Open Bug 1860647 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 months ago

Ctrl/+ zoom does not work unless View menu has been used first


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: albertvdavis, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0

Steps to reproduce:

I load an email to read and attempt to zoom the text using Ctrl/+.

This applies to any email I have received for a while.

Actual results:

Ctrl/+ does nothing until I enter and exit the View menu, then Ctrl/+ works for subsequent zooms. From the View menu, I do not even have to select Zoom.

I am not sure how long this has been wrong, but it has been for, at least, several weeks.

Expected results:

Ctrl/+ should zoom the text without selecting and closing the View menu first.

I should add that this problem applies not just to received mails, but also to sent mails which I subsequently wish to read again.

I have also reported this problem on Mozilla Connect at

Today, there has been a reply confirming the issue, this time using Linux.

This problem still exists in the latest Windows version (v115.7.0).

It is now 5 months since I reported this problem and there appears to be no activity to resolve it.

A number of people have responded to my post on Mozilla Connect at:
reporting the same problem, some sounding very annoyed.

Is this going to be fixed soon?

(In reply to albertd from comment #4)

It is now 5 months since I reported this problem and there appears to be no activity to resolve it.

A number of people have responded to my post on Mozilla Connect at:
reporting the same problem, some sounding very annoyed.

Is this going to be fixed soon?


Can you help with this?

Koennen Sit mit diese helfen bitte?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla_bugzilla)

Using Thunderbird email V115.8

When I try to zoom any Email (Sent, saved or downloaded). I am forced to visit the Thunderbird's Menu "View" button and either click the view button twice (or actually open the view menu and select Zoom) before the C++ zoom keystrokes (Shown as keystroke shortcuts ) in the menu will function. A zoom function can also be accomplished by holding the keyboard CTRL key and rolling the mouse center wheel. However that function requires a two handed operation and is not always possible.

I use Linux (Ubuntu) as my main OS but any version of Thunderbird after version 102 breaks the C++ keystroke zoom function. No matter which Linux OS I use with Firefox.

I am one of the many users who have been patiently waiting a fix for Thunderbird's broken C ++ (zoom function). I has been quite a long period since the original distribution of Thunderbird Version 115 which broke that function. The current revisions have progressed to 115.8 and still it remains broken.

Being unable to find any movement or progress report about anyone working on this function. Would it be possible to bump up the priority of a fix for this. It worked perfect in Version 102 and has been broken since 115 came into existence. it's a real frustration for users.
Thank You

@albertd: I'm sorry, I have got no idea, how I can help. Probably you've mistaken me for someone else.

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla_bugzilla)

Using TB 115.8.1 on Win10 with the same problems described.

Good news, there is a fix on beta via bug 1853442 which may help you.

You can get the beta for testing from It can be installed run along side your current version 115.

Still no progress with this very long standing bug. Version now 115.13.0.

(In reply to albertd from comment #11)

Still no progress with this very long standing bug. Version now 115.13.0.

Per bug 1853442 comment 19, it is not planned to back port this to 115. It is available on 128.

Closed: 8 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1853442
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

I now have v128.0.1 0f Thunderbird and the problem is still there.

Is this bug ever going to be fixed????

It was reported months ago and various people have confirmed that it is a problem, but nothing has been done to fix it.

Someone claimed that it had been fixed, but it has not.

Come on, SORT IT ! ! !

I haven't reproduced, but we have other bug reports.

No longer duplicate of bug: 1853442
Ever confirmed: true
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Summary: Ctrl/+ not working correctly → Ctrl/+ zoom does not work unless View menu has been used first

Does bug 1924335 comment 0 describe your issue?

Flags: needinfo?(albertvdavis)

Bug 1860647 Stated as fixed with a comment that it would not be back ported to 115.
Well I tried my version 115.18.0 today and it does work properly on that particular version.
After being told it was fixed in version 128.0, I had move to that version only to find that it was NOT fixed as reported. It still remains broken in version 128.6.0. So Bug 1860647 Still exists. Whom ever fixed the 115 version would be a hero if they would enlighten someone as to how to do the same to version 128.6.0.

(In reply to Knownuthin from comment #18)

Bug 1860647 Stated as fixed with a comment that it would not be back ported to 115.
Well I tried my version 115.18.0 today and it does work properly on that particular version.
After being told it was fixed in version 128.0, I had move to that version only to find that it was NOT fixed as reported.

I wrote "bug 1853442 which may help you." and "won't be backported to 115." And no one associated with that bug report has said their problem has not been resolved - so their problem is solved. What I didn't write "this bug is clearly resolved by 185344" - that's where your feedback is helpful and so I have reopened the bug.

My question remains, "Does bug 1924335 comment 0 describe your issue?"

RE: My question remains, "Does bug 1924335 comment 0 describe your issue?"

Yes Wayne it does describe it. It has never worked for me after the forced update from 102 . Until I just discovered that you had fixed the 115 version of which I wasn't aware until now. Not that I plan to revert to back to 115 as that would be a hassle too. So it remains broke on 128.6.0

Also I am A LInux user if that matters.

Thank You for the follow up.

Hi Wayne,

Yes, if I raise the preview pane boundary a little so that it is in sight, then after opening a message from Inbox or a local folder the Ctrl+/- does work correctly. As I don't need the preview pane I had it pushed down out of sight.

I would have expected it to still work with the preview pane out of sight. But at least that makes a difference.

Flags: needinfo?(albertvdavis)

For info, I am currently using V128.6.0esr (32bit) under Win 10.

I think I see this as a workaround rather than a bug resolution.

Wayne in following along with Albert and your comments. Here is my addition as a Linux user.
"Preview Pane" not being a setting in my 128.6.0 Thunderbird settings.
My Thunderbird does not allow me to adjust screen height when in full screen mode. If I set it to a resize mode I can shrink the screen upward but there is no Preview Pane anywhere.

Searching why I don't have a Preview setting here is what I found.


(Asking) How do I show a preview of contents of email messages?

Mozilla Support › en-US › questions

There is no preview pane in Thunderbird. It does have a Message Pane where you can view the message without opening it in a new window or tab. Pressing F8 toggles the Message Pane on and off.Jul 18, 2018

So I tried toggling F8 the (so called Preview Pane.) comes into focus and I find it will zoom with ctrl + when that view is in focus.

Pressing F8 returns to the normal screen listing of mails and the zoom function returns to a non working state when any message is opened to read or reply.

Yes, it seems that what has been referred to here as Preview Pane is actually called Message Pane. It can be turned on and off with F8 or from the <View><Layout> menu. Maybe Preview Pane is something else. Anyway, it is the one called Message Pane which allows the Ctrl+/- to work correctly when it is visible.

Of course, the fact that the Ctrl+/- works correctly with the Message Pane selected would explain why some people earlier thought that the bug had been resolved because if they routinely had that pane visible then that is how it would seem. However, anyone like me and Knownuthin (and probably many others) had the pane hidden and so Ctrl+/- failed.

Severity: -- → S4
Component: Untriaged → Mail Window Front End

(In reply to albertd from comment #14)

Is this bug ever going to be fixed????

It was reported months ago and various people have confirmed that it is a problem, but nothing has been done to fix it.

Someone claimed that it had been fixed, but it has not.

Come on, SORT IT ! ! !

My humble apologies.

I was not thinking and forgot the usual etiquette about capitals as I was writing.

"Preview" in reference to the "message pane", comes from earlier days of Thunderbird to distinguish it from the standalone message window.

See Also: → 1900712
See Also: → 1924335
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