Closed Bug 400887 Opened 17 years ago Closed 1 year ago

Audit XPTs and Gecko components


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mark, Unassigned)



(Keywords: fixed1.8.1.12)


(5 files, 2 obsolete files)

We're not packaging all of the typelib files we should. We ran into this in bug 371860. For 1.6 and the trunk, we should do an audit of our XPT files, and package the ones that we need but are currently missing. We might also want to rethink how we do XPTs, or implement some sort of checking, so that this stops happening to us.
We may want to pre-build camino.xpt (with xpt_link) and have the project file depend only on that. There's nothing you can do with individual typelib files from within Xcode, and we xpt_link this stuff together after the xcodebuild ordinarily (which is actually kind of a huge hack.) This means that we'll need to maintain the list of desired typelibs somewhere outside of the xcodeproj (like the Makefile), but that might not be so bad if we, say, take all of the platform XPTs and subtract what we don't want/can't use. Just an idea.
Bug 371860 and bug 400302 fixed this for a few typelib files for Camino 1.5.3.
I don't want to start spamming this bug or setting false dependencies, but I'd also like to find a good way to collect puzzling web-content bugs that we should check during/after the XPT audit to see if they're also XPT-related. Bug 379564, Bug 336156
I don't know if we want to try this--at least the audit part--for a1 or just get to it quickly thereafter....
Flags: camino1.6a1?
Target Milestone: --- → Camino1.6
As of today, this is the list of xpts we are not shipping in trunk that are available in dist/. alerts.xpt appshell.xpt appstartup.xpt autocomplete.xpt camino.xpt chardet.xpt chrome.xpt commandhandler.xpt content_html.xpt content_htmldoc.xpt content_xmldoc.xpt content_xtf.xpt contentprefs.xpt cookie.xpt directory.xpt dom_loadsave.xpt dom_sidebar.xpt dom_storage.xpt downloadmanager.xpt editor.xpt extensions.xpt find.xpt history.xpt htmlparser.xpt imgicon.xpt inspector.xpt locale.xpt lwbrk.xpt mozbrwsr.xpt mozfind.xpt necko_cookie.xpt oji.xpt pippki.xpt plugin.xpt prefetch.xpt profile.xpt proxyObjInst.xpt related.xpt saxparser.xpt urlformatter.xpt webbrowserpersist.xpt webshell_idls.xpt widget_cocoa.xpt windowds.xpt xpautocomplete.xpt xpcom_system.xpt xpinstall.xpt xultmpl.xpt zipwriter.xpt We know we need everything from bug 371860's patch (and I really think we should add them before a1, since having a regression from 1.5.x to 1.6a1 is undesireable); mento, how would we go about figuring out what else we want?
In the spirit of "make this stop happening", should we think about doing the xpt copy with a shell script that snags all the .xpt files in dist/Embed/components, then deletes any that we explicitly say we *don't* want? I'd rather make Camino 10 or 20k bigger than keep having these problems.
That's more-or-less what mento proposed in comment 1; I like the idea of the project only having to deal with one camino.xpt instead of 30 individual ones which we copy in non-static and xpt_link in static.
I agree, I'm leaning towards something along the lines of what I proposed in comment 1, and I should have something later today or tomorrow.
Flags: camino1.6a1? → camino1.6a1+
We also need to do components here; see bug 402243.
Blocks: 371860, 400302, 402243
Summary: Audit XPTs → Audit XPTs and Gecko components
These are all of the XPTs and components in Camino 1.5.x, taken from the current CAMINO_1_5_BRANCH, so they include the fixes for bugs 371860, 400302, and 402243. Anything marked with a - is built but not shipped with Camino. The first section includes XPTs, and I've verified that it's the same in our static and nonstatic builds. The second section includes component libraries included in the nonstatic build. The third section includes static components in the static build. The static build also includes three dynamically loaded bundle components on this branch: libmyspell.dylib and libspellchecker.dylib are in Camino, and libxpinstall.dylib is not. I've also verified that the static and nonstatic component lists agree with each other. The results of this audit are that there's not presently anything DOM-accessible that we're missing, except dom_sidebar.xpt, which we purposely skipped. There are GRE-packaged items that extensions would have access to, but I don't care about those for the 1.5.x series of releases. I really only care about broken content crap, and it looks like we're covered on that front. For 1.6 and the trunk, we should think about taking modules (XPTs and binary components) that are included in the GRE, and weigh the bloat against the advantages of maybe supporting a couple of extra extensions. But to cover web content, we should be covered if we simply fix 371860, 400302, 402243 by adding the missing files. (This assumes that the trunk didn't add more junk we aren't yet bundling.)
(In reply to comment #12) > The results of this audit are that there's not presently anything > DOM-accessible that we're missing, except dom_sidebar.xpt, which we purposely > skipped. There are GRE-packaged items that extensions would have access to, > but I don't care about those for the 1.5.x series of releases. I really only > care about broken content crap, and it looks like we're covered on that front. I mentioned this to mento in channel, but I'll repeat it here for posterity: for 1.6 and beyond, I'm also concerned with stuff that our Gecko-based app-components depend on (e.g., FAYT, crazy security bugs, etc.), so I do think we need to carefully weigh taking modules (XPTs and binary components) that are included in the GRE. I think what blocks 1.6a1 is only parity with 1.5.4, though (and perhaps project changes to depend on camino.xpt instead of multiple xpts, if that's "easy" enough).
Er, officially minusing this for 1.5.4. In the next few days, I'll forward-port mento's and my existing 1_5 xpt/component fixes to the 18branch and trunk so that we can land them for 1.6a1 soon.
Flags: camino1.5.4? → camino1.5.4-
Attached patch trunk patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Trunk was fairly easy, as the heavy lifting of mozStorage was done earlier in the year in bug 385074.
Attachment #291018 - Flags: superreview?(mark)
Attached patch 18branch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Some notes here: 1) The change is actually Xcode undoing the spurious change there that happened with the Sparkle landing. 2) Why does Xcode now try to "helpfully" add library search paths that already are in the library search paths, and insert *2* ugly lines per buildstyle when doing so? :/ I went back and removed those six spurious lines.
Attachment #291020 - Flags: superreview?(mark)
Attachment #291020 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #291020 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Comment on attachment 291018 [details] [diff] [review] trunk patch Looks good. In both of these patches, it looks like there are a couple of lists that you kinda-sorta kept sorted but not really. I know that they're a mess as it is, but is there any reason that you put content_xmldoc between content_base and content_html in the last group in this patch? That part of that list was mostly in good shape. The same pattern crops up a few more times in the branch patch.
Attachment #291018 - Flags: superreview?(mark) → superreview+
Attachment #291020 - Flags: superreview?(mark) → superreview+
(In reply to comment #17) > but is there any reason that you put content_xmldoc between content_base and > content_html in the last group in this patch? That part of that list was > mostly in good shape. The same pattern crops up a few more times in the branch > patch. Oops, that's me not paying close enough attention to the strange sorting order Xcode used when adding files to the project and adding them to/moving them between copy phases :(
Attachment #291018 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Ladies and gentle-geckos, we are code complete for Camino 1.6a1. Leaving this bug open for remaining work to take care of comment 1 and the last pgh of comment 12.
Keywords: fixed1.8.1.12
Er, and the rest of the work on this bug should block 1.6 final.
Flags: camino1.6+
Landing an attachment (id=291048) breaks the Local News section of the page. The Local News section displays correctly with 12/1/07 branch build. But the Local News section of the page is with 12/2/07 branch build.
Sorry, I missed Comment #22. The Local News section of the page is blank with 12/2/07 branch build.
(In reply to comment #22) > Landing an attachment (id=291048) [details] breaks the Local News section of the > page. > The Local News section displays correctly with 12/1/07 branch build. > But the Local News section of the page is with 12/2/07 branch > build. It displays the same on Camino trunk (2hours old build), Minefield(2007120118), BonEcho(20071130): empty (as seen in attachment 291060 [details]).
Eiichi, Do you have cookies for blocked ? If so, what you see is bug 389002.
(In reply to comment #27) > Eiichi, > Do you have cookies for blocked ? > If so, what you see is bug 389002. Yes, I've blocked cookies for And I accept cookies for, then the Local News section displays correctly. Thanks philippe.
One more thing, when I open Console logs as below with latest-1.6-M1.8 12/2/07. Console logs nothing with latest-1.6-M1.8 12/1/07. Camino[26006] *** WARNING: Method runModalForWindow:relativeToWindow: in class NSApplication is obsolete and will be removed in release GM ***
Sorry again. I've forgotten Bug 221730. I tested latest-1.6-M1.8 12/2/07 on Desktop. I run 12/2/07 in /Applications, then Console logs nothing.
I talked to mento, and we're going to call this good for 1.6 rather than add churn at this point in the cycle. We'll take a look for 2.0.
Target Milestone: Camino1.6 → Camino2.0
Toggling flags per comment 31.
Flags: camino2.0?
Flags: camino1.6-
Flags: camino1.6+
While working on bug 488949 I hit JS exceptions stemming from XPCOM invalid IID errors for;1;1 The former is XULAppInfo (xpcom_system.xpt), the latter is nsIScriptableDateFormat (locale.xpt). ChimericalConsole++
Assignee: mark → nobody
Too late to do this for 2.0; we should still do a sweep at some point though.
Flags: camino2.0? → camino2.0-
Target Milestone: Camino2.0 → Camino2.1
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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