme">
<!ENTITY cmd.enableTheme.accesskey            "W">
<!ENTITY cmd.disableTheme.label               "Stop Wearing Theme">
<!ENTITY cmd.disableTheme.accesskey           "W">
<!ENTITY cmd.askToActivate.label              "Ask to Activate">
<!ENTITY cmd.askToActivate.tooltip            "Ask to use this add-on each time">
<!ENTITY cmd.alwaysActivate.label             "Always Activate">
<!ENTITY cmd.alwaysActivate.tooltip           "Always use this add-on">
<!ENTITY cmd.neverActivate.label              "Never Activate">
<!ENTITY cmd.neverActivate.tooltip            "Never use this add-on">
<!ENTITY cmd.stateMenu.tooltip                "Change when this add-on runs">
<!ENTITY cmd.installAddon.label               "Install">
<!ENTITY cmd.installAddon.accesskey           "I">
<!ENTITY cmd.uninstallAddon.label             "Remove">
<!ENTITY cmd.uninstallAddon.accesskey         "R">
<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesWin.label         "Options">
<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesWin.tooltip       "Change this add-on’s options">
<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesUnix.label        "Preferences">
<!ENTITY cmd.showPreferencesUnix.tooltip      "Change this add-on’s preferences">
<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.label                 "Contribute">
<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.accesskey             "C">
<!ENTITY cmd.contribute.tooltip               "Contribute to the development of this add-on">

<!ENTITY cmd.showReleaseNotes.label           "Show Release Notes">
<!ENTITY cmd.showReleaseNotes.tooltip         "Show the release notes for this update">
<!ENTITY cmd.hideReleaseNotes.label           "Hide Release Notes">
<!ENTITY cmd.hideReleaseNotes.tooltip         "Hide the release notes for this update">
<!ENTITY cmd.findReplacement.label            "Find a Replacement">

<!-- discovery view -->
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (discover.title,discover.description,discover.footer):
     Displayed in the center of the Get Add-ons view, see bug 601143 for mockups. -->
<!ENTITY discover.title                       "What are Add-ons?">
<!ENTITY discover.description2                "Add-ons are applications that let you personalize &brandShortName; with
  extra functionality or style. Try a time-saving sidebar, a weather notifier, or a themed look to make &brandShortName;
  your own.">
<!ENTITY discover.footer                      "When you’re connected to the internet, this pane will feature
  some of the best and most popular add-ons for you to try out.">
Priority: -- → P2
Moving on to lines 127-158

DTD Entities:

<!-- detail view -->
<!ENTITY detail.version.label                 "Version">
<!ENTITY detail.lastupdated.label             "Last Updated">
<!ENTITY detail.creator.label                 "Developer">
<!ENTITY detail.homepage.label                "Homepage">

<!ENTITY detail.contributions.description     "The developer of this add-on asks that you help support its continued development by making a small contribution.">

<!ENTITY detail.updateType                    "Automatic Updates">
<!ENTITY detail.updateDefault.label           "Default">
<!ENTITY detail.updateDefault.tooltip         "Automatically install updates only if that’s the default">
<!ENTITY detail.updateAutomatic.label         "On">
<!ENTITY detail.updateAutomatic.tooltip       "Automatically install updates">
<!ENTITY detail.updateManual.label            "Off">
<!ENTITY detail.updateManual.tooltip          "Don’t automatically install updates">
<!ENTITY detail.home                          "Homepage">
<!ENTITY detail.repository                    "Add-on Profile">
<!ENTITY detail.size                          "Size">

<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.label         "Check for Updates">
<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.accesskey     "F">
<!ENTITY detail.checkForUpdates.tooltip       "Check for updates for this add-on">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.label      "Options">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.accesskey  "O">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesWin.tooltip    "Change this add-on’s options">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.label     "Preferences">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY detail.showPreferencesUnix.tooltip   "Change this add-on’s preferences">

<!-- ratings -->
<!ENTITY rating2.label                        "Rating">
Attachment #9010082 - Attachment description: Bug:1491677 Migrating extensions.dtd to fluent → Bug 1491677 Migrate localization of extensions.dtd to Fluent
Attachment #9010082 - Attachment description: Bug 1491677 Migrate localization of extensions.dtd to Fluent → Bug 1491677 Migrate localization of a subset of extensions.dtd to Fluent
Pushed by
Migrate localization of a subset of extensions.dtd to Fluent r=flod,Gijs,zbraniecki
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla65
Thanks for the patch, Colin! Your contribution has been added to our recognition wiki:

Would you be interested in creating an account on I'd be happy to vouch for you!
Depends on: 1501581
Blocks: 1503875
Depends on: 1507471
No longer depends on: 1507471
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


