Bug 255554
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 19 years ago
"Subject or Sender contains" filter area is auto clearing and reseting to an empty state
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: mscott)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2
When I need to do a quick search in any of my IMAP inboxes I would like to
beable to use the "Subject or Sender contains:" filter area. However after using
my mouse to view some of the filtered e-mails in the 3-pane mail window the
filter resets to an empty setting. This makes it very hard to uses the filter
except if I <crtl>+<a> and move the all the filtered mail to a temp folder. I'm
just want to filter on a single word, read the messages in the 3-pane mail
window, flag or mark the message junk. This shouldn't as pain full as it
currently is.
This happens on both Windows XP(version 0.7.3 (20040803)) and Linux (version
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Set "View" pull down to "Last 5 Days".
2.Enter a word like "System" into the "Subject or Sender contains:" filter hit
<Enter> ( I use the word System to look at logcheck e-mails sent from diff
servers just as an example. )
3.Using your mouse click each message to have it preview in the 3-pane mail window.
4. Eventually (from 10 to 120 seconds) the "Subject or Sender contains:" filter
5. I noticed that it will reset if I just let it be and don't view any messages.
Actual Results:
The "Subject or Sender contains:" filter resets to the empty state.
Expected Results:
I would have expected the filter to stay set until I click the "Clear" button
located next the filter text field.
Comment 1•21 years ago
It looks like the search box resets when new mail arrives. Yazz, can you confirm
this is the case?
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•21 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> It looks like the search box resets when new mail arrives. Yazz, can you confirm
> this is the case?
I don't think that is the case exactly. I set Thunderbird to check for new mail
every 30 min (for both IMAP servers I connect to).
I recreated the steps I mentioned above. In about 30 to 45 second after setting
the search field the field was cleared.
I set the "View" to "Last 5 Days" then entered the word "system" in the filter
field. Hit <enter> and then just watched, didn't touch the mouse or keyboard.
About 30 to 45 secconds latter the search rest and I was left viewing just the
"Last 5 Days" without a filter.
I was able to reproduce this action over and over. I'm wish I could do a
video screen capture for you. Know of any I could run on WinXP (found some for
Linux but don't have them compiled just yet)
Comment 3•20 years ago
See the possibly-related bug 191813 (which might be fixed by Neil's patch
to bug 179050) and bug 255469.
Comment 4•20 years ago
I found this problem to be even worse on 0.8 (MacOS X - haven't had time to test on Windows). By
'worse' I mean that it happened more frequently, and causes the email list window to lose the selection.
0.73 is usable but painful due to this problem. (Note that I still use it because it's better than any other
email app I've tried *grin*)
I think that bugs 250248 and 237811 are also related but I'm not positive.
Comment 5•20 years ago
*** Bug 245265 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6•20 years ago
This bug is still present on Thunderbird 0.8.3 (Debian unstable: 0.8
(20040926)). I think it is related to another bug: if you have a view filter
enabled (view other than "All"), it will also after a random time put focus into
the search field and lose the current position in the header pane.
This happens both with strings written in the search field and with an empty
search field. (When there are strings written in the search field, the search
field is spontaneously cleared!)
It is my impression that this happens when it gets a "new mail" notification
from the IMAP server (because the time changes at random and doesn't seem
affected by the "mark message as read after N seconds" setting).
(Note that I am seeing this bug on Linux, so it appears to be independent of the
Comment 7•20 years ago
Are any reporters still seeing this bug with current builds? Several related
bugs have apparently been fixed as the side-effect to something else;
xref bug 237811 and bug 255469.
Comment 8•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #7)
I haven't seen this one in a while; I've seen some other weirdness that I should report ('new' emails which
come into a mailbox, but should not be filtered by the current 'subject or sender', are displayed after
"space"-ing to the next message after the last filtered message. Usually spam :-) ) related to 'Subject or
Comment 9•19 years ago
No response from reporter => WFM
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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