Bug 382517
Opened 18 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Deleted copy of draft by auto-save(previous version of draft) is not removed from thread pane until folder re-open
(Thunderbird :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: sethb, Unassigned)
(1 file)
103.99 KB,
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In my draft folder, I will often see several copies of the same email saved as drafts. These drafts do not disappear after I send the message. Picture is attached.
Comment 1•18 years ago
IMAP or POP? Do you close and reopen between compose and send? Do you send directly or use "send later"?
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•18 years ago
Comment 3•18 years ago
Pretty sure Seth is using an imap server, Zimbra, in fact.
Comment 4•18 years ago
I am having the same problem (multiple drafts of the same message) with POP.
Comment 5•18 years ago
It looks to be message list pane refresh problem only, if local mail folder.
Following is simple test result with local Drafts/Seamonkey 1.1.2(MS Win-XP SP2).
1. Enable auto-save, Enable confirmation dialog for save draft, create a draft
2. Edit draft and modify text => save dialog => OK => 2 mails in thread pane
mail data in Drafts file is changed properly
old one: X-Mozilla-Staus: 0009, new one : X-Mozilla-Staus: 0000
3. Modify other text => save dialog => OK => 3 drafts mails in thread pane
mail data in Drafts file is changed properly
one at step 2: X-Mozilla-Staus: 0008, new one : X-Mozilla-Staus: 0000
4. Click folder other than the Drafts, then click Drafts again => 1 mail only
This also happens on my Windows XPSP2 box. Thunderbird ver., also happened before upgrading from unknown ver..
Saves a duplicate draft, w/o my interaction once every minute as long as I am composing email, until I have finished and sent the email.
I use POP, do not close between compose and send, do not use "send later."
Comment 7•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #6)
den, can "step 4." of Comment #5 during compose ease your feel of offended or annoyed?
Comment 8•18 years ago
Different(worse) result from comment #5 with Tb version 3.0a1pre(20070612)/Win-XP.
1. Add a News account(, and subscribe a newsgroup
Drafts folder for this account : Drafts of "Local Folders"
"Confirmation dialog on save" is disabled
2. Compose news post thru "Reply"
=> Drafts of "Local Folsers" is created
Multiple draft mail in thread pane
3. Close compose window, and "No" to dialog for "save or not"
4. Click other folder and click Drafts again => still multiple draft mails
5. Rebuild Index => still multiple draft mails
Comment 9•18 years ago
Wasn't able to reproduce comment 8 on Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a6pre) Gecko/20070621 Thunderbird/3.0a1pre ID:2007062103
Comment 10•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #9)
> Wasn't able to reproduce comment 8 (snip) Thunderbird/3.0a1pre ID:2007062103
Me too(Win-XP SP2). No problem on both POP3 account and news acocunt.
Problem looks to be resolved by 2007/6/21 build.
Comment 11•18 years ago
I have had no problems with the draft system since its implementation in Seamonkey, possibly profile cruft?
Comment 12•18 years ago
I stumbled upon an issue resembling this one. I don't think it's this same issue though.
I'm using version (20070429). My most recent actions were:
* quit thunderbird
* exit x-windows
* restore a copy of my profile from a backup (rsync -av --delete /source/ /home/user/)
* start x-windows
* start thunderbird
* My drafts folder is a 'normal' folder and not a special folder.
* Creating a new email and saving it will save it to this non-special drafts folder.
* Saving multiple times will create multiple items in that drafts folder
* sending an item will not erase any of the copies in that drafts folder
Steps to resolve:
* quit thunderbird
* delete Drafts.msf
* restart thunderbird
Comment 13•18 years ago
Hello everybody!
We have this problem hitting us big time right now. And it is not just the Drafts-folder but the Sent-folder as well. I have seen several hundreds(!) of copies of same email in Sent-folders - both with attachments and without. Just imagine how much disk space is consumed when there is an attachment...:( Both the folders (Drafts & Sent) are on the server.
Our boxes run Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP SP2 and we have been transitioning from 1.5.x to 2.x. Dunno yet if this existed with 1.5.x but I doubt it. My best guess is this started with or Now we have the latest and the problem comes up almost every day (we have some 200 boxes). We are using Imap + SSL. Haven't seen this yet without SSL (while tunneling via ssh) so could this be once again a problem with it?
Anyway, we need to have this fixed ASAP. I will start testing with 1.5.x just in case we have to downgrade. Will report my findings later.
Comment 14•17 years ago
Confirming the "multiplying draft"-behaviour on Linux (Ubuntu Gutsy), Thunderbird version (20070830). Problem seems to be consistent, every time a draft version is autosaved, a new draft appears. Had no problems with 1.5.x
Using plain POP3.
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Comment 15•17 years ago
Running version (20071031) on XPSP2 with IMAP with almost default configuration since install, if writing long mail it usually autosave it and many copies appears in drafts and not deleted after I sent mail.
Comment 16•17 years ago
Anyone else NOT see this using version 1.5?
Is bug 410113 a variation? Reporter of that bug states his DOES happen in v1.5.
(using "SEND a copy to local folder" option in composition)
Comment 17•17 years ago
To all problem reporters with POP3:
Can you re-produce problem with latest trunk?
(See Comment #9 and Comment #10. It was WORKSFORME when comments were posted.)
You can test trunk build by decompress only.
- Go
- Download ZIP build for Win32 when MS Win, and unzip it
- Start Tb with "thunderbird.exe -P",
create profile, create dummy POP3 account(with No-Global-Inbox)
- Enable auto-save, compose a mail, "Send Later" instead of "Send"
To all problem reporters with IMAP:
Gmail IMAP? If yes, see Dependency tree for meta Bug 402793(with "Show
Resolved"), please. If no, can you re-produce problem with latest-trunk?
Comment 19•17 years ago
Its reproducible with current and are NOT reproducible with TRUNK using IMAP folders.
Comment 20•17 years ago
Sounds like bug 307046 but that should have been fixed, so probably another issue.
Comment 21•17 years ago
using TB version (20080213) and GoogleMail, I'm experiencing a similar issue, but the following things differ:
- TB saves several drafts (auto-saving ON)
- Upon send the mail (no restart of TB in between nor "Send later" clicked), the drafts are gone
- Visiting GoogleMail's web-interface, you can see _all_ drafts as separated mails within the "Conversation" (as Google calls its "tabbed" presentation of connected mails), though only the version you've clicked "Send" for inside TB is indeed sent.
Expected result would be TB updating the draft instead of creating several drafts for one message.
Comment 22•17 years ago
using TB version (20080421) w/ W2K and Google-Mail. I am experiencing, pretty much, the same issues.
Was using POP until recently and it was doing it there as well. I'm currently using IMAP.
The Drafts folder on my main account currently has about 24 messages. most are at least 2 copies (including any attachments) of the same message. There shouldn't be any as they have all been sent, I hope.
AutoSave was on until a few minutes ago. I turned it off to see if it makes another issue go away.
Comment 23•17 years ago
I'm on TB3a2; same problem.
Comment 24•17 years ago
Well, AutoSave has been off for 4 weeks and a couple of days now and the problem has had no reoccurrence.
I just turned AutoSave back on and am going to see what happens.
Comment 25•17 years ago
Since AutoSave has been back on, I have had my mail composing window blink out once without warning and the email end up in drafts. I haven't sent a lot of emails in the last couple of days.
I also have a draft copy of an email in Drafts that was completed and sent, so shouldn't be there. At least, it's also in my Sent folder, so I assume it was sent.
I like the idea of AutoSave, but I don't trust it now. I'm turning it back off.
Comment 26•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #22)
> Google-Mail
> I'm currently using IMAP.
To Jim Gribbin:
Have you read Comment #17?
Have you seen Dependency Tree for meta Bug 402793(with "Show Resolved")?
Read Bug 402132 which is listed at the top of the tree, which is already closed as INVALID because it's Gmail IMAP side problem.
> Bug 402132 : Multiple Drafts saved on Gmail IMAP during writing process,
> none deleted. [RESOLVED INVALID]
Comment 27•17 years ago
As I wrote Comment #5, the "multiplying draft"-behaviour of this bug is following.
When local Drafts folder (POP3 mail account or "Local Folders"),
after write of new draft by auto-save (or "Save" of editing draft mail),
deleted(old) draft mail is still displayed in mail list pane(thread pane),
until folder re-open (click other folder, then click Drafts again).
This bug is not for "true multiple copies of draft in Drafts folder".
If Gmail IMAP, see Bug 402132.
If IMAP but non-Gmail-IMAP, and if "true multiple copies of draft mail in Drafts", please open separate bug with sufficient data such as IMAP protocol log.
Comment 28•17 years ago
Changing summary for ease of search, to avoid confusion.
Summary: Multiple copies of drafts stored in draft folder → Deleted copy of draft by auto-save(previous version of draft) is not removed from thread pane until folder re-open
Comment 29•17 years ago
Problem(explained in comment #5) is not observed with Tb trunk.
> Name=Thunderbird, Version=3.0a2pre, BuildID=2008061703 on MS Win-XP SP2
(0) Enable auto-save, compose a mail using identity of POP3 account as From:,
save as drafts, and exit compose window
(1) Edit the draft
(2) Update mail data, wait for a while, or "Save"
=> Thread pane is successfully updated, and only the newest one remained
(3) Repeat (2). No problem always.
When "Show confirmation dialog when messages are saved" was enabled, behavior at step (2) was as follows.
- Update mail data, wait for a while, or "Save"
- New version was added to thread pane (two versions exists)
- Confirmation dialog of "Save"
- OK to confirmation dialog
- Old version was removed from thread pane (only newest one remains)
This bug is already WORKSFORME with Tb Trunk.
Comment 30•17 years ago
To Jim Gribbin:
Nikolay Shopik already wrote following for IMAP case in comment #19 on 2008-04-04.
> Its reproducible with current
> and are NOT reproducible with TRUNK using IMAP folders.
Comment 31•17 years ago
I was having this problem without Gmail IMAP (using another IMAP provider).
All that would happen is a new copy of the email would be saved to Drafts each Auto-Save cycle, and they would only be deleted manually.
Updated•17 years ago
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Comment 32•16 years ago
since about 12/6 I am seeing this with trunk - news only, where drafts is in Local Folders. But restart does not cause them to be removed.
Auto save is 1 minute
Draft is not deleted if I start compose as "edit draft" and terminate compose without sending.
Comment 33•16 years ago
multiple drafts staying in folder is addressed by Bug 482836 - Multiple (iterations) copies of draft messages are saved in the DRAFTS folder
Comment 34•15 years ago
See this using Thunderbird 3.0 with Google IMAP.
1) Set draft folder to be on IMAP
2) Start composing mail
3) Hit save button or auto-save:
Thunderburd says: "Copy message to draft folder"
Multiple copies of the draft message in the IMAP Draft folder, and they stay there even when the message is sent.
4) Restart Thunderbird:
Automatically removes the extra drafts, and everything the way it should be...
Comment 35•13 years ago
Does anyone see real world cases of this anymore on a current release?
i.e. if you return to the folder the old, obsolete drafts disappear?
And if it still exists - is it pop-only or imap-only?
Comment 36•13 years ago
Wayne, I have not seen this problem for several release cycles. So, I don't think that this problem exists anymore. FYI, Gordon
Comment 37•13 years ago
I haven't seen it either.
Comment 38•13 years ago
cool. => WFM
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 39•13 years ago
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #35)
This problem still exists. I use TB v. 11.0.1 in Dutch.
When i close TB and restart it, the draft-copies are still there, although i have sent the corresponding message.
Comment 40•13 years ago
I've always had this problem and I still have it with TB 11, 12 and 13 beta. I'm using an imap account and chose to aute-save drafts every 5 minutes in a "Drafts" folder of the imap server.
The drafts are marked for deletion once the message is sent but are never purged. They continue to pile up until i manually "compact" the folder.
The imap account is set to "just mark it as deleted" when deleting a message.
Comment 41•13 years ago
according to the bug summary, this bug is explicit on the point of "draft is removed when reopening the folder". So comment 39 and 40 are different issues.
please file a new bug report if you can reproduce in safe mode and there isn't an already existing bug listed in;short_desc_type=allwordssubstr;resolution=---;type0-0-0=nowords;value0-0-0=count%20counts;product=MailNews%20Core;product=Thunderbird;short_desc=draft%20delet;list_id=3111338
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