Closed Bug 1839640 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 month ago

Implement the 'object' metric type


(Data Platform and Tools :: Glean: SDK, task, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: janerik, Assigned: janerik)


(Blocks 4 open bugs)



(5 files, 1 obsolete file)

(public link)

A first rough PoC is available in
with parser changes here:

Far from done.
This will also need some work on the pipeline to properly ingest the data into a JSON column.

Assignee: nobody → pmcmanis
Priority: -- → P2
See Also: → 1755548

Using this bug as a big of a worklog, as this change requires multiple PRs to different projects and some coordination to land in full:

  1. The above PRs add the necessary changes to glean_parser and glean-core, implementing the type only for the RLB for now. They are in decent shape (minus some naming, tests and docs).
  2. I have a hacky patch compiling adding the object metric to m-c with a JS API; the C++ API is half-broken and needs some work.
  3. Patches to mozilla-schema-generator and mozilla-pipeline-schemas are easy.
  4. We probably need to touch jsonschema-transpiler to get us the right schema using a JSON column
  5. and then we need to modify ingestion to transform the data correctly

1-3 are nearing completion.
4 I will take a look at, I don't expect much work.
For 5 relud pointed me here:
That might be the trickiest part because I never touched that code but maybe I can rely on some help from relud.

Attachment #9349197 - Attachment description: pr 2489: Bug 1839640 - Add new metric type: object → Glean PR 2489: Bug 1839640 - Add new metric type: object
Attachment #9349196 - Attachment description: pr 587: Bug 1839640 - Add new metric type: object → glean_parser PR 587: Bug 1839640 - Add new metric type: object
Blocks: 1837659
Assignee: pmcmanis → jrediger

For now this only provides a JavaScript API, as it's easier to generate
and to use (we just use JavaScript objects, validation is done by
(de)serialization on the Rust side).

No JOG support. Parent-process only right now.


  • The test API should return an object, not a JSON string

As called out I will need help with the related changes across the pipeline.

1. mozilla-pipeline-schemas

Added new metric type:

No further schema limits applied. However this breaks mozilla-schema-generator later.

Tried to fix this with:
Note: this is wrong. type: any is not valid jsonschema.

Help needed. Changes depend on next part.

2. mozilla-schema-generator

First: URLs from which to fetch schemas/repos is hard-coded, so I had to manually change that to test it against local checkouts.

MSG requires items for type: array

I'm not sure how to handle this here.

Help needed.

3. jsonschema-transpiler

I have a PR up:
This breaks test, I can fix these.

But: I manually created what I think is the schema and tested it against that, so this might be wrong. We need to fix MPS and MSG first to generate a schema to test with, then fix the transpiler.

I can handle this when 1. and 2. are handled.

4. gcp-ingestion

I think it's already able to handle putting JSON into a JSON column.
Ihave no idea how to test it. And I don't have the dev environment for it set up either.
I went through the code:

  1. Ingestion starts basically here:
  2. Goes to processField
  3. Ends up in coerceSingleValueToBqType
  4. It checks against the table schema. Should drop to last else branch, which gets us Optional.of(o).
    • I think this is then fine for a colum of JSON type.

Help needed. Does not depend on the other parts. I can provide a sample payload and table schema.

Pinging arkadiusz and relud for help.
We can split the work in individual bugs for easier tracking if you want.

Flags: needinfo?(dthorn)
Flags: needinfo?(akomarzewski)

type: any is not valid jsonschema.

MSG requires items for type: array

I think a hint needs to be added to indicate the JSON type to mozilla-schema-generator and jsonschema-transpiler. format seems like a good choice, but it is technically only a string property, so I'm not sure if it would break anything.

Flags: needinfo?(dthorn)

(In reply to Daniel Thorn [:relud] from comment #6)

type: any is not valid jsonschema.

MSG requires items for type: array

I think a hint needs to be added to indicate the JSON type to mozilla-schema-generator and jsonschema-transpiler. format seems like a good choice, but it is technically only a string property, so I'm not sure if it would break anything.

That works and is relatively easy to implement. So far it doesn't seem to break anything.

I spoke too soon. It works with all our tools, but as far as I can tell is not proper jsonschema if I use format with also type: [array, object].

Clearing NI as we discussed this in person (store object paths in json schemas and use a side input to jsonschema-transpiler to tell it where to stop parsing).

Flags: needinfo?(akomarzewski)

I have something working now.

First off branches and commits for all projects involved here.

Clone probe-scraper, checkout the mentioned commit, then run and host probe-scraper:

python3 -m probe_scraper.runner --dry-run --cache-dir tmp/cache --out-dir tmp/out --glean --glean-repo fenix --glean-repo glean-core

cd tmp/out && httplz -p 8000 # or: python3 -m http.server

Clone MSG, checkout the mentioned commit, then run mozilla-schema-generator:

rm -rf .probe_cache # just in case.
mozilla-schema-generator generate-glean-pings --out-dir out --repo org-mozilla-fenix --pretty --mps-branch object-metric-type-2

Install and run the transpiler (this is what bin/generate_commit does)

cargo install --git --branch object-metric-type-json-column

jsonschema-transpiler --resolve drop --type bigquery --normalize-case --force-nullable --tuple-struct out/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/baseline.1.schema.json > out/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/


$ rg -C3 crash.stack out/org-mozilla-fenix/metrics/
1436-          {
1437-            "description": "All threads' frame information.",
1438-            "mode": "NULLABLE",
1439:            "name": "crash_stack_threads",
1440-            "type": "JSON"
1441-          }
1442-        ],


If the above changes will be accepted I think we need to go about it this way:

  • new release of jsonschema-transpiler
  • update jsonschema-transpiler in use in MSG
    • include new metric type changes
  • land MPS changes
  • land updates to glean_parser
    • get that into probe-scraper too
  • land object metric type in Glean
See Also: → 1862493

Arkadiusz, can you take a look at and see if that would be an acceptable way forward?

Flags: needinfo?(akomarzewski)

In the linked Jira issue we planned and executed a quick test if the pipeline correctly ingests data into JSON columns.
That test succeeded and it all works as expected, with no changes. That means we can move forward with the implementation parts.

Next steps:

  1. Get reviews on glean_parser / Glean. Those things can then land and we can prepare a release
  2. Update the m-c patch. It's working locally, mostly waiting for the above releases
  3. Land the jsonschema-transpiler patch and get that used in our tooling
  4. Land the MSG patch
  5. Land the MPS patch
  6. Start using object metrics!

1 & 2 can get rolling independently already.
3-5 need to land in that order then. As long as no one uses object metrics they are not risky.
Once landed we should do proper testing that it works all as expected.

Considering the pipeline ingestion side, the plan outlined in looks good to me. To reiterate, steps are:

  1. Update jsonschema-transpiler to support object metric type (
  2. Update mozilla-schema-generator to use the updated jsonschema-transpiler. I believe it's this PR:
  3. Update glean schema in mozilla-pipeline-schemas:
Flags: needinfo?(akomarzewski)
Blocks: 1879828

badboy merged PR [mozilla/glean]: Bug 1839640 - Add new metric type: object (#2489) in 78e85ac.

This concludes most pieces in the SDK and pipeline.
I'm keeping this bug open as they are some dependent bugs, but those require m-c work first.
I will create followup bugs blocking this.

Depends on: 1881021
Depends on: 1881023
Depends on: 1881024
Attachment #9352663 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Depends on: 1883857
No longer blocks: 1879828
Depends on: 1879828

The bulk of the work landed. The remaining "Depends on" bugs can be tackled separately. This should unblock usage now.

Blocks: 1881023, 1883857
Closed: 1 month ago
No longer depends on: 1881023, 1883857
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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