Bug 422253
Opened 17 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
Acrobat PDFWriter prints/saves document garbled
(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)
of bug 454532
(Reporter: terryfowler, Unassigned)
(Keywords: dataloss, regression)
(4 files)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9b4) Gecko/2008030714 Firefox/3.0b4
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9b4) Gecko/2008030714 Firefox/3.0b4
Any web page printed or saved using Acrobat Reader 7.0 and PDF Writer to create the PDF document has text garbled - characters are jumbled up and unreadable.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select Print
2. Use Acrobat PDFWriter for Printer
3. Assign file name and save with View File Checked to open Acrobat Reader 7.0 after completion
Actual Results:
Characters unreadable in resulting PDF document
Expected Results:
Acurate reproduction of web page or selection of page
Works fine in Internet Explorer all versions
Replicated this effect with Firefox3B5 and Adobe Acrobat 5.0. PDFWriter (part of Adobe Acrobat 5.0) works fine with other applications, and with Firefox2. I suspect some font translation since graphics and text positioning seem correct. Printing to a normal printer works fine. Print preview works fine. Changing PDFWriter Properties (compression and Font Embedding) do not have an effect. Reinstalling Acrobat did not correct.
The following line:
Thank you for helping test Firefox 3 Beta 5! This release is being made
Is translated into a PDF file displaying:
Repeatable with old PDF writer (3.02). Works with Firefox 2. Other printers work OK.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.9b5) Gecko/2008032620 Firefox/3.0b5
Acrobat Distiller renders PDFs correctly. Same software, same HTML pages, Acrobat PDFWriter garbles, Acrobat Distiller doesn't.
Comment 4•17 years ago
same problem with Acrobat 4.0
Comment 5•17 years ago
I have Acrobat 4.0 full version and Adobe Reader Ver 8. I have the same problem on three different computers. Printing to PDFWriter worked fine with Firefox 2.x, still works fine with IE, but the resultant pdf file is garbled with Firefox 3. Interestingly, the Print Preview function displays correctly.
Comment 6•17 years ago
I have Acrobat 5.0 full version and discovered the same problem now with the newly released Firefox 3. Printing to PDFWriter worked fine with Firefox
2.x, still works fine with IE, but the resultant pdf file is garbled with
Firefox 3. Interestingly, the Print Preview function displays correctly.
In addition I found that printing from Firefox to Foxit PDF Writer (=creating a PDF File using Foxit instead of the Acrobat v5) produces a perfect PDF file.
Comment 7•17 years ago
I have Acrobat 4.05 full version and discovered the same problem with the newly released Firefox 3. Printing to PDFWriter worked fine with ff 2.x. The output pdf file is garbled when using ff 3 but not with ff 2. Primo PDF renders a proper output.
Comment 8•17 years ago
Here is an example of what is being produced. The issue seems to be with FF 3 and all versions of Adobe. This was produced with the full version of 5.0 but it also occurred with the full version of Adobe 7.0
Updated•17 years ago
Component: General → Printing
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: general → printing
Comment 11•17 years ago
I get the same bad results with V5, V7 and V8 of Adobe's PDF writer. Using Docudesk's DeskPDF product, the results are correct.
Comment 12•17 years ago
Confirming for Firefox 3.0 (it did work correctly with Firefox 2).
OS: Windows XP Home Edition version 2002, service pack 2
PDF creator: Acrobat PDF Writer 5.0 for Windows NT (PDF version 1.2) Acrobat 3.x
CutePDF Writer does seem to function correctly.
It is interesting to note that the PDFs created by "CutePDF Writer" are always larger than the "Acrobat PDF Writer" PDFs and do embed the font. The font name it uses is always unrecognisable though (like TTE1BCB2B0t00).
It might be that this issue is related "Acrobat PDF Writer" not embedding fonts properly. Verification welcome (i.e. check embedded fonts for "Acrobat PDF Writer" and "other PDF creator" documents). Could this have something to do with a change in the naming of fonts? Just guessing here though.
Comment 13•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #0)
Experiencing the same problem after installing Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0 when when printing to Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0. This printer uses PDFKD.DLL
PDFWriter worked fine with Firefox 2.0.14 and works ok with all other programs. Problem occurs on both XP with SP3, and Windows 2000, with SP4. Tried printing with PDF995 instead of Acrobat PDFWriter and the pages printed ok.
Comment 14•17 years ago
Experiencing a similar problem, please use this URL for reference:
Using Adobe PDF and Primo PDF printer drivers, and Mozilla 3.0 and IE7 for comparison. If you create 2x2 matrix, you get 4 PDF output files. One can download the PrimoPDF freeware from
The Mozilla 3.0 results are the same as the IE7, using two identical printer drivers(, not counting the actual file size). IE7 output contains all the text, and most of it is intelligible. Parts of it is under graphics features of the page. The Mozilla outputs only have the first page of the text, so it is truncated.
Comment 15•17 years ago
I'm getting the same problem with Acrobat 5 PDFWriter
Comment 16•17 years ago
I have the same problem after upgrading to Firefox 3 and printing to Acrobat PDF Writer 4.0. It was working fine with Firefox 2.
(It works fine with Acrobat Distiller, version 4.0.)
My configuration is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0.
Comment 17•17 years ago
Yes, distiller 5 works for me, too.
Comment 18•17 years ago
Distiller works fine but not PDF Writer
Comment 19•17 years ago
Me too - PDFWriter 4 garbled fonts running from FF3 on XP SP2. Either this gets fixed or IE becomes my default again - FF will not dictate how I print
Comment 20•17 years ago
Confirmed that Adobe PDFWriter 5.0 outputs garbled text(otherwise formatted correctly) when printing under Firefox 3.01, while the .PDF output is as-expected under Internet Explorer 7, Opera 9.5, Word 2000, etc.
Comment 21•17 years ago
Why is the status of this still "unconfirmed" after 4 months of clear documentation. I will add to the confirmation and state that this is a major setback to the use of this browser by any business. This version should not have been released to the public with such a glaring oversight.
Comment 22•17 years ago
Marking confirmed, per comment 20 (and from visual inspection of attachments).
See also bug 439767.
As a workaround, the BullZip Free PDF printer worked with Firefox 3, the last time I tried it.
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 23•17 years ago
If someone could track down a regression range for this, that'd be hugely helpful. (testing nightly builds from to find out when this bug appeared)
Comment 24•17 years ago
I did a quick search on bugzilla and found some more duplicate entries to this bug: {{bug|440529}}, {{bug|442570}} and {{bug|444012}}.
All of them describe the same problem and all of them are unassigned.
This bug needs to be fixed.
Comment 25•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #23)
> If someone could track down a regression range for this, that'd be hugely
> helpful. (testing nightly builds from
> to find out when this
> bug appeared)
I'm not sure if this is the granularity that you need, but I tested the latest v2 ( and it worked fine with PDFWriter 5.0.
However, the first build of 3.x which I tested showed the same error symptoms described in this bug report:
2007-11-07-03-firefox3.0b1/ 07-Nov-2007 07:34
If there is an earlier build to try, I'd be interested in a link, please.
Comment 26•17 years ago
You found the 2007 folder, so keep going further back :). There are also 2006, 2005, and 2004 folders (though 1.8 branched off the trunk in 2005, IIRC, so if 2.0 doesn't have problems, it happened later than that).
Comment 27•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #26)
Oh, I was actually attempting to locate the first build in which I saw the reported bug symptoms - i.e., I'd used PDFWriter successfully in and prior releases/builds, but in that 2007 build for 3.0b1, it suddenly failed. And, in all subsequent 3.x builds that I tested.
Was there a 3.x release prior to the one I tried?
Sorry if this question has an obvious answer.
Comment 28•17 years ago
Yeah, like I said in comment #26, the 2.x and 3.x codebases diverged many years ago already. You can try out the various Gran Paradiso alphas that got released in the lead-up to Fx3.0b1, but more helpful would be to try the nightly builds found in the directory you already linked to.
Comment 29•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #25)
> 2007-11-07-03-firefox3.0b1/ 07-Nov-2007 07:34
(In reply to comment #27)
> Was there a 3.x release prior to the one I tried?
Ryan and I should have been more clear -- earlier builds are simply named [timestamp]-trunk rather than [timestamp]-firefox3.0bX.
So, for example, you can test this going back to e.g. January 1st 2007, with this build:
Even earlier builds are in separate folders for 2006, 2005, etc.
Also, binary search is your friend. :)
If you (or anyone) can locate two consecutive "[timestamp]-trunk" builds where this behavior changed, that'd be very helpful and much appreciated.
Updated•17 years ago
Flags: wanted1.9.1?
Whiteboard: [needs-regression-range]
Comment 30•16 years ago
the last good build for me, with absolutely no font issues in body frame or the PDF page's header/footer, was from the 02-06-11 build from 2007/02/2007-02-06-11-trunk/
my font problems begin in build 02-07-04 from 2007/02/2007-02-07-04-trunk/ where all text in body frame is output as highlighted in black (although not 'corrupt' gibberish) while text in head/foot was completely fine
this remains the same through the 03-04-04 build
the real font 'corruption' begins to appear in the 03-05-04 build from 2007/03/2007-03-05-04-trunk/ where text in the head/foot is suddenly 'corrupt' gibberish while the text in the body frame remains highlighted in black as in builds since 02-07-04
as of the offical release, all text appears as 'corrupt' gibberish throughout the entire head/foot & body frame but the letters are no longer highlighted in black
Comment 31•16 years ago
pdf sample of highlighted fonts in 02-07-04 build
Comment 32•16 years ago
pdf sample of corrupt text in head/foot of 03-05-04 build
Comment 33•16 years ago
Thanks for the sleuthing work, JohnP!
(In reply to comment #30)
> my font problems begin in build 02-07-04 from 2007/02/2007-02-07-04-trunk/
> where all text in body frame is output as highlighted in black
Bonsai link:
That's very likely due to the patch for bug 177805, which was very wide-reaching and touched a bunch of printing-related files.
> the real font 'corruption' begins to appear in the 03-05-04 build from
> 2007/03/2007-03-05-04-trunk/ where text in the head/foot is suddenly 'corrupt'
Bonsai link:
That sounds like a regression from bug 370588. ("Make gfxTextRun be a single shared class for all platforms")
> as of the offical release, all text appears as 'corrupt' gibberish throughout
> the entire head/foot & body frame
Could someone could narrow down the date range for when this changed? i.e. find the two consecutive nightlies where one yields normal body text and the next yields gibberish body text? (It'd be between 2007-03-05 and the FF3 release, according to comment 30)
Blocks: 370588
Comment 34•16 years ago
it's somewhere between 08-31-05 (good) and 09-30-05 (bad) but I need some sleep & can't keep sleuthing right now. Good night & good luck!
Comment 35•16 years ago
I find that Google's new Chrome exhibits the same problem with PDF Writer. One difference is that Chrome prints my header and footer correctly, whereas Firefox garbles both and seems to superimpose both at the top of the page.
Comment 36•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #34)
> it's somewhere between 08-31-05 (good) and 09-30-05 (bad)
JohnP: Thanks for narrowing it to this monthlong period -- if you or anyone else with PDF Writer could further narrow this down (so we can figure out what code-change triggered the problem), it'd be much appreciated!
Comment 37•16 years ago
got it (on my system at least):
09-20-05 is last time body is not corrupt or black highlighted(but head/foot corrupt); from 09-21-05 thru 09-24-05 body highlighted but not 'corrupt' with corrupt head/foot; starting 09-25-04 body and head/foot both corrupt, no body highlighting
Comment 38•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #37)
> starting 09-25-04 body and head/foot both corrupt
Great, thanks!
Bonsai link:
--> looks like a regression from bug 377336 (whose patch deals with printing & fonts on WinXP)
Comment 39•16 years ago
There is an analysis of the problem at bug 454532, comment 3. The short version of it is that it is a bug in PDFWriter. Workarounds include using Distiller or using the built in cairo PDF exporter by installing the printpdf plugin (
Comment 40•16 years ago
Doesn't really meet the "wanted" criteria (security, stability, regression from maintenance release) for 1.9.0.x. However, we'll look at a reviewed and baked patch.
Flags: wanted1.9.0.x? → wanted1.9.0.x-
Yes, this is a dup of 454532 -- upgrading to Distiller, using the Print to PDF addon, or using something like PrimoPDF are the solution. I don't think we'll be able to fix this at all; at best we'll blacklist PDF Writer and point to a knowledgebase article.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 42•16 years ago
I just installed Microsoft Visio professional 7 and get the same results (garbled text but graphics are ok) when trying to print pdf using adobe acrobat 5.0. This seems to support bug in PDF writer hypothesis.
Comment 43•16 years ago
Can you explain your most recent comments:
Doesn't really meet the "wanted" criteria (security, stability, regression from
maintenance release) for 1.9.0.x. However, we'll look at a reviewed and baked
Does this mean that you're not all that interested in "fixing" the problem? I'd be glad to tell the different companies I consult with to either regress back to Firefox 2 or switch to Internet Explorer, if it appears that the Firefox staff is not interested in fixing the problem. Please advise.
Comment 44•16 years ago
Rich: Please read the comments posted after the one you're commenting on (and on the bug this is duped to).
My understanding is that this is a in PDF Writer, not a bug in Firefox. AFAIK, the bug wasn't exposed in FF2 because we used an older graphics backend in that version. And as comment 42 points out, this PDF Writer bug can be reproduced in other apps besides Firefox.
So, there's not much we can do here, besides recommending that people not use PDF Writer.
Vlad gave some suggested workarounds in comment 41:
> upgrading to Distiller, using the Print to PDF
> addon, or using something like PrimoPDF are the solution.
I hope that helps / addresses your question.
Comment 45•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #44)
> My understanding is that this is a in PDF Writer, not a bug in Firefox.
(oops -- meant to say "this is a _bug_ in PDF Writer")
Comment 46•16 years ago
Rich & others: See in particular bug 454532 comment 3, under heading "Adobe PDF Writer", where Adrian did a bunch of analysis to find & understand the bug in PDF Writer.
Comment 47•16 years ago
That's a cop-out! PDF Writer works in "everything" EXCEPT Firefox. How can you blame the application? And to recommend an alternative applications is again a cop-out. Even your application worked fine before you released the version 3x.
It's this sort of response that will be the un-doing of LINUX as well ... let's just give everybody a "work-around". No accountability or owning up to the problem.
Is this your final decision on it? To do nothing, and blame the application that works fine with all other applications? Please confirm.
I will take action on your response.
(In reply to comment #47)
> That's a cop-out! PDF Writer works in "everything" EXCEPT Firefox. How can
> you blame the application? And to recommend an alternative applications is
> again a cop-out. Even your application worked fine before you released the
> version 3x.
Well, except that PDF Writer doesn't work in "everything" -- in IE (and, presumably, Firefox 2), it only works for latin text, and doesn't work in many other apps (e.g. see the Visio comment earlier). IE and Firefox 2 don't do the more complex text layout that Firefox 3 does for latin text, so it can print without using glyph indices. If we "fixed" it, we would only have a chance of fixing it for printing latin text, and doing so would cause other problems (layout differences between print and screen).
So, as of right now, this is a bug in PDF Writer that happens to be exposed by Firefox. If someone comes up with a patch for the latin text issue, it would be considered, but as of right now noone is working on such a patch.
Comment 49•16 years ago
It's a bit of a lark to claim PDFW "doesn't work in many other apps" -- Viso is practically a non-issue in this context as the vast majority of environments using it don't print from it but instead embed Visio objs or pics into other WP/Graphics documents. It is a cop-out not to address the issue & makes me wonder what bugs you might not take seriously in future upgrades. As for me, I'm exporting my bookmarks & then reverting to IE on both my XP & Vista systems
Comment 50•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #49)
> Viso is
> practically a non-issue in this context as the vast majority of environments
> using it don't print from it
It's irrelevant that people don't tend to print from Visio. The point is, this is a bug in PDF writer that is exposed by *multiple* apps -- it's not a FF3 bug.
Also, as Vlad pointed out, this bug is also exposed by other apps that people *do* tend to print from, e.g. IE and presumably FF2, when dealing with non-Latin text.
> I'm exporting my bookmarks & then reverting to IE
Or, you could also just switch to an up-do-date, less-buggy PDF generator, like Adobe Distiller. But if you're that committed to sticking with an older buggy one, that's your choice.
Comment 51•16 years ago
PDF Writer "used to" work in Firefox ... now it doesn't. The PDF Writer didn't change. Guess what did? THAT is the answer to "who" is at fault. Your programmers didn't address this situation and are now reluctant to go back and fix it, as they should do. But I can see that your resolve is to argue this rather than fix it. I would assume that future problems with Firefox will be met with the same lack of fervor to resolve issues.
Consider me an abandoned FIREFOX user, supporter, and most of all ... I will not encourage folks I deal with, work with, and support ... to consider going to something that is so poorly supported. It's like many of the Linux-based software utilities that have come to the forefront, and Linux itself. Great OS. I Love Linux. But their attitude, like yours, is not to give your best and support it to be clean and efficient. "Buggy" is acceptable. THAT is going to be the downfall of such a wonderful OS like Linux, and it will be because of programmers attitudes like this one here. "Buggy? Acceptable loss. Find something that does work."
I'm "un-plugging" from Firefox.
Comment 52•16 years ago
Rich: you clearly haven't read/understood the explanations provided in comment 48 and bug 454532 comment 3, if that's your response.
> "Buggy" is acceptable. THAT is
> going to be the downfall
"Buggy" is unacceptable, but in this case, the bug is not in Firefox but in an outdated, no-longer-supported piece of software, which has an upgrade/replacement available.
And as Vlad said, workaround-patches may be accepted -- feel free to give it a shot, if it's that important to you. :)
Also, please see points #2 and #3 under "Commenting" on
Comment 53•16 years ago
Hi guys, thanks for all the work in finding the cause of this bug. I can understand that you're not creating a workaround for this bug; creating one not only takes developer time from other, perhaps more pressing, issues, it also makes the sourcecode more complex. A workaround is available after all: upgrade the software that behaves incorrectly (Adobe PDF Writer) to a newer version (Distiller). While this can be an annoyance right now, it is better in the long term; not even just for Firefox, but possibly even for the user, as more and more programs will probably show problems with PDF Writer (with increasing unicode usage).
I hope that I've brought a little understanding on the why of the decisions made, and leave it here.
Comment 54•16 years ago
I really had hoped that this bug would be fixed. I cannot justify spending over $1000 upgrading our Acrobat 5 to bloated 9 because Firefox doesn't work nicely with PDF Writer (not a compelling enough reason).
But I've discovered that (free) Opera 9 does play nicely with PDF Writer, for those who want to switch to something else besides IE.
Comment 55•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #54)
> Sigh!
> I really had hoped that this bug would be fixed. I cannot justify spending over
> $1000 upgrading our Acrobat 5 to bloated 9 because Firefox doesn't work nicely
> with PDF Writer (not a compelling enough reason).
The distiller printer driver that comes with Acrobat 5 works fine.
Also, PrimoPDF is free, and works great (
Comment 57•16 years ago
I thought bugzilla was for bug reporting and tracking not for discussion and whining... :-/ Can the discussion about the bug be taken somewhere else, like a forum??
Comment 58•16 years ago
This issue is most definitely NOT resolved. I was so confused for the last handful of months why my PDF Writer wasn't working properly, and just found out today that it is due to Firefox. I understand how you're attempting to spin this, and it's honestly wrong. I switched to Firefox because I felt like you guys really cared about your users. Every other app I use supports PDF Writer, and I NEED the writer for my work, as I compile hundreds of different documents into PDF. Distiller, and all other writers, do not compare to the simplicity of PDF Writer. Why don't you guys just take your thumbs out and actually be pro-active to create a patch integrated with Firefox to make this work? My company has no desire to waste hundreds of dollars on a newer version of Acrobat, and quite frankly shouldn't be strong-armed into it because you're too lazy to develop your browser with a fix for the issue.
PDF Writer is what it is. The bug isn't with it, you're simply choosing not to support it any longer. That's wrong. I, like the others here, am going to delete Firefox right now, and download another browser (as I still hate IE). I'm really disappointed in you guys.
Comment 59•16 years ago
A few month ago I thought like you Greg. But now more and more software stop working with Acrobat Writer 5. ... I have dropped it. There are free and better alternatives. PDF Writer 5 is what it is: It's outdated.[Acrobat Writer 5.0.5. Copyright 1984-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.]
Comment 60•16 years ago
Here is an elegant workaround that works very well in FF 3x.
I render any HTML page that I want to print using PDF Writer in FF using the "IE Tab" add-in, which makes FF use Windows's IE rendering engine to display the page. IE does not seem to suffer from the incompatibilities that plague FF 3x and Acrobat. Tested with IE 6, it should work in later versions.
Here's what you need to do.
Download and install the IE Tab add-on in Firefox.
Restart Firefox.
For any web/HTML page that you want to save in PDF format using PDF Writer.
1. Open the page using Firefox.
2. Click the little Firefox logo in the bottom right-hand corner of the main FF window.
This starts the Internet Explorer rendering engine in Firefox. It will reload the page using the IE engine without exiting FF.
3. Print the page, selecting PDF Writer as usual.
4. Click on the little IE logo to resume browing using the FF engine.
That's it!
Comment 64•14 years ago
I no longer use Acrobat PDFWriter, I use Foxit and have no problems with printing.
Grace and Peace,
Comment 66•14 years ago
Most comments above seem to indicate using Distiller with Acrobat 5.0 is an alternative, but Distiller isn't working either for me (only in Firefox, works fine elsewhere).
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