Closed Bug 160317 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Migrate TEC fix from bug 111728 to Chimera branch


(Camino Graveyard :: Page Layout, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pbaguis, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)





(2 files)

This bug report concerns Chimera v0.4. Overview Description: Greek fonts are not displayed correctly in Chimera. Steps to Reproduce: View any greek web page ( for example ). Actual Results: Characters with accents, final "sigma" and the "pi" character are not displayed in the same manner as the rest of the document. This rest of the document, for some reason, appears in boldface slanted font. The spacing between characters is also not correct. For comparison, try to view the same page with Omniweb 4.1, which renders and displays correctly all the greek characters and takes care of spacing too. Expected Results: Display the greek pages like Omniweb 4.1.
I think you're encountering bug 111728 here. When that's fixed, it will need to propagate to Chimera.
Depends on: tec-osx
Summary: Greek fonts → Greek fonts are not displayed correctly in Chimera
hmm... apparently the reporter for bug 150924 thinks that greek displays properly. adding sfraser and ftang to cc list.
The Same problem exists on mozilla 1.1 under MacOS X 10.2 too. Can be reproduced when someone sees a greek web page (example ) when using any international 10.1 or 10.2 MacOS. I think if ATSUI was fully supported on mozilla and chimera code, that maybe none of these problems would appear. Rainbow Computer has a piece of software "Greek Update" for MacOS X 10.1.4 that has a pack of fonts and Greek Script on MacOS X. When Mozilla and chimera is used under MacoS X with Greek Update (as local mac distributor calls it) greek display works fine. Omniweb 4.1 has correct greek character display.
Yep, Mozilla 1,1 under Macos 10,2 fails to render a number of Greek fonts. Mozilla on MacosX should render Greek pages without additional patches to system. I think we need a separate bug for this.
Bad display of greek in chimera 0.5. Problem probably because of use of TEC in display engine of chimera. Compare this picture with the picture omniweb4.1greek. omniweb has correct display of greek.
In comparison to chimera, omniweb uses the native text system of macos x and shows greek characters correctly on MacOS 10.2 international.
Dimitris, what URL are those screenshots demonstrating?
They are demonstrating at left... It is the Hellenic Macintosh User Group web page It uses postnuke and encoding Greek-ISO 8859-7
Dimitris, your Mozilla screenshot is taken in 1.1. Post-1.1 builds with the fix for bug 111728 look much better, spacingwise. Best possible display will arrive with bug 121540. Reassigning to Page Layout. Bug 111728's fix needs to make it's way over to the Chimera branch if it can.
Assignee: saari → bryner
Component: General → Page Layout
Taking to migrate TEC fix.
Assignee: bryner → sfraser
*** Bug 175006 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Wait a minute... I haven't been using Chimera for a while, but 0.5 is effectively behaving as bad as Mozilla rendering text. This wasn't always so. Chimera 0.3 was using native ATSUI, but now seems to incorporate all the bad hacks from Mozilla. What's the point of this? Then there is no need for Chimera, since it doesn't really behave like a Cocoa app. People sensitive to good rendering might as well continue using Omniweb. The text below was rendered perfectly in Chimera 0.3, but now displays worse than Mozilla, with Kanji spacing, wrong font, wrong weight and wrong size for eth and thorn: "Hróðstein ok Eilifír Áki ok Hákon reistu Þeir sueinar eftir sin faður kumbl kenniligt eftir Kala dauðan þy mun góðs mans umgætit verða meðan stein lifir ok stafir rúna" Why this terrible regression?
Niklas, this bug is about migrating Mozilla's TEC fix from bug 111728 to the Chimera tree. See comment 9 and comment 10.
> Why this terrible regression? Because the ATSUI code was significantly slower.
> Because the ATSUI code was significantly slower. Hence this bug. Hence no Greek. Hence no Latin Slavic. Hence no Icelandic. Hence no Old English/Old Swedish/Old Danish. Hence no Cyrillic. Hence no Runic. So ATSUI was removed because it is slower, and it will be reintroduced when Mozilla eventually catches up using ATSUI, because then it will be... faster!? Who is kidding who here? I heard Lynx is pretty darn fast! Apple's philosophy with Mac OS X was to ship a slow system with full functionality, and thereafter optimize for speed. That's a good strategy. Chimera's philosphy, if any, seems to be to leave key functionality out until "it gets faster". But that also means there is no need using Chimera. Ah man, I thought this would be a killer browser.
Niklas, bug 157967 includes some insight from Simon on ATSUI and Gecko. You might find it interesting, if not appeasing.
Summary: Greek fonts are not displayed correctly in Chimera → Migrate TEC fix from bug 111728 to Chimera branch
*** Bug 187942 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
how's this doing now that camino is on the trunk? To my eyes looks pretty good at the moment. (note: i got connection refused with the original URL)
fixed now we're on the trunk
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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