Closed Bug 166226 Opened 23 years ago Closed 16 years ago

QuickLaunch does not restore window position


(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ciaoesaurito, Assigned: law)



I like my browser window not full size, and on the right of the screen (I have a large screen). When I used QuickLaunch on Mozilla 1.0, and a number of previous builts, the window was placed back where I left it, while now (1.1 final, and the same on the alpha, which I didn't use for this reason) it ends up on the left. If I disable QL and open every time, the window position does not change... until I go back to QL, which insists on the left. It's annoying for me, but seems easy to fix (especially since it used to work). I don't know if it matters, by my bar at the bottom is two rows instead of one. Thanks!
using nightly 2002091008- cannot reproduce, window comes up as I left it on previous session. tried with small window to left, larger window to right
I still get the same error with 1.2 alpha (build 2002091014). When I close the last browser window, the tray icon disappears for about a second, then appears again. I noticed that during this disappearance (and only then) there are two Mozilla processes running instead of one. I don't know whether that's normal, but the problem has been happening only since the tray icon has been disappearing. When I double click on the icon, the window still opens near the top left (at about 0,30). Once in a while, for no apparent reason, the window appears at the right X coordinate, but somewhat shifted down on the Y coordinate.
you may be seeing two other bugs...bug 139142 - with window placement lower on each launch and bug 146340, icon disappears from tray for a few seconds on shutdown
I agree that bug 139142 is at least part of this bug. The Window is restored the reported amount lower in every case. In most of the cases, however, it is also moved all the way to the left (actually it's a few pixels off the left edge). Since it is always about 30px from the top, even if it was down before, I suspect the coordinates are zeroed-out, and subsequently the other bug gets applied to move the window down. The icon dissapearance doesn't bother me by itself, and at this point I don't know if they are related.
Ever confirmed: true
I still get this in 1.2b build 2002091904, win98. At least from reading this, I figured out that it goes away if quicklaunch is disabled. whew. It was starting to irritate me... Basically, I could see absolutely no way to get the initial window to appear anywhere other than 0,30. Since I also prefer the window on the right side of the screen, I was having to move it evvverryyy sinnngle tiiiime. What is the relation between this bug and 86955? There were supposed speed optimizations that broke window position persistance... I vote for fixing the persistance issue, because I lose 5-7 SECONDS always repositioning the window where I want it, vs the 1-2 MILLIseconds saved by the optimization. (I don't think this is part of 139142: The window wasn't coming up lower each time for me, just ALWAYS in 0,30.)
Well, bug 139142 is quite a separate one, but I have this theory: every time your window is restored from quicklauch it is placed at 0,0, and every time it is ALSO moved 30 pixels down. It may just be a coincidence, of course, but when I tried to analyze the bug by opening and closing my window many times in a row, I seldomly just got the behavior of bug 139142, which therefore is around there for me, possibly every single time. I think considering this may leave the present bug easier to find. I also reverted quickly to not using quicklaunch, but I kinda like it, so it's too bad. I'm especially glad someone else gets this bug! I was starting to get worried it was a WORKSFORME.
I get the same behavior using Mozilla 1.1 and QuickLaunch. Interestingly, this is only now after I reinstallted v 1.1 (after trying 1.2b and finding it flaky). IIRC, when I used 1.1 with QuickLaunch before, there was no problem with the window position, so the bug seems only to affect some configurations.
Just wanted to point out that this occurs on Win2k as well as the reported XP. It is a minor bug, but it's really stopping me from using QuickLaunch at all, hence my vote :-)
Forgot to add that this persists in version 1.2.1, which is what I'm running.
*** Bug 168249 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 185097 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Quicklaunch/Turbo Mode is no longer supported in Seamonkey 2 and Seamonkey1.X is in the maintenance mode (fixing only security bugs)
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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