Closed Bug 1861228 Opened 7 months ago Closed 7 months ago

"Show less frequently" for addon suggestions doesn't work properly when Rust is enabled


(Firefox :: Address Bar, task, P1)






(Reporter: adw, Assigned: adw)



The "Show less frequently" command for addon suggestions is supposed to be usable at most 3 times. This maximum count comes from the Suggest config stored in remote settings, but the Rust implementation doesn't support that yet. For the 120 experiment, we'll need a short-term fix, either hardcoding 3 or creating a new pref.

Oh, we could just use the addonsShowLessFrequentlyCap Nimbus variable like we did for the initial addons experiment.

Yeah, let's just use addonsShowLessFrequentlyCap for the cross-platform experiment. We'll need another solution once Rust is enabled by default, either hardcoding or adding support for the remote settings config in Rust, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

@Drew, during testing, we noticed that this issue is also affecting the Rust Pocket suggestions. After enabling the Pocket feature, we triggered the Pocket suggestions and clicked more than 3 times the "Show less frequently" menu option. However, the option was not hidden, and the browser.urlbar.pocket.showLessFrequentlyCount pref value shows the number of times we clicked the option.

Since Rust doesn’t support the frequency cap option at the moment, we will most likely need a new variable for the Pocket suggestions frequency option as well for the cross-platform experiment.

Thanks Carmen! I'll paste my reply from Slack for visibility.

You’re right, it impacts Pocket suggestions too. However, Pocket suggestions aren’t enabled by default, and they won’t be enabled during the x-platform experiment, so we should be good for now.

As with addon suggestions, if Pocket and Rust are ever enabled at the same time, we’ll need to come up with a solution, but I think we can cross that bridge when we come to it (e.g., add a Nimbus variable, hardcode a value, or support the RS config in Rust).

Actually we already have pocketShowLessFrequentlyCap, but I still think we can not worry about it though since Pocket won’t be enabled during the experiment. No need to complicate the recipe.

See Also: → 1881073
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