Closed Bug 1922944 Opened 5 months ago Closed 4 months ago

Cannot drag events to different days after update to 128.3.0


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect, P1)

Thunderbird 128


(thunderbird_esr128+ fixed, thunderbird132 fixed)

133 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr128 + fixed
thunderbird132 --- fixed


(Reporter: iacchi, Assigned: darktrojan)




(Keywords: regression, triaged, Whiteboard: [regression 128.2.3esr -> 128.3.0esr])


(1 file)

This bug was found by a user in the Italian support forum on Windows 10 and confirmed by me on Linux. After updating from 128.2.3 to 128.3.0 there is a feature regression concerning dragging events from one day to another. Up to 128.2.3 it was possible to click on an event on the calendar view and drag it to a different date (e.g. in the month view). After the update to 128.3.0 this is not possible any more and the only way to do so now is to right click to cut the event, paste it in the new day and select to which calendar to assign it to.

I confirm this bug!

Keywords: regression
Whiteboard: [regression 128.2.3esr -> 128.3.0esr]
Duplicate of this bug: 1923016
Duplicate of this bug: 1922949

Not sure why I didn't see it at first. At least in month view, I do get 'cal.dragService.invokeDragSession is not a function'

I must be blind! Bug 1906378 of course.

Regressed by: 1906378
Duplicate of this bug: 1922901
Duplicate of this bug: 1923170

Drag&Drop of calendar events doesn't work in Multiweek and Month view. There is an error in Browser Toolbox Console at the first attempt to drag&drop:

Uncaught TypeError: cal.dragService.invokeDragSession is not a function
    invokeEventDragSession chrome://calendar/content/calendar-dnd-listener.js:916
    MozCalendarEditableItem chrome://calendar/content/calendar-editable-item.js:122
3 calendar-dnd-listener.js:916:21

I have the same problem using thunderbird new update 128.3.0 esr-3.
I reverted back to the previous version thunderbird which is 128.2.3 esr-2
with this version it works again as a (hopefully temporary) workaround.

link to download the previous version 128.2

Make sure you disable Auto update after reverting
disconnect from the internet then disable the auto update by following:

You need to be aware that you might have an Updater Program running on your computer. It could even be a part of your Anti-Virus product. So if you have updater software then you need to make Thunderbird exempt.

You could also do the following:

Exit Thunderbird.

Type 'Run' in search and select 'Run' app
In 'Run' app type regedit and click on Ok
Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies
Right click on 'Policies' - select 'New ' > 'Key' - name it 'Mozilla'
so you have : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Mozilla
right click on 'Mozilla' - select 'New ' > 'Key' - name it 'Thunderbird'
Now you have: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Mozilla\Thunderbird
Right click on 'Thunderbird' select 'New' > 'DWORD 32 bit'
On the right, will appear 'new Value' -REG_DWORD - right click on 'new value' and select 'Rename' and rename as 'DisableAppUpdate'.
Note: Even if you are running 64-bit Windows you must still create a 32-bit DWORD value.

Double click on 'DisableAppUpdate' and Set its value to 1. Then click on OK.
Start Thunderbird

Menu icon > Options > Options > Advanced > 'Updates' tab Thunderbird updates It will state current version number. Options are removed and replaced by: 'Updates disabled by your system administrator'

To undo the change, remove the DisableAppUpdate 32-bit DWORD value you have created, then restart Thunderbird.

(In reply to Iacopo Benesperi [:iacchi] from comment #0)

Same bug for me on Mac Sonoma 14.0, with the latest Thunderbird (128.3.0esr (64-bit))

Confirming this too. The offending location according to the error console is calendar-dnd-listener.js:916:21 .

Perhaps an overhaul of regression Q/A is in order? :-)

Please let me know if more information is required.

Suggest this is P1.

Severity: -- → S3
Flags: needinfo?(toby)
Keywords: triaged
OS: Unspecified → All
Priority: -- → P1
Duplicate of this bug: 1924352
Flags: needinfo?(toby)

Thanks Wayne. I have asked Martin to take a look and I'll discuss this with Alessandro who authored the regressing patch.

Depends on: 1906387
Duplicate of this bug: 1923600
Duplicate of this bug: 1922832
Duplicate of this bug: 1924956
Duplicate of this bug: 1924445

I'm don't understand what happened here. Maybe there was some m-c uplift missing for 128.3.0.

I'm testing 128.3.0 and see the bug. But with 128.3.2esr (the current tip) it's working. Something in between must have fixed it.
Can someone confirm it's working on 128.3.2esr?

On version 128.3.1esr the problem was still present. After updating to version 128.3.2esr, drag&drop events seem to work.

Thanks! Let's close this then.

Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

I got an email from someone saying it's working in general, but dragging all-day events in week view is still broken.
I can confirm dragging all-day-events in week-view does not work on daily either - but used to work in earlier 128 (tested 128.2.1esr)

Resolution: WORKSFORME → --- has a comment about "day/week view items". This is where we end up (not dragging) when trying to drag all-day items.

Geoff, you added this in bug 1906387. I guess the remaining issue here is a continuation of that.

Flags: needinfo?(geoff)

Confirming that this issue has been resolved for both events tied to a specific time and ally-day event in 128.3.2esr running on Sequoia.


Tested this issue on Win 10 and Mac Sonoma 14,

  1. On the first issue reported, drag&drop Events, it seems that the affected ESR are :
    - 128.3.0 (20240930164946) and
    - 128.3.1 (20241009142959)

      On the other ESR that I tested drag& drop Events works as expected(:week/multiweek/month):      
                      - 128.2.3 (20240919232745) and 
                      - 128.3.2 (20241015205511)
  2. On the second issue, drag&drop All Day Events it seems that the affected ESR are:
    - 128.3.0 (20240930164946)
    - 128.3.1 (20241009142959) and
    - 128.3.2(20241015205511)

     On the other ESR that I tested, drag&drop All Day Events  works as expected on:
                   - 128.2.1(20240911233837)
                   - 128.2.2( 20240917161604)
                    - 128.2.3 (20240919232745

(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #20)

I'm testing 128.3.0 and see the bug. But with 128.3.2esr (the current tip) it's working. Something in between must have fixed it.

The backport of bug 1893119 to FF 128.3.0 and bug 1906387 to TB 128.3.2 must have fixed everything except all-day items which are now explicitly excluded. So TB 128.3.0 and 128.3.1 didn't work, and from 128.3.2, all-day drags don't work. Anything 128.2.x worked.

I suggest closing this bug with all its confusion and opening a new one for all-day events.

Please dont forger to test the related Bug 1923170, regarding grad and drop in multi-week and month views

(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #24) has a comment about "day/week view items". This is where we end up (not dragging) when trying to drag all-day items.

Geoff, you added this in bug 1906387. I guess the remaining issue here is a continuation of that.

That's exactly the problem. Looks like all-day items should have the draggable attribute but they don't.

Flags: needinfo?(geoff)
Assignee: nobody → geoff
Target Milestone: --- → 133 Branch

Pushed by
Make all-day events draggable in the week view. r=mkmelin

Closed: 4 months ago4 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Comment on attachment 9432765 [details]
Bug 1922944 - Make all-day events draggable in the week view. r=#thunderbird-reviewers

[Approval Request Comment]
Regression caused by (bug #): bug 1906378
User impact if declined: unable to drag all-day events from one day to another in week view, minor but annoying
Testing completed (on c-c, etc.): in 133.0b1
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): low

Attachment #9432765 - Flags: approval-comm-esr128?

Comment on attachment 9432765 [details]
Bug 1922944 - Make all-day events draggable in the week view. r=#thunderbird-reviewers

[Triage Comment]
Approved for esr128

Attachment #9432765 - Flags: approval-comm-esr128? → approval-comm-esr128+

Confirming this issue as verified fixed on 133.0b3(20241107210012) using MacOS 14.7


Comment on attachment 9432765 [details]
Bug 1922944 - Make all-day events draggable in the week view. r=#thunderbird-reviewers

[Triage Comment]
Approved for release

Attachment #9432765 - Flags: approval-comm-release+
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